Bread Recipes

High Altitude No Knead Sourdough Bread- Make Bread like a Boss!

Welcome to the Quarantine! Want to make a delicious loaf of bread while your stuck inside?? This no fuss, no fail sourdough recipe is perfect for hesitant bakers….be astounded at the end result!!

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hey guys Rebecca here happy quarantineday number 34 is that what we’re on Ihonestly don’t know all the days arekind of starting to run together but Idon’t know what you guys have been doingduring the quarantine but I’ve beendoing a lot of baking and kind of havingfun with it and since we’ve been at homeand I’ve had the time um so a coupleweeks ago I thought it’d be fun to learnhow to make a really good sort Olaf sowhich I’ve never done before and topreface that I am NOT a very good BakerI tried but this high altitude just ishard to work with but I’m here to tellyou you can make a sourdough roll breadloaf like a boxthanks to this easy recipe so I wantedto share it with you guys because Ithought the outcome was so amazing thatI wanted to pass it on to you guys and Ihave my brother chase and a Fortner tothank for this awesome recipe so he kindof the it’s called the no need recipeand it’s I’m sure a lot of you haveheard of it but this is kind of like thehigh-altitude take on it so there’s beena few adjustment so I’m just gonna kindof show you all the ingredients how weput it together and hopefully you guysstill have the same success and you haveto bear with me this is my first videoever and so I’m sure there’s gonna be alot of awkward pauses so just bear withme so let’s see first thing you need isbread flour so as you probably all knowit’s hard to find flour and buy stuffright now so if you can find bread flourversus all-purpose flour umbread flour has a little bit moreprotein in it which makes the gluten alittle bit stronger and helps the breadwhen it’s baking to kind of capture allthose little yummy bubbles make a littlebit stronger as far as the texture nextthing is yeast so this is just regularall-purpose active yeast this is not thequick rise so if you’re able to findjust regular ngon quick quick risethat’s preferable we’ve got just regularold salt doesn’t matter what kind justsalt and then we have mixing bowl andsome measuring cups and it makes thingsfun I’m really I’m showing youeverything that you need just in caseand then the last two things that aresuper important for this recipe to gowell is this is a thermometer and sowhen you’re putting the bread doughtogether you’re gonna be adding waterand you’re gonna want the water to be ata very specific temperature and that isactually going to help activate theyeast and I’ll explain a little bit morelater of how that all works so if youhave one of these it’s great if youdon’t have one there’s tricks to kind offigure out how long to heat the water upand the microwave to kind of get theright temperature but this is ideal andthen also this is a cast-iron Dutch ovenwhich is pretty important in the bakingprocess um it kind of creates like areal steamy environment for the bread tocookin it allows it to rise it just theright you know rate and gives it thisreally great crusty crust crisp crust soif you have one of these great if youdon’t have one I think you can use justany kind of oven safe cooking vesselthat has a lid it’s just important thatit has a lid that will kind of semi sealit while it’s cooking and lastly isthere’s sourdough starter so since we’remaking sourdough today um this thislittle experiment has been such aprocess to make for me it has been verytrial inert and I am embarrassed toadmit that I’ve killed probably eightbatches of this before finally gettingthe right mojo going with my sourdoughstarterI don’t know if you can see the bubblesbut that’s what it’s supposed to looklike it’s kind of like a living creatureactually named him his name is mr.bubbles and I know that might be funnybut I figured if you can talk to plantsyou can also talk to your sourdoughstarter so we’ll be using some of thisin the recipe as well thing so I’mbasically just gonna kind of walkthrough what how we do this so the firstthing you’re gonna do is you’re gonnameasure out two and a half cups of yourbread flour and so I have never beenknown to measure anything in my wholelife in my kitchen as far as recipes I’mdefinitely like I’m just gonna eyeballit kind of person and apparently withbread making that just doesn’t work so Ihave learned to be good about measuringit off and getting it just right so Iuse a knife and I kind of like scrapethe top I don’t know if you can see sowe want to get just the right amountapparently making bread is kind of likea fine science which I do not reallyinspect but actually has helped a lotbeing being particular about it so I’mgonna measure off and so for this recipeum if you don’t have sourdough starterit’s okay you can still make this breadit’ll just end up being just likeregular white bread or if you have wheatflour you can do a mixture of wheat andwhite flour their measurements will be alittle bit different so if you’re gonnamake just a regular white flour breadand you don’t have any sourdough you’regonna use three level cups of flour andfor the water measurement you’re gonnause one and a half cups of water sothat’s if you don’t have sourdoughstarter so that’s just kind of a sidenote but if you do have sourdoughstarter I highly recommendthis recipe so for this recipe we havetwo and a half cups of bread flourI’m not gonna measure off a half a cupof Miami mr. bubbles sourdough starterand it’s kind of like the consistency oflike pancake batter it smells so goodI’m just gonna pour it right innothing fancy I’m just gonna put itright on top of the fire I’m trying toget out of there this stuff is likeliquid gold the next thing we’re gonnado our salt so for this recipe calls forone teaspoon of salt and same goes forthe salt try to get it as close to exactas you can a quarter teaspoon of yeastso know all we have to do is mix it upso I’m just gonna make sure it’s kind oflike a nice goo you’re kind of justmaking like a paste before we add thewater you kind of want to incorporatethat salt and the yeast can I get it alldistributed evenlyokay and then now we’re going to add ourwater so I’ve already pre-measured outthis is a half cup of water actually youknow what sorry I’m supposed to have awhole cup of waterI just realized so let me go to the sinkI’ll be right back this is one of thoseawkward pauses okay so this is a cup ofwater I’m going to throw it in themicrowave and I’m gonna heat it so forone cup of waterit takes about 40 seconds on high to getit to the right temperature and thensometimes you have to take it out put itback in just to get it just right sowe’ll see if I get lucky this first timethis is another awkward this I hope youguys are getting out into the sunshinegoing on mocks and miss all of you guysI know we’ll get through this in themeantime we can make lots of tasty breadand eatokay here’s my heated water so I’m goingto turn on my thermometer handy-dandythermometer okay and then I’m just goingto be simply this is actually a meatthermometer but it works the same so I’mgoing to put it in the water and I’mgonna try to get it to 125 degreesFahrenheit so mine’s actually a littlehot it’s at 134 so I’m actually gonnaget a spoon and kind of stir it to tryto get to the right temperature so 125degrees Fahrenheit is ideal I have noidea what that is in Celsius that’s whatGoogle is for so I’m gonna try to coolthis off temperature I’m not exactlysure the science behind why thetemperature is so important but yeahit’s kind of like magic like it just itthe way that it starts the chemicalreaction in the dough just seems to workokay so let’s remove it see if I getluckyit’s a little hot so that one I met 1:29so you definitely don’t want it to betoo hot because if it’s too hot it’llactually kill your yeast and then youhave to start all over and nobody wantsto throw up perfectly good our sorry ifthis is a really long video I knowprofessional youtubers can do what I’mdoing in like four minutes just oh I’msorry if you’re getting bored you don’thave to watch itokay so alright now we’re good so we’reright at 125 so that’s good so I’m gonnabasically just pour the water into thebowlvoila kind of try to incorporate it geteverything mixed together and then wejust stir and I’m just basically it’sgonna become a big lumpy wet mess andthat’s exactly what you want it to looklike it’s not gonna look anything likebread and this dough is um because welive at high elevation one of the thingsthat I learned after watching way toomany YouTube videos about making breadis that one of the tricks to gettinggetting your bread recipes to work is tokeep the dough really moist becausesince we live up here high elevation wedon’t have a lot of humidity it justmeans that everything kind of dries outfaster in the recipe so keeping the domereally wet is is really ideal the goodthing is is that I don’t know if any ofyou have ever tried to work with wetdough like kneading wet dough it is soannoying because it gets all over yourhands so the beauty of this recipe isyou never actually have to touch thedough with your fingers so this makes iteasy so now I’ve got this allincorporated just a big lumpy messnothing special so after I get it allmixed together I’m gonna take some saranwrap or whatever kind of covering youhave laying around and I’m gonna coverit and so one thing to note about thisrecipe that I should put in thebeginning is this is not this is a longrecipe that’s what I call it sounfortunately this is not the kind ofrecipe where you can make it in threehours and have a four by the end ofthree hours this is we’ll call it apatient recipe but the beauty of it isthat you can make this dough and youknow right before you go to bed you putit on your counter once the dough ismixed up you go to sleep you wake up inthe morning and then your dough is readyto be put into the oven and just leaveit on your counter you don’t need torefrigerate it in the morning so let’spretend like I just put this on thecounter the next morning you’re gonna beamazed at what you find with everythingyourself perfectly so this has beensitting overnight so I don’t know if youguys can see look at that this thing hasbeen driving all night just making allkinds of movement making bubbleseverywhere and when you when you takethe top off it’s gonna look like thisand it kind of looks like wet oatmeal orsomething but it’s got kind of littlebubble pockets and it’s super stickylike you were to it’s like spongy sothis is exactly what you want it to looklike it’s just kind of bubbly and readyto be turned into bread so what we’regonna do is the next step is going to bewe’re going to make our loop and soyou’re gonna take probably about like ahalf a cup of flour you went quite a bitwhich helps so you’re gonna put about ahalf a cup of flour on your countersurface I don’t know if you guys can seethis we turn the camera so you can seeyou betterI’m sorry okay can you guys see thatokay there we go okay so I’ve got my faron the hunter I’m gonna take my spatulaand I’m basically just gonna it’s gonnabe super sticky but it actually comesout of your mixing bowl pretty easilyyou just kind of have to like scrapethis I just want to make sure you getall of ityou basically just kind of turn it rightout onto the flour just like so and thenyou can use their hands if you want ifyou feel comfortable if you don’t feelcomfortable you can actually also usejust like um flat spatula or any kind oflike scraper or anything but youbasically I’m just gonna use my hands soyou’re basically just gonna startturning turning it in on itself so youjust kind of grab the corners and turnit in and I’m add a little bit moreflour so you just kind of want to likeit’s gonna slowly coat the outside ofthe dough you should I kind of turn itin and kind of punch it in and you’lljust see that it starts to it’ll kind oflose that really sticky texture butyou’re not really mixing the flour inyou’re just kind of turning it over sothat’s kind of creating a nice roundball and then after that pretty easy sothat’s I’m done so then I’m going togently just flip it over cuz where youwant to cook the underside with someflour just kind of do this like a littlebit and then we are ready to pretty muchstart the baking process so super handyis parchment paper soand you can actually just use the samebowl that you just pour the dough out ofit doesn’t really matter so what you’regoing to want to do is pick up yourfragile little just gonna look like thisso he’s just sitting inside there on hisparchment paper so what you’re gonna donow is you’re gonna wait you’re gonnawait probably twenty minutes and you’regonna also want to cover this withsomething you can I find it’s easy tojust put a saucepan lid on top notreally it doesn’t have to be like airtype you just put you just want to coverthis with something like you know justeven like a pan lid just to keep itcovered so it’s not going to be doing alot of rising in that time but it’s justkind of like letting the dough restbefore you bake it so in about 20minutesyou’re gonna want to start your ovenheating so that’s the next step is soyou’re gonna want to cook this dough at450 degrees it’s a high heat and youwould think that it would automaticallyburn the bread but it but since it’s inthe Dutch oven it’s gonna steam it makeit really nice and easy so you’re gonnaget the Dutch oven you’re gonna put theoven in your oven with the lid on andyou’re gonna start to preheat it at 450and that’s gonna make this little guyreally really hot once that process isdone and your evidence pretty good totake your Dutch oven out be careful whenyou’re really hot and then you basicallyI’m just gonna pick up your bread andyou’re gonna put it right in just likesuper easy and then you’re gonna put thelid back onpop it in the oven and you’re gonna letit cook for 30 minutes and then after 30minutes you are going to take the lidoff and it’s gonna have kind of like aways to go so you’re gonna that’s gonnabe when you’re gonna start to get thatbeautiful brown crusty outer texture soyou’re gonna leave the lid off and thenyou’re gonna cook it for an additional10-15 minutes just depends on how darkyou want your bread to be so you cancheck it every few minutes and thenafter that you’re gonna take it out ofthe oven and let it set number one ruledo not ever cut into hot bread because Iwas so sad I kept doing it and I waslike why is this why does my bro my DOSseemed so like doughy or not you knowairy like bread supposed to be and thenI read that that’s a big no-no so you’reyou have to fight temptation to cutright into it and eat it all so lettingit set actually for like two to threehours or until it’s room temperature isideal and then after I have actuallythis wine it came out a little while agoso I’m gonna show you guys kind of likethis hopefully what a beautifulartisanal loaf and you can say that youmade it and I hope you guys enjoyed thevideo I hope it wasn’t too fun I seethat it’s 20 minutes now so if you’restill with me you’re awesome and I loveyou all and happy quarantine and staysafe

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