Cookies Recipes

i tried to make cookies!

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Video Transcription

[Music]today we’re going to be doing somebaking and we didn’t be doing somecookies SP takes these two minutes toour two-day cookie video so go checkthem out link in the description rightso first granulated sugar which is why Iuse for a cup of tea but this textI don’t need to add the vinegar and thenbe careful if you have a new one becauseit could like spill like interestedwell just a few[Music]I’m not following the measurements firstyou see that don’t mix this in and I usechocolate chips Holden listen you haveto fold it the recipe[Music]oh right so this is what my mix lookslike nice 50 and now I need to chill fortwo hours finished oh it’s quite no noit’s like no duh it’s like basically Idon’t worry if it’s a bit like runnybecause you just need to get an icecream scoop preheat the oven to 180 tray

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