Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone we’re back I baked thesecookies at 375 for 23 minutes they tookI say to put them in anywhere from 20 to25 minutes I like these ones nice andlight in color that have the chocolatechips in them and then I let the cookiesstay on this tray and rack and cool for20 minutes you have to do that part andthen after about 20 minutes it’s a goodtime to cut them if you wait too longuntil they’re cold then you can’t reallycut them very well with a knife so after20 minutes I cut them in my jelly rollpan the length leavesI usually do about six rows and the longsort of a long way I do about four waysone two three four and then the widthabout six and then what I do is I go ona diagonal and I cut them into trianglesbecause those squares are nice buttriangles are just that much fancier soat once I’ve cut them I can’t wait tillthey cool that and there’s no harm butit is it’s also nice to take them outthey’ll cool a little quicker and I gotthese beautiful triangles that looklovely to put on a platterso I’ll be entertaining this weekendwith just my immediate family first forself isolating so I have my husband herewith me and one of my son’s he is livingin the basement in his own little padand he computer scientist workingthrough this pandemic so that’s greatand I have another son up north and heis trying to get his medical training inin third year and they’ve just put thosethem to work back in the clinics andit’ll be virtually talking to patientsso from my kitchen to yours I’m DebraAnn singer enjoy your holiday