hey everyone,
in this video i decided to make cookies. they are one of my favourite snacks and so fun to make. of course plenty of mistakes were made along the way mainly because i have a serious problem with following recipes!
thank you again for clicking on my video, let me know what you think
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🕑i am trying to upload 2-3 times a week as i am able to do this at the minute due to being off school etc. one upload will be mid week and the other at the weekend. if i can I will upload another video in between this time
▶️let’s try and get this number bigger! why not subscribe?
i do not own any of the music or sounds in this video
intro/outro – amine maxwell (take control)
https://soundcloud.com/aminemaxwell https://www.instagram.com/aminemaxwell https://twitter.com/aminemaxwell
thank you for all of the support😁
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
the only hello everyone and welcome backto the kitchen it is 3:54 p.m. is 20degrees outsideit’s a good day and I just feel like Idon’t know I just feel I just feel goodso today I thought I baked some cookiesbecause and I just like cookies andspecifically I want to make the onesthat the big ones that are like a softcookieI don’t like hard cookies married unclekiss I think they are freshI think if you like them you have nopersonality that’s just my opinion weheat the oven to 165 my owner will go to1 6 5 so it’s gonna have to be one sixday and grab a bowl beat the butter andsugar in a large bowl until pale andcreamy but I don’t shove it in a largebowl into a creamy no it says to usegolden caster sugar I don’t know whatthat isso I’m just using normal because I wanttoso–but in a luncheon 25 caster sugarthat’s too much I did too much butter sotechnically technically that’s probablyrightcuz they’re a nice George know unpopularopinion but when you mix this there whatwhen children togetherI like occasionally used to life he hadthe bowl I felt it was quite nicejust saying I love years especially theone was the favorite my favorite onesthat one swim to cover I would probablybe about a good years a day you know youknow who you are if I went out with youyou know that’s true you can back tothat I had cookies all the time and youknow I did so right now I need acracking an egg right now I need acracking egg right now in the knack inan egg now these cookies are going to bewith playing chocolates don’t have anymilk chocolate and I’m using half of aneaster egg I’ve already opened eventhough it’s not been used to yet but youdon’t know it hasn’t me because I don’tknow when I’m going to upload this videoand you don’t know one day is they sitin and forward the flour and the saltout 200 grams of self-raising flour nowI just got notification on my phonesaying you are obviously fantasticespecially when you’re halfway throughfilming a videoOh wish my opinion thank you my – heyboss no be the price you pay when you’rethrowing on the phone do you know youknowlike merely just buy a camera we’ll buya camera when I hit 2,000 subscribersthat is my goalsubscribers so I’ve got this weird you[Music]know I’m gonna use this large knife[Music]right Khloe whispers the dough intoballs and praise on lined trays Oh for15 minutesI hate when you have to do that it’s athing that we have to I don’t know ifthere’s an actress specific way to doI’m just gonna roll with the tablespoonsand roll a tablespoon of the dough intoballs[Music]I don’t want to have to put them in thefridge because that’s just an upsettingprocess flatten the balls of yourfingers slightly with your fingers andplace in a hot oven and then serve witha glass of milk no yeah actually yeslove milk about 10 to 12 minutesthe first batch in this is a this is amodern condimentthis is a new content that we’reexperiencing Oh bacon she that I put inhas blown in the oven so I physicallycannot see whether the cookies are doneon our[Music]you can all agree that that first batchhe’s not gonna be very good I am gonnatake them out nownot touching the wand if you can seethatcan she head out[Music]my god one of them wasn’t doing I’mgonna add it on my video my god defectow the plates have on the greaseproofpaper is quickest but does not look forthe same that’s like when you orderonline versus when it comes you can kindof see where they get better as they goalong this was the last batch in theseforward and then these were like theearly batches that finally go Wow but Ididn’t think they look too bad I reallydoso yeah[Music]