Bread Recipes

I Tried MAKING BREAD from JULIEN SOLOMITA! *I can’t stop baking HALP

I attempted to make 2 different types of bread. Inspired by Julien Solomita EPBEPBEPBEPBEP

Julien’s Video:
The Recipe Julien Linked:

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Wow I am bright in this kitchen like itwas like an easter egg it’s convenientbecause it turn it isn’t not 8:30 p.m.when I’m starting filming this honestlyguys this quarantine business it’s beentriggered felt will be up to midnightthat’s right everyone it’s anotherepisode of baking Tubman back withRachel and today I felt inspired to do adifferent type of baking for mesomething that I have really wanted toget better at batter at so baking punthat I didn’t intend and today we’regonna be doing a very specific type ofbaking and this was inspired by a videothat I saw recently from Julian silmidohe has a cooking channel here on YouTubeand it’s fantastic you should all gowatch ittyonne recommend it’s hilarious and hedid this entire video creating thisgluten-free bread that he said was sogood and he has celiac disease I have abunch of in-laws that also has CFdisease and I’ve been meaning to findand perfect a bread recipe that they canwork with today we’re gonna be creatingtwo different recipes we’re gonna bedoing the one that Julian created in thevideo so I’m going to be testing thatwent out as well as one for the breadmaker because I’m just kind of curiousthe one that Julian did was needed andthen rising and go in the oven first thebread maker which is all obviously couldbe easier I love that I’m pointing overhere because that’s where my littlelittle bread bucket thing is the recipeshave a lot of the same components tothem but one’s gonna be savory one’sgonna be sweet and I’m just kind ofcurious in terms of the consistencieshow they differ and I don’t know I justfeel like experimenting this evening sobuckle up people were making breadAustin the rest of the world everyone’smaking bread these days if you have anygood bread recipes leave them down belowleave me some comments leave me someInstagram DMS I don’t just send me arecipes okay I’m baking everything sowith that said make sure you subscribeif you haven’t already we bake a lot ofthings not a lot of gluten-free thingsbut time I change out the world’s ouroysterwe could make oysters I don’t know letme know what you guys want see this isour channel to whatever we’re walkin solet’s dive into the first one shall weand that is going to be the bread makerbecause that is going tosometime in the bread making machine andhave all the ingredients over here Ilaid them all outthis isn’t type-a personality I don’tknow what is so the one that’s going inthe bread maker is gonna be more of asweeter bread because it has bananas init so I have all the ingredients herewe’re gonna basically dump it in thisguy and then set it in the bread makerwhich I put in the basement because thisis loud so he beat the eggs we’re goingto put them in first let make sure theyare room temperature that is key andthen followed by the remaining wetingredients then the bananas and brownsugar okay we have milk I have to heatup the milk as well as the butter whichI did heat but has recently taught meprecise measurements for the tub guys wehave to have it at a very precise 80degrees because we are going to beputting yeast into this well yeasty guysI’m gonna stick in some butter that hasbeen melted as well as some apple cidervinegar keep double-checking make sureI’m doing it right it’s a very specificorder all right we’re at 80 degreesFahrenheit now so we’re gonna dump thatin and then one cup of mashed ripebananas that is disgusting and 1/4 cupof brown sugar icing my friends thankyou into this bowl we’re gonna putbasically all of the dry ingredientsexcept for the yeast ease they get to goon top birthday candles so in here we’regonna have a couple of different flourseggs and gum tapioca starch a bunch offun things chickpea flour and salt orsorghum flour sorghum flour what are thecases everything’s going in these havebeen precip ‘td by the way in caseanyone is wondering that’s right wesifted it ooh that’s it’s a very likerich Oh Godvery dense smell I’m only going tobecome more incoherent as the nightwears on and hopefully these are gonnabe good so next like grocery pick updrop off that we do with like family orlikedropped off a little bread with it rightgot everything in here we got the saltwe got we got at all okay so I’m goingto whisk this together you squeezesqueeze squeeze squeezebeautiful beautiful oh it’s gonna be sogood feel like if I say it enough it’sjust gonna be true now pour over the wetingredients and then sprinkle with theyeast ease okay do I need to mix it thenno don’t mix then we’re just gonna do alittle little salt base sprinkle yeasteaseget in there well guys do your thing sonow I’m gonna go and put this in thebread maker it has like a specificsetting and supposed to use I don’t knowneed to face whatever off you go mylittle bread portal in the basementwhere is it where’s it set up Chris camedown here and set it up well there sheisI see you hiding here by the popcornmaker and now will the bread maker breadbaking we’re gonna go on to the recipethat Julian used this I will link downbelow for you guys it wasn’t I guessJulian thrusted P but one that he usedso we’re gonna start with the eastwellhow here’s some water that wasboiled to 110 degrees so we’re gonna letthe yeast rise in that with some maplesyrup yeast are gonna go taste the goodstuff real maple syrup so we need a cupof warm water I’m still gonna check thetemperature of it okay 104 it’s closeenough we’re gonna add in one tablespoonof maple syrup whoa there we gousing average now we’re gonna add inyeast we’re gonna let this sit and throwfor ten minutes alright ten minutes andthree cookies later boom risen yeastOh know what it is about yeast when itrises I get so excited like I’ve donesomething so now according to thedirections we’re gonna add in allthe dry ingredients into a medium mixingbowl and again we have a couple ofdifferent types of flour here so thechickpea flour again as well as brownrice flour and a gluten-free flour blendlike an all-purpose flour so we’re gonnaadd them all into the bowl here got thesalt little sugar as well as someoptional spices I mean and they saythey’re optional but really are they wehave some garlic powder as well as somerosemary obviously if you have freshherbs you should definitely use them butwe don’t we basically still a frostoutside alright now that this has beenall mixed together I’m gonna put in allof my wet ingredients so we haveobviously the yeast I’m gonna start withthat toss that all in as well as atablespoon of coconut oil that has beenmelted and one egg now this recipe isalso vegan so they used flax seedinstead of an egg but I don’t have flaxseed but I do have an egg so we’re gonnago with egg today in the remaining halfcup of warm water this is very it saysmix until it becomes a sticky dough soguess I’ll do that hold on I need to Ineed to confirm some things I need to Ineed to double-check this it does smellreally good though I really like italright what is up with this mix untilyou have a sticky dough that’s nothelpful Linda no I don’t think her nameis Linda I just straight it okay let’ssee what Julian’s bread dough look likewhatoh my dough does not look like that okaythis looks like a legitimate doughI have soup hey guys what’s up okayusually on the screen without Rachelthis feels weird I’m going totry to make this stove a soupy oh don’tcare for that garlic in there it’s allthat in the recipe and I didn’tunderstand it and not liking the smellof it oh I could address some of yourquestions from the last videonot the cinnamon toast ones I stilldon’t believe that’s a thing so I’m notfinished but I was born there and Ilived there until I was 10 and 11 so I’mnot finished but I remember it fairlywell I speak a little bit and I speak iswrong I could read a little bit of it soI’m adding a touch more each kind offlour the all-purpose the rice and thechickpea try not to mess with the ratiostoo much though I am much moreoptimistic about that kind of dough Idon’t want to add too much more flourand make sure it’s all incorporated notover mix it too too much he’s overmixing gluten-free bread dough a thing Idon’t know so I assume we let it risenow it’s alright yeah grease the loafpan and dust it with some flour allright let’s do it this is definitely notthe consistency that I saw in Julian’svideo but he also didn’t use the samerecipe as the recipe he posted he usedfor example one packet of active dryyeast which is I think 2 in 1/4teaspoons recipe said a tablespoon whichis 3 teaspoons I don’t know what elsewas changed really it’s hard to followhis video kind of yeah that looks rightright I’m gonna pretend you said yescover with a damp towel ooh good thing Iread that damp towel in a warm place oksee you in an hourRachel we’ll probably see you in an hourok I’m back I feel like I missed somestuff but apparently there’s some doughfound it oh this is so wet oh oh no ohno spilling go everywhere got some doughon top of our fridge that’s fun let’sjust get that before it dries upit’s my chance there’s still doubt thereI can be lovingly reminded of the breastempted to make in the quarantine of 2020so let’s examine the loaf whoa can yousee this crisp okay oh it’s good funit’s very full so two loaf pans it isalright Pamela Wright and performing doesurgery here this doesn’t ruin it andbecause I have fixed this up I’m justputting in a little piece of aluminumjust because it’s lethal be the breadI’m going to put the towel back overthese and just let them kind of chillthere for a little bit and then lookwhat happensjust a mess just a mess now while thisis rising instead of I’m doing any ofthe dishes that are in front of me I’mgonna eat mini eggs I mean they’re notthe original like the Cadbury onesbecause those ones are may containpeanuts Cadbury these are like it’s anextra mini egg miniminiature mini egg like alright wellthey’re good anyway Oh No fun fact Krisbought like four bags of these lastEaster from Costco I’ve gone through alot of it do you guys like the mini eggsor do you like the big the big creameggs I don’t know if I’m a big fan ofthem let’s discuss this I mean whichcandies the winner is it mini eggs is itcream eggs or just like the regular likethe classic chocolate eggs those are theones that we had like hidden around thehouse and stuff okay yes well I’m justgonna you know fill up on these and beup until 3:00 a.m. all rightlet’s taste testing things so this isthe one that came out of the bread makerdon’t look at the bottom of it is verysoft and squishy though mm-hmso I mean it has not going for it okayokay hold on hold onI want to say it is impossible thinkrhombusbanana not really it’s not a lot ofcommanda and no it wasn’t as like it’snot true like a banana bread it’s likebread with banana in it though they loveis already okay wait wait waitCheers not too surprisingly bread likethe crust isn’t very good but but theinside of it yeah I just want to try tocut the crust off to see it has thatreally nice fluffy chewiness to it thatI associate with like a glutinousglutinous oh good for me gluten breadhas that nice chewy dough enos to itthat this has there’s no banana in theremmm but it is slightly sweet I wouldn’thave this with like a sandwichno I guess no I can show you how thiswould like peanut butter though publicso I remember what would you use it forthem I don’t know but it’s just goodbutter I need to put butter Parker yeahbut like you could just make bread toeat with butter though mmm end of listgood look I hate it all yeah I don’tlike that the cross is not crispy eventhough it’s burned it’s not crisp wellthat’s what that’s great yeah it’s goodmm-hmm now here is the other one so muchmore of a blonde appearance and ithasn’t risen like this one looks liketaps fluffy it has a little bit of luckto it this one’s very flat it’s morecorn bread like yeah it’s quite crumblywhich is normal with gluten-free I thinkyeah that’s like that’s pretty dense incomparison this one has like a nicesponginess to it this one very much cornbread like yeah Julian said this isgreat so I have high hopes really likethe rosemary Anna yes but I reallydisliked the garlic powder OhinterestingI would’ve picked up from the girl foundher at all but the rosemary is reallygood yeah yeah even better if it werefromrosemary but you know we don’t have itwhat can you do but it’s very consistentZ is not overly like gluten bread likethat like the banana one has that likesoftness where at the start of ourjourney I think see I want the flavorfrom this and I want the like fluffinessof this mm-hmmto get there and then I would like toimprove on the crust oh the crustpenis-butt that I think we would reallyhave something they’ll be really good Iwould love to hear suggestions didyou’ve had to anything that works likeany like flour recommendations or amountof time in oven or any like tips andtricks like a lot of like the thingsthat they talked about for this love orlike you know make sure the yeast has alot of time to kind of sit with it makesure it’s nice and frothy make sure thatthe the dough stays in a dark warm placefor a full hour plus before you put itin the oven like those types of tips andtricks are really really valuable I feellike especially for gluten free stuffwould you say that this is good enoughto feed to your sisters in your momthough no like the stuff that they getfrom the store the the frozen breads andthings like that are better friends oneof Chris’s sisters found a pizza from apizzeria that she said was so good andhe said so much like pizza dough likeshe ended up buying a whole bunch of thefrozen dough because it was just so muchlike just a gluttonous pizza crust solike I don’t know it existsthat was a cauliflower crust – was itreally wow I didn’t even know it existsyeah we can get there that’s what likeI’m not dumping on these these are finethese like these are decent and anythingfresh in the oven with butter on it Imean he’s tasty but I know because Iknow that batter is out there I want toget that would you put cinnamon sugar onthis is that the thing it is we couldinvent that make it our thing trademarkwords I thought this was a goodexperiment and I’m glad that we did bothof them because I feel likethis was gave me a lot of hope thatthere was that nice like consistency outthere and then this one I was reallyimpressed with the flavor of it it thetexture isn’t there but the flavor Ifeel like I would like to improve incertain ways so no this is a goodexperiment and it was fun baking this isour latest one yet 1:30 in the morningeveryone but thank you guys for watchingI hope you guys enjoyed this if you haveany tips again leave them in thecomments because we are truly lookingfor different recipes and ideas but yeahI hope you guys are having a great dayand I’ll see you guys all in the nextvideo love you well yeah I like buttertoo maybe that’s why I just like butter

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