Learn how to make mouth-watering bread in this episode of “In My Blue and White Kitchen” from Carol Colburn. Like and subscribe for more content like this!
Tags: recipe, healthy, cooking, yummy, tasty, fresh, cook, recipes, food
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everybody my name is Carol and I livein North Carolina and I agree in bakingpastry arts and colouring technology andI love to do cooking classes and todayI’m gonna teach you how to make one ofmy favorite French baguettes it’sabsolutely wonderful it’s so easy it’sno need you let a bride over at night inthe oven and then you bake it the nextmorning so I’m gonna start with flourand I want to do 400 grams of our whichis roughly about 3 cups okay there I amand to that I’m going to ask the reportsteaspoon of sugar and I like to use theorganic sugar because it doesn’t have alot of doors in it and when I make thisbread and add the ingredients I like toput like the sugar in one corner andthen I’m going to do a half a teaspoonof salt and I like to put that in theother corner then I’m going to do someyeast which I need to get out and I’mgonna do a quarter teaspoon of yeast andI like to keep my yeast in therefrigerator it keeps it fresher longerso a quarter teaspoon of yeast and thenI’m gonna put this in the other cornerso I have my neat I have my sugar and Ihave my stuff so that way if you putyour sugar in your shot in they kind oflook the same color and the kids comearound and start talking to you the dogsbarking or the house just get crazyyou’re going oh my god what did I put inand if you’re like me sometimes youforget to do it this way you can alwayssay and then I’m gonna whip thattogether really welland then I’m gonna add a cup and a halfof just plain tap water but I did thatand I’m just gonna mix it really wellbut you don’t want to over mix it youjust want to make sure the watersincorporated with all the otheringredients okay so when that’s done I’mjust going to cover it and leave it outon the counter or you can put it in yourcold oven if you have a proofing justleave that cover and overnight for atleast 12 hours and that’s that so thenwhen it’s been 12 hours and it’s Johnthis is what it’s going to look likethat so you’re gonna take a little bitof flour and you’re gonna put it on yourboard and then you’re gonna put a littlebit of warm nail in the corner andyou’re gonna let great the Joe have onthe flour cutting boardand then you’re gonna fold it on top ofeach other just like that and see howit’s not sticking and then you’re gonnamove the cornmeal over here and place itlike that then we’re going to get alittle bit of olive oil and we’re gonnaPat it on it and then we’re going tosprinkle it with some sea salt and we’regonna let it rise for about an hour toan hour and a half and so it’s aboutdoubled in size and you could just putthat on your kitchen counter your tablejust let it rise and you want to makesure you cover it with plastic wrapbecause you don’t want it to dry out sothat’s my chair there so then just likeon tvthe dough has been rising and look atthat isn’t that beautiful look how muchit doubled in size and then I’m going toget a baking sheet and I’m gonna coverit with some olive oiland I’m gonna brush that off do you wantto cover the whole thing you should notwait for your breakfast – you suck somuch I’m making it you want to come outperfect so then I’m gonna take my knifeand so I’m gonna make four loaves so youkind of want to I it and then you’regoing to stretch a map to one note andjust stretch it out the next one and itdoesn’t matter it’ll be all shapesstretch that outand if it sticks a little bit that’sfineand then the last oneokay we’re doing good alrighty so I’lljust stick it on this one so then I’mgonna go back to my olive oil again andI’m just gonna drizzle a little bit oneach love and then I’m gonna bake it ina preheated 500 degree oven for 15minutes okay I smell that they’re justabout to come out of the oven they smellwonderful so I had them in the oven at500 or sometimes they do it at 525 soyou want to check and make sure yourovens really hot but 500 should be fineon the lower rack for 15 minutes andlet’s see how they turn down and lookaren’t they beautiful look at thataren’t they beautiful look at that so 15minutes so I am gonna take one on mycutting board typically you let it breadand rest for about 15 minutes beforecutting but that looks so good I have totry a piece but maybe I have to wait alittle bit it’s really hot so it isreally hot I just my beautiful NorthCarolina cutting board and I have somebetter with some fresh basil and thereyou goBon Appetit enjoy