Chocolate chip cookies are a nice little snack and can be made easily at home with just a few basic ingrediants, we are using a classic BE-RO recipe from many years ago. The full recipe can be seen at 11:36 and it makes around 12 cookies with the default measurements, we have decided to double it up and managed to make 24 chocolate chip cookies. Our video shows each step of how to make chocolate chip cookies at home from start to finish, if you have any suggestions or comments let us know. Thanks for watching!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello welcome to our video I’m going tomake simple chocolate chip cookies thatare always a favorite with the family sofirst of all you need your margarine ina pan or a mixing bowl rather I haveactually used 150 grams I’ve doubled upthis recipe obviously just to make a fewmore and then you will need brown sugarand you’ll also need 150 brown sugarokay and the other ingredients are twoeggs with some vanilla essence whichI’ve whisked together alreadyremember I’m doubling up this recipe youwill need some self raising flour andthat is 300 mils and normally when I putit in our sieve it you will either needsome chocolate chips which are easy tofind from your supermarket you can usedark chocolate chips or milk or you canuse take covering milk chocolate justbroken up which I’m also done and thenthere I’ve also got I’ve got 200 gramsbecause I’ve doubled up the recipe sofirst of all you will mix together creamtogether your sugar and you marjorineobviously if you leave your marjorie nowa bit longer doesn’t take quite as longas it’s soft and obviously in a warmplace makes it even better which isideal in the kitchen because if you’vegot the oven on it will be like thatthis just takes a little bit of time todo so just bear with me I mean you canuse a mixer but you’re only really doingit very basically so I wouldn’t botherwith this but if I was making a crepeokay nothing okay yeah and then you beatin the eggs under vanilla essence whichI’ve already beaten together so omeletsyou’re just gonna pour them in okay andthen just mix that round it will bequite liquidy at this point but don’tworry that is it’s just part of therecipe obviously once you put the flourin it will thicken up a bit more okayyou need to make sure that you mixreally well it looks actually at thistime moment in time it looks like it’scurdling anyone that does baking willunderstand what I mean but it doesn’tactually really matter quite frankly atthis moment that’s not going to make anydifference for the recipe at allso then you stir in the flour and Ialways set my flour I think it makes arecipe better if you sieve so I put alittle bit in at a time okay I’m justusing a tablespoon but whatever you justmix it around nice and slowly okay don’ttake that long Lele go a bit mad love itdon’t take as long to make themso how many how many cookies will thismake I don’t know the recipe you justhave to when you get to the finish stageit’s a bit like a sort of you’ll see theconsistency is quite thick and youactually roll you make small balls fromthe mixture and put it on a baking trayokay so depends how big your balls arereally pardon the pun and its mix youdon’t put your chocolate in yeah okay atthe end of the video you’ll see how manytomatoes we usually make a few moredaily yeah just bear in mind that I’veactually doubled up the recipe okay so150 grams normally 75 yeah it normallybe 75 yeah I’ve just doubled it up it’sobviously it makes more and it doesn’ttake us long yeah it’s coming togetherthough yeah so now what you need to donow is put your chocolate chips for yourbroke or your broken up chocolate inyeah okay I’ve never actually done itwith earth dark chocolate gosh I thinkit’s quite nice but my family prefermilk chocolate so that’s what I use okaybut cooking chocolate nothing elsenothing too fancy I don’t think we usedordinary chocolate you know what you eatI don’t know how that will come out butit doesn’t matter they’re just as nicelike this put the rest of the chocolatein yeahso quickly we’ll roll this down yeahwell I find it’s better just to geteverything prepared first everythingweighed out and then you can just put itall in together as you can see isgetting quite thick yeah which is whatyou want okay and this video will be ina few parts because obviously somulti-step process make sure that youmix okay this stage is quite sick okayand you will find it’s quite moist sowhat I do is I usually use when I’mrolling the ball down on normally usesome flour just a little bit okay soI’ve got my baking sheets ready alreadyand greased okay whatever baking sheetyou’ve got yeah it’s a bit of flour andwhat I’ll do is I’ll take a little bitin my hand I mean probably walnuts sizeis probably the best size I would thinkyeah so all I’ll do is I’ll roll andthen I’ll put on the baking sheet yeahI’ve just got a little closer for thatjust see one and that’s always thoughtlooking at okay need to space them out alittle bit okay but what I tend to do isjust see how many I can get actually geton a tray yeah okay but do make surethat your baking sheet is greased okaybecause otherwise it will be quitedifficult when you go to get them outwhen they’re cooked and out of the ovenit’s a bit difficult to get themactually off the traywithout breaking them up okay simplethis recipe kids could make it ideallittle thing to do in the afternoon withthe kids getting them interested inbaking especially in this time whenwe’re all self isolating in the housetogether yeah okay so we will come backto this so obviously we’re going to fillthe baking trays up with them and thenwe’ll come back to them in the secondpart I’ll be second and third part videowelcome back right so you’ve got them onthe baking tray walnut size orapproximately walnut size and what youneed to do now is you need to put yourfinger in the middle just to flattenthem down on the tray okay just a fingerof thumb doesn’t particularly matterwhich one just flatten them out a littlebit on the tray okay they don’t have tobe perfect as I know time I know homaisdoesn’t need to be perfect okayand I always think the more imperfectthey are the better because they willtaste just the same regardless okay theyput someone down alright okay and thenthese need to go into a moderate oven180 C 350 Fahrenheit or gas mark for forabout 10 to 15 minutes my oven usuallytakes a little bit longer than that buteverybody you you everybody’s used totheir oven so depending on what yourovens like you may need to leave them ina little bit longer but I suggest thatyou actually look at them about 10 to 15minutes just to make sure that they’renot burningso just to recap on the ingredients thatwe’ve used so if used 150 grams ofmargarine 150 grams of brown sugar 2it says size 4 by whatever you’ve got inyour fridge we’ll do a few drops ofvanilla essence 300 grams of B rose selfraising flour pinch of salt 200 grams ofchocolate chocolate chip or cookingchocolate chopped up okay and thisrecipe is a biro recipe and it’s from alittle recipe book that I’ve had formany years so we will show you whatthey’re like when they come out of theoven so normally the recipe is half ofwhat we’ve used so you would get 12cookiesDossett because we’ve done with it we’vegot 24 so if you are thinking aboutmaking this this is what you can expectyeah and most of these items you willfind in your kitchen anyway thank you Ihope that helps everyone will come backagain once they’ve been cooked and youcan see the finished result hellowelcome backas you can see chocolate chip cookiesare now out the oven and it look quitenice although I say it myself I leftmine in for a bit longer than 10 to 15minutes I left mine in probably about20-25 minutes but my oven as I said isslightly different and everybody knowswhat their oven is like so you justsometimes have to plan by ear a littlebit but just do keep an eye on thembecause otherwise it could burn veryeasilyI’ve just let them cool just a littlebit and then I’m just going to use sliceany old slice of do I intend to use thisone that I’ve got here lift them offhopefully should be able to lift themoff easily and just put them onto a wirerack totally cool and there you have itchocolate chip cookies easy to make foreverybody including the kids andsomething to do while we’re in socialisolated hope you find it interestingthank you