Learn how to make a loaf of soft white bread. This easy bread recipe produces a fantastic, soft and fluffy loaf of white bread. In this unfortunate situation that we are all facing, buying bread from supermarkets or grocery stores has become increasingly difficult. Why bother buying it when you can make a way better loaf in the comfort of your home and enjoy the amazing aroma circulating through your house, leaving your neighbors jealous of what you have just created.
Makes – 1 Loaf
Ingredients –
240ml – Water, Warmed
60ml – Whole Full Fat Milk, Warmed
7g (2 1/4 tsp) – Dry Yeast
25g – Caster Sugar
375g – Bread Flour (plus 3/4 cup for dusting)
60g – Unsalted Butter, Softened
1 1/4 tsp – Sea Salt Flakes
Music in this video
Song – Coffee and Unicorns
Artist – Henyao
Song – Faster Car (Instrumental version)
Artist – Loving Caliber
Song – Turn It Up (Instrumental Version)
Artist – Mike Parr
#StayHome #StayAtHomeAndCook #WithMe
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]start us off by placing a small saucepanon to your stovetop pour in 240milliliters of water and 60 millilitersof full fat milk turn the heat to mediumand heat the mixture until just warmalternatively you can use a microwavefor 30 to 40 seconds and if you want tobe really specific he it’s a 40 degreesCelsius or 105 degrees Fahrenheit thenremove it from the heat in a largemixing bowl add in 2 and 1/4 teaspoonsor seven grams of instant dry yeast 2tablespoons or 25 grams of caster sugarand the warmed water and milk whisk themixture well to ensure it’s fullycombined then once mixed place over atea towel and allow it to sit for 10minutes and during this time the yeastwill feed off the sugar and create afroth on top of the water and the milkafter 10 minutes you’ll notice a goodamount of froth add in 375 grams ofbread flour and he can substitute it forplain flour but bread flour containshigher amounts of protein and producesmore gluten which produces a lighterfluffier loaf with a greater volume addin 60 grams of softened unsalted butterand 1 and 1/4 teaspoons of sea saltflakes using clean hands make sure tomix all of this together until all ofthe ingredients are combined and thatthere’s no lumps of butter and you’llend up with a nice sticky dough makesure to keep on hand half tothree-quarters of a cup of bread flourfor dusting and kneading then dust abench for about four tablespoons offlour and tip out the sticky doughthen with any stuck dough in the bowljust add in a small amount of flour andrub it together and this will remove andavoid any wastage generously thus thedough with flour then using the palm ofyour hand push rooted though tuck backin and repeat the process for roughlyfour to five minutes or until the doughis smooth and no longer sticky and youwill need to add a small amount of flourwhen necessary just to achieve a nicesmooth dough alternatively you can putthis in a stand mixer with a dough hookattachment and knead for three to fourminutes on low I understand not everyoneowns one and I find it’s always betterto make bread by hand once the dough isno longer sticky and nice and smooth wewant to shape it into a smooth ball justlike that in a large mixing bowl pour inone teaspoon of vegetable oil and usinga kitchen cloth wipe it around the bowland this will prevent our dough fromsticking when proving pop the dough intothe bowl place over a warm damp teatowel and allowed us to proof in a warmdark space for one to one and a halfhours or until doubled in size and ifyou didn’t know proving is the rest timein baking that activates the yeast inthe dough the yeast consumescarbohydrates and expels the carbondioxide gas that causes the dough toexpand and rise after one hour and 15minutes the dough is doubled in sizegive the dough a few punches to knockthe air out of it then weave somekitchen cloth and 1 teaspoon of unsaltedbutter lightly grease a 9 by 5 inchbread pan making sure it’s completelycoated all over lightly dust the benchagain with about 2 tablespoons of breadflour and tip out the dough give it alight dusting of flour on top and repeatthe kneading process again but only for30 to 40 seconds just to knock anyremaining air out of it shape the doughinto an oval and using a rolling pinroll the dough to roughly 8 inches wide15 inches long and about half an inchthickonce rolled out gently roll up one sideof the dough towards the opposite endcreating a log and make sure that themeeting point is tucked in at the bottomplace the dough into the greased pan andin IVA using some cling wrap that’s hadsome oil rubbed on it a warm damp teatowel or another pan cover up the doughand allow it to proof again in a warmdark space for another houror until doubled in size 40 minutes intothe second proving pre-heat your oven to180 degrees Celsius or 350 degreesFahrenheit after one hour remove thecover from the dough and then we’regoing to bake this in our oven for 30 to35 minutes or until deeply golden-brownand make sure to rotate the loaf halfwaythrough then after 30 minutes so doughis looking really golden and it feelsand smells absolutely fantastic allowedus to sit for five minutes to cool downslightly then carefully remove it fromthe pan and place it onto a wire racknow it’s up to you you can slice thiswhilst it’s hot or you can allow it tocool down this looks absolutelyfantastic and the smell around my houseis amazing it has a really good softnessto it and a really great crustit also tears really well which is agood signthe flavour in this is absolutelyincredible it’s soft fluffy it has abeautiful crust on it and it’s so simpleto make this recipe makes one loaf butcan easily be doubled tripled and so onthis can be kept in an airtightcontainer in a dark cool space for up tofour days and it can also be frozen forup to one month I hope you enjoyed thisvideostay safe thanks for watching and enjoy[Music]you