Bread Recipes


We’re using the items in the back of our cabinets to make Banana Bread, thanks to Sally’s Baking Addiction’s recipe seen below. We didn’t have butter, mango yogurt or the correct white chocolate chips, but we’re improvising and making it happen.

The recipe we followed:


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it’s a new way[Music]who got invited Nancy sparkles and Shawnbrother sins wedding I don’t know are wesaving the day yeahyes we are I just that’s fancy to marryme happy Friday Ohcheers Cheers the weekend Jepsen’sbourbon you set him up and I’ll knockthem back Lloyd one by one when I saybaking you say video baking baking we’redoing a baking video if you kind of wehave not gone to the grocery storebecause germs and we really want to makemango banana breads because we havebananas that clearly use which that’sgood when they’re like that because thenyou have to make something in the ovenway yeah I love itsame with mango which already cutbecause I added the extra on ourbreakfast fruit policies yeah no it’sreally good but we don’t quite have allthe ingredients so we’re gonna make somemodifications here today so this is aimprovised freestyle cooking episode ofAli and Shawn’s kitchen extravaganza2020 I think we need to shortening thankyou saying so okay so this recipe isfrom Sally’s yeah her baking addictionwebsite which we love and so we’re gonnafreestyle and we’re gonna change somethings so we don’t have butter becausewe use it all because we were drunkhaving macaroni and cheese last nightjump that we also need mango yogurt orvanilla according to a recipe we don’thave that but since we’re arriving inthe tropicsI do have pineapple yogurt hashtagChobani in lieu of butter we’re usingCrisco which according to the Internet’sit could go either wayanother thing that we’re missing sort ofwhite chocolate chipsI do have melting white chocolate dudethese look really good though they arethere in wafers andtested quite a few just make sure thatthey taste like white chocolate and theygo there they’re pretty great yeah andthen coconut slices which we’ve had youhave had for five years but yeah theydon’t go bad for another week Wow so noteverybody’s on our side but I remainoptimistic good vibes being sent to youthe genius in the kitchen let’s getstarted okay first up whisk the flourflour baking soda and saltseal the bananas cup and a half a bananagood we need to third step whitechocolate since these are wafers againI’m going to just skip them like a roughcutoh sorry really hope in a snack on thesetoo much you knowwe better have enough for this recipethat we’re completely hoping worksmuscle you got muscles where’d you getthat manicure oh that’s really nicesalon it’s conveniently located aboutthree feet from my current home officethe attendants a little bar keyhopefully we’ll be buzzed enough whereif this doesn’t work out we’ll eat itanyway yeah her recipe did say that theflavors to spare after two days aftertwo drinks yes all right three about ahalf a cup of white chocolate it’ll doyou know white chocolate bananas andhere we have our Crisco and hey Criscosugar I’m according to Crisco packagingme you beat once you stop white out thatnever got to say that to him beforeanywayCrisco with two tablespoons of waterbecause that’s what it said on thepackage mean to make it like butter sowe’re gonna do a medium for a minute oruntil combustibleswe’re gonna add in the eggs one at atime and I love these little differencejust because they make prep me in alittle bit easier and the corner ofthese squares making it easier of thebaymixerpure bourbon vanilla extract it’s surelywhat inspired our drink rightso happens your body back with your bodyshe was confident hopeful yogurts and DJspin that he has member futurewhat’s his name future[Music]- past spin that banana in there withthat yogurt now can incorporate someflour mixture that looks like grits[Music]adding the white chocolate chip chopssmack itwe need all of that over that a timesong no Alexa play smack that buy a cupcomes on Spotify thank you next upyou’re gonna throw in your sliced upmangos I do all of them yeah all of themand then you muscled it that’s theculinary tour show me out of fold foldfold you don’t want to incorporate foldwhen stop is done in the dryer just getup go up to you and gofold fold and they’d be like chain thisis our bread pandemic Shane and theaward for the worst joke the whole monthgoes to so Sally said that you don’tknow her I would like to know where thebattery is so to spoon it in instead ofpour it in so this is me spinning burgerI’ll have another decoration medicubemanicure kitty-cat claws the way shecleans up in 40 minutes and then it’sgonna go back in later but the first 40minutes[Music]Alexa play Bottoms Up bottoms not byNickelback for Sean Spotify NickelbackAlexa never play this song again at homelike you I didn’t actually other thingyou said Alexa stop not a Nickelbackhouse alright what should we do while wewait 40 minutesMario Kart it’s gonna be a bloodbath andI’m gonna make you eat it[Music]that would be me winning cheersforty-minute has gone 40 minutes hasgone by 40 minutes he’s had too manyBerto hey baby what do we gotBrad and me up get that dratted son lookat this gorgeous childsprinkle on damn coconut pieces damndude how it’s risen I’m not yet ascendedto my father every day alright so we’vetopped it with the remaining coconut whydo I keep changing this and then what’sgoing back into the oven for like 20minutes[Music]it’s been an hour how’s it looking Imean she’s a gorgeous babeso we’re gonna test to see if it’s donewe don’t have a toothpick or skewerwhich is my normal thing I think whenyou note I was just like he’s gotta goyeah and this we’re gonna attempt to usea chopstick dude it’s actually gonnawork you want us to come out clean youdon’t want to have anything on it allright needs to go back at all right backinto the oven for another like five I’mgonna take the bread out of the oven now[Music]that golden crisp bread yeah yep yeahI’ll take that that’s mostly whitechocolate swirled on the edges oh yeah Ibelieve youoh yeah oh yeah it’s a deep hole eerilyHennessey[Music]not a single Sun oh my god guys look atthat whoaall right taste test moment of truthCheers oh my god white chocolate theconsistency the Brad is so good it’slike moist but I find that’s a windidn’t have the right things still madeit workso the Sally’s baking addiction flank isbelow this video if you want to makethis yourself with the correctingredients or the ones we did there’sno one really nice oh yeah see you guystomorrow for brandy video 30 videos in30 days bait[Music][Music]makes me want to get a corrected up

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