A quiz on the making pancakes video. Make sure you watch the video first!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
let’s see what you remember from themaking pancakes videopancakes quiz flashcards cookingpancakeswhat ingredients do we need to makepancakesyou’re right it was eggs flour milk andbutter well donehow many eggs did we use one two orthree do you rememberone egg you’re right again well donehow much flour did we use one liter onebowl or one cupwell done you know it one cup of flourwhat did we use for measuring the flourand milk a ruler a measuring jug a scaleyou got it measuring jug you’re doing sowell with these questions all donewhat pan did we use frying pan saucepanskillet / crap anda skillet slash CREP pan well doneand this concludes our quiz I want tosay well done to all of you you did yourbest and I hope you had fun see youagain soon byeyou