Let’s Go it’s time for Ep. 4
Welcome back to Cooking With Dion Giannarelli, this week we are cooking one of my favorites dishes, Mussels with Toasted Ciabatta Bread, a meal which you can make for the whole family to enjoy.
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Tune in next Sunday for another episode of Cooking with Dion Giannarelli.
Serves 3 – 4
Cooking time 20 mins
Difficulty- depends how much you have drunk
1kg Fresh Mussels
1 Onion
2-3 Garlic Cloves
Olive Oil
1 Chili
1 Bunch of Parsley
1 Loaf of Ciabatta Bread
½ Jar of Basilico Sauce
½ Bottle of White Wine
1 ½ Cups of Water
Salt and Pepper
Step 1
Peel and finely dice the garlic. Roughly dice the onion and chili.
Step 2
Put a medium-large pot on high heat with 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil.
Step 3
Stir the onion, garlic and chilli in together. Simmer until the onion is slightly translucent.
Step 4
Roughly chop some parsley and add in with the white wine and keep stirring.
Step 5
Cook the alcohol smell out of the mixture and add ½ the jar of Basilico sauce with ½ cup of water and continue to mix through on a high heat.
Step 6
Add the mussels to the pot and give them a good stir. Place the lid on and leave them to simmer on a medium-high heat for 8-10 mins. Give the pot a shake occasionally.
Step 7
During this period slice you ciabatta bread and drizzle with olive oil. Either place these in the oven or on a pan with high heat to toast. Once toasted take a raw clove of garlic and rub across the toasted slice to add additional flavor.
Step 8
When all the mussels have opened and are soft and juicy, they’re ready. If any remain closed, discard them.
Step 9
Taste the sauce, season to perfection with sea salt and black pepper. When plating sprinkle over the remaining chopped parsley and serve with toasted ciabatta bread.
Enjoy !!!!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I’m Leon generally and this is cookieLyon generally welcome back to anotherepisode of cooking with meDion generally and how good does thisset look today I gotta thank my friendsat Lamanna and sons of South Yarra forproviding all this beautiful producehere today I highly recommend you getdown there and do your shopping from nowon because this I’ve said it before andI’ll say it again if you hadsmell-o-vision the Roma’s in this roomare just unbelievable we are cooking oneof my favorite dishes I’ve got a lot offavorite dishes on that you probablythink of that at home but this is one ofthem and you’re probably saying toyourself why is he got a glove on wellin preparation today I’ve sliced myfinger open and have to go to thehospital and give 9 stitches in myfinger thank you doctor Brian forstitching me up and we are cooking todayas I said my beautiful muscles with atoasted ciabatta bread what you need isa kilo of mussels provided to me byclams seafood one onion one chili fourfive cloves of garlic he can put ten hecan put 20 depends on how bad you wantto smell tomorrow some parsley someciabatta bread I go out to the wineI’ll put the puck on high we’re just nowgonna just quickly dice up one onion youcan just dice this up roughly it doesn’tneed to be perfect it’s gonna dissolveanyway with the garlic we’re just gonnaroughly dice that up as well at thatchili remember how I told you has goodpop the top that goes like that do nottouch your eyes and this finally that’senough what I want to much bet in therewe’re just gonna grab this pot hereolive oil and I’m gonna just throw allthis have a little that simmer Wowsmelly unbelievable now where’s mypudding spoon gonna mix that up for aminute just let the onions the garlicand the chili cook through you justreally want to the onions just to getthem a little bit translucent and thenyou’re good to go so now what we’regonna do while that’s cooking we’regonna add a couple of things I’m gonnachop up some roughly chop up someparsley gonna throw that in there likethat give that a good mix about a half abottle to just add a lot right[Music]cook the alcohol out you’ll be able tosmell it cooking make sure you keepstirring it constantly a little bit morelittle white wine never hurt anyone nowwe’re going to get a jar of Basilicosauce now gonna add a half a jar of thisand we’re just gonna mix that throughagain now this is on a high heat when weput the mussels you know I want all themussels to open up and I put those inand I’m just gonna stir that throughgive that a nice to have a look at thisunbelievable flavor the smell everythingit better I just love so so much I’mgonna get the lid I’m gonna put the lidon here I’m gonna let that steam up openup and we’ll come back to that in aboutorokin in between 6 to 8 minutes at thispointgrab it nice piece of ciabatta bread alittle bit of olive oiljust on the top I’ll mop it up on bothsides I’ll put that on the grill I’mgonna give my muscles a bit of a stirand it’s starting to open up the sauceis thickening up with these knives nowremember with the mussels if they’re notopen do not eat them don’t try and putsomething in them go you know it’s alittle bit open no no don’t eat it youcan see your little bit Hospital I’llbleating it and you don’t want to gotherenow let’s put it all together with theciabatta what I want you to do is get acool garlic blow and just rub thatgarlic blow on the top to get a bit ofgarlic through that bread what I’m gonnado is I’m just going to pour all of thisnow we have our mussels inwe’re just going to pour some of thisbeautiful sauce straight over the topget that sauce in there now we’re justgonna cut some parsley I’m just going tosprinklea little bit that parsley straight overthe top two pieces of bread and you gotyourself a beautiful mussels withtoasted ciabatta I hope you enjoyed thisepisode I can’t wait to see you nextweek and thank you again to Lamanna andSons and clam stupid providing all thesefresh produce today love you all andthank you for all your support[Music]