Want to Make Disney’s Jack-Jack Num Num Cookies at Home? Learn how to bake your own warm gooey Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums with this easy copycat recipe from Pixar Pier in Disney California Adventure Park. They are Incredible! If Amanda can do it, so can you!
Cookie Num Nums recipe from our good friends at Get Away Today!
Ingredients Needed for Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums:
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
8 oz milk chocolate chips
2 oz dark chocolate baking chunks
White baking cups
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Video edited by Alyssa LaBotz
#ProvostParkPass #CookWithMe #Disney
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Video Transcription
hey everybody I just squeak here we areand then their magical males with AmandaDisneyland is still closed if you’rewatching this right when it comes outand so are you bringing you guys a superspecial tasty sweet treat today that IOh[Music]okay today we are making somethingreally delicious it is the Jack Jackcookie them them as we cut this recipefrom our good friends at get away todaythis is the first time that I’ve madethis recipe and if you’re new to mymagical meal since Amanda I’m not okayI’m not a chef so we’re learning thistogether we’re figuring this outtogether let’s get started first thingsfirst ingredientswhat you need is a Jack Jack cookie nowknown as copycat recipe is 1 cup ofsoftened butter 1 cup of brown sugar 3/4cup of sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon ofvanilla 3 cups flour 3/4 of a teaspoonof salt 3/4 of a teaspoon of baking sodaabout a cup of milk chocolate chips 2ounces of dark chocolate chunks whitebaking cups a scooper and you should begood to go getting even startchocolate chip cookie all rightthank you come on no there’s no way OhMickey magic touch so we’re gonna startwith the butter so this is a cup ofbutter and it needs to be stopping soI’m going to soften it just for a littlebit so it can be picks up nice and stopspinning be squishy better just softenit right up a little juice up okay likesuper melted a little too milky you justwant to stop it isn’t be stopping andI’ve melted it and it’s it’s super runnybut that’s okay we’re gonna make it workso butter going in our pan I’m stupidgrateful because if we have a goodfriend Stewart who is lending me hisKitchenAid to help me with cookies todayokay there’s the butter and brown sugarnow this was x cup of brown sugar okayokay and then we’ve got 3/4 of a cup ofregular sugar this is good stuff[Music]huh no falling on Main Street okay youhave two eggs two eggs are popping inyou ready for the pups here we go whoapoppers number one popper number twopoppity pop pop pop okay is that it forthe first part I think that’s it for thefirst part I think that is so now we gotto mix it up oh here we goall the ingredients are in here ready togo they got to be mixed up okay we needto be faster might need to be a littlebit faster I don’t know oh okay it lookslike it’s doing somethinggot a couple of pumps in my brown sugaryou need to be a little bit fasterokaythat’s good looks good looks good smellsgoodok let’s add in the other stuff but youcan just leave it here and add all thethings in but all of my things overthere so I’m gonna take it back over toadd in the next ingredients that willcome back okay I realize I do got to beover there to get the ingredients mixedit so I’m gonna go back and forth yeahlet’s try that now we’re gonna make saythat the dry your ingredients oh wait nolet’s forgot my secret eh go ahead -guys what are we thinking vanilla okaywe got a mix in vanilla then we’re gonnado our dry ingredientsall right I really hope this is gonnawork I am all over the place today[Music]vanilla okay now we’re gonna do our dryingredients so I’m gonna pop back overgrab those three cups of flour going inoh love italright now we need to solve the bakingsoda this gun inhello I feel like I should have combinedthe salt and the baking soda and theflour together because I feel like Ijust pour it fits all on top of thedeath it’s just like the top don’t couldbe saltybut it looks good it looks good looksgood it smells good now we need thechocolate chip so I’m going to stir inthe chocolate chip and I’m going tohopefully hope that that prison andmyself a little bit betteryou guys I’m learning how to do this solearn my feet start out cooking up themenough that they smell so good[Applause]George our cookies numbness like GeorgeRP Jack Jack Jack Jack[Music]deck deck deck deck deck deck situationjar jar binks cookie num nums anyoneJoey yeah that looks goodhey I’m just gonna get in the dough topof that dough off then we’ll put in ourchocolate chips yummy yummy yummy yummythank you thank you sir for letting meis the KitchenAidOh get out it is good it is so good[Music]jack-jack cookie num nums are notcomplete without the chocolate chipsthough I’m just gonna hamster in somechocolate chips I’m using milk chocolatechips about a cup and then the thingthat really makes Jack Jack McKean umknows are those dark chocolate chunks ontop but we don’t have the big darkchocolate chunks now we’re trying not torun to the grocery store but we did havedark chocolate big chocolate chips sowe’re going to use those and I’m justgonna put these on the top of my cookiesalright protip with the chocolate chipsI always have a little tray off to theside that I can eat and snack on whileI’m thinking[Music]yeah I can’t wait for my chocolate chipsto meet my dough so goodspeaking of chocolate what is yourfavorite chocolate white chocolate darkchocolate or milk chocolate let me knowin the comments below my favoritechocolate is actually white chocolatechocolate are you ready to meet yourdough so goodso good just folding in the chocolatechips you can do this if you’ve got yourkitchen in you can do it or you can justfold it in with a spoon whatever youhave just use it just use it I find itcool to show you guys like folding inthe chocolate chips just slowly mixingthem in there just in all delicious andI’m regretting that decision I shouldhave just had them mixed in the mixerbecause this is hard this is a littlebit of a workout now the cool thingabout Disneylandwhen you go to Disneyland you go to picksurf here and you get your Jack Jackcookie num num they’re served in bakingcups which is awesome it’s so stinkincute my thinking cups are a lot smallerthan the ones at Disneyland if you wantto get the real size ones are betterthey’re you they’re really big but theseare just cute little dainty cups soyou’re gonna scoop your dough and plopit into your cup move this then whenyou’re done with puffing into your cupsyou’re going to do the dark chocolatebaking chips pickle those on huh therewe go[Music][Music]I don’t want to scratch the bowl[Music]like this little buddy needs a littlebit more[Music]now you can sprinkle in some of yourdark chocolate chunks on topsmash them down in there like a hammer[Music][Applause][Music]okay can’t wait to get going seven I’mputting them on a little cookie sheet sothey can bake and you guys it smells sogood and the dough is so good but Idon’t recommend eating dough you knowsafety first safety first but I ate itand I liked it oh right I forgot what isthe most important trick I need to putmy dark chocolate chunks on the rest ofmy little dough cookie puffs[Music]- so NamiNami Nami Nami jack-jack[Music]because the oven has been preheated to350 degrees really go and you bake themfor about eight to nine minutes I likemy cookies kind of doughy kind of gooeykind of warm so I’m gonna check them ateight minutes to see how they’re doing[Music]it’s beeping I think it’s ready to golet’s check it out they might not bequite done oh they’re not even closelook very still don’t now keep in mind Ido like mine to me but some of her alittle doughy I’m at a high altitude soI might take a little bit longer I’mgonna have on two more minutes keepchecking it all right I’m starting toget a little bit concerned that I mighthave ruined them I think I should havelike flatten them out a little bit cuzwhen they come out at Disneylandthey’re like flat in the car and I mademine really like bulbous bulbous seeBullis they’re bulbous their pillowmedian fluffy in my clouds and they’reso stinking cute they’re adorable but Ithink I should have flattened them out alittle bit so they would it might cookeda little bit more evenly by god that’son meI’m not a chef I’m not a cook I reallychocolate chip cookie all right thosetwo minutes they look good okay allright they’re looking good they stilllook a little doughy they need to brownup a little bit but they are cookie sothat’s a good sign I am cooking them I’mjust gonna do one minute I don’t want toburn do not want them burnt theydefinitely need to be cooked a littlebit longerall right choice number threethird time’s the charm right so here wego okaythere definitely it browning up a littlebit I just don’t think they’re quitethere yet so I’m gonna add on twominutes be feeling daring two minutesand I also added a lot of dough in mycups if I would have just done like onestandard scoop they probably would havebaked a little bit more about I justkept filling those pucks right up I waslike more more MORE[Music]four times four timescheck it out my cookie num num jack-jackcooking mmm I like reading stuff reallydoughy and really gooey like have any ofyou guys heard of Kazuki were you cut inthe middle of your cookie and it’s stilllike gooey and warm and like lava so Ithink they’re almost ready to come outcuz I’m okay they’re gooey in the middlethat’s how I want him let’s give it like30 more seconds[Music]they look it’s no so good hey let’s tryon they need a cool for just a littlebit you can eat them worn eat them Bowiedo itwhich one’s the cutest let’s try thisone this one looks pretty pretty evenlyevenly spread chocolate chips nice andflat oh they’re gooey it is a littlegood boy right here let’s turn it’sbeautiful it’s warmjust like Disneyland you stink here wegomoment of truth oh yeah oh yeah alrightJack Jack here we go we’re Jar Jarwhatever tomato tomahto[Music]little just a little too soft is that itwell okay I realize they do got to beover there oh wait no let’s forgot mysecret ego yet ohluggage ed oh I feel like I should havecombined the salt and the baking sodaand the flour togetherI forgot what are the most importantpart all right I’m starting to get alittle bit concerned that I might haveruined them oh they’re deliciousthey are delicious so yummy packed fullflavorgooey oh so good so good I feel like Iam up here eating my cookie numb themabout to writing credit coaster nextbest thing you guys next best thingthank you for joining me on thisjack-jack or charge our cookie num numrecipe let me know if you tried at homeand if you liked it and let us know inthe comments below what recipe you wouldlike us to try because Chris and I arenot chefs we’re not cooks but magicianon being closed we are bringing thedesign to our home and hopefully to yourhome too so thank you for watching clicksubscribe so you don’t miss the video ofours and if you want to support ourchannel become a patron remember we havethe best future community in the worldand our patron members they’ll let youknow too that we’re familywe have thecommunity ever we have so much fun onpatreon so if you wanna support us headof over to patreon for more videos morecontent bonus Bluebirdsall the things alright I’m gonna goenjoy picking up know