Pancakes Are Lovingly Created That Taste Like Jesse’s Sock Collection and Duncan’s…Duncan. MOMMA MIA!
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Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music]there’s a little surprise for you insidethe multiple surprises I put I put a lotof surprises in the pancakecook Dunkin some breakfast so we’regoing over to his house cuz he’s alreadyhe’s already messed up my house enoughand I’m gonna cook him the best mostdelectable nutritious probably not sweetbut we don’t we don’t need thatbreakfast he’s ever eaten and hopefullyhe’ll do the same thing for me I don’tknow we’ll seeno the lots of Tyre I’m very excitedabout this because I’ve never been ableto be fancy and cook at the same timeusually I’m a slob not today today Iasked you where is everythingwhere is where is your miseryit’s a very sensitive subjectshe’s been yeah twice sexy excuse mecustomer can you come help me make yourfood your stars on Yelp are increasingby the minute the woman turns out I’musing for your mixes coming out of thefaucet just so I’m using tap water formy delicate pancake yes siryou bet your cute little green britchesAnya bigger black breeches I want I wantcrayons so as you because my full feelthe utmost comfort at all times[Music]make it special show me with some lovewell there’s my specialtygood stuff enjoy some customers heredrink their wine out of straws also he’sdrinking in the morning and that’sthat’s fine so as you can see we’ve madea fine mix hey hey as you can see heyhey hey bro which just happens to be ahot air balloon our generation needs thesense that variable elevate past theheight most challenging obstacles andthis this customer definitely needs todo this oh I forgot this i forgot thisgreat forgot the spring freeze hold ongive me a sec there we gonice little buddy I believe Robert mmmsmells like fish the folks there we golook at that shut up now we’re gonna topit off alright and just like that we’vemade in aesthetic masterpiece thiscustomeraverage experience this customer knowwhat I wanthey so quiet top-of-the-line goodexperience yeah yeah good experience sowe’re just gonna make sure he’s gonnalet’s serve it up and see what he thinkshuh excuse me sir your pancake is ready[Music]so what I’ve made for you today is anexquisite gluten-free pancake because Inoticed that every time you eat pancakesthat have gluten you start dying alittle bit so this one this one veryspecial it’s a it’s an T death in yourcase you won’t you won’t you won’t getin digestion they will die your yourkids won’t leave because you smell sobaddang it looks like you got you got somegummy bears in there and put some putsome gummy bears there’s a littlesurprise for you inside the multiplesurprises I put I put a lot of surprisesin the pancake cake I like to UM yeahyou’ll enjoy that there’s pre its presyrups I served it well cooking it soyou’re definitely not gonna not gonnarun low on syrup yeah that’s about it[Music]this dish definitely makes me want tosay mama Miawould you consider eating the wholething[Music]right there all right[Music]wait there one minute sir if it isn’ttoo much trapper I would like am i doingcome out oh my just drink out of thedark evil no no no no no no no thisisn’t my beverage to you oh my gosh whatbusiness elephant toothpaste with thefine coffee and with the honey of athousand African bees this is the bestmeal I have ever made best can be kindof disgusting meal it’s not at thebottom of this one maybe it’ll be at thebottom of the next one sit down sit downapologies sir why am i apologizing toyou you’re making me my food I can dowhatever I wantno you come I can do which is myestablishment you’re second buteverybody please please let just milkyou know I’m lactose intolerant so herewe have one of my favorite creationsthis is what it is it very best itszeros wrist now as you can see he’s gota nice garnish special surprise insideit’s like me it’s like booty cookie youdon’t know with this is a fart specialseasoning Turkey scheme with fine thereturkey turkey skin okay now I’m gonnaget I’m late so tell me how does it feelknowing that your career could be thebest it’s ever been or over in about 20seconds how does that make you feelpretty goodObama second all free I’m gonna behonest with you that was one of the bestpancakes ever hey hey do you hear methat was deliciousyou realize you realize how big of adeal this is right no pepperoni think Ithink you definitely won this one dudethis doesn’t taste like that doesn’ttaste like sand good are you just tryingto make me eat it how do you have youtake a take a little bite for yourselfcome seeyour face looks in trouble it’s likepurgatory in a pancake I’m gonna rapethis pancake a solid 7.5 well that wasan adventure thank you guys for fordeciding to watch this video if you wantto see if you want to see more contentlike thisoohchallenge accepted thank you forwatching this video we are very pleasedabout this creations smash your fingeragainst me freaking subscribe if youdon’t do it then your mom will have tobaby to babythanks for watchingbaby see you next time[Music]youyouyouyou