Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone my name is Laura and I amthe youth mentoring intern for helpingservices this spring I hope everyone outthere is staying safe and taking care ofthemselves and others by practicingsocial distancing and using good hygieneI’m coming to you today with a video Ihave a recipe that is super quick andeasy it’s a good activity for a timewhen we were all at home and looking forways to pass the timethese cookies do not require you to havean oven and they only have seveningredients the recipe recommends thatyou have everything pre measured beforeyou even start this whole process so thefirst ingredient you need is threetablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powderand I have mine pre measured right hereand then the next thing it calls for istwo cups of sugar the recipe does saytwo cups white sugar but then I’m gonnamix it up a little bit and I’m gonna do1 cup white sugar and 1 cup brown sugaryou need 1 cup of milk it doesn’t sayyou have to use a certain type I amusing soy milk but feel free to usewhatever type of milk you want obviouslyand then 1/2 cup of butter and then thenext ingredient is 3 cups of oats andyou can use quick-cooking oats orold-fashioned I’m using old-fashionedbecause I like that texture a little bitbetter and then the next ingredient is a1/2 cup of peanut butter either crunchyor creamy I like the texture of crunchybetter so I’m using crunchy and then thefinal ingredient you need is a singleteaspoon of vanilla extract ok so youneed a medium sized saucepan and then inthat saucepan you’re gonna put thebutter in there the milk cocoa powderand your 2 cups of sugar so then nowthat I have all those four ingredientsinto the saucepan I’m going to bring itto a boil over a medium to low heat it’sreally important during this step toboil this very slowly youwant to overcook it or burn anything soI will come back to you guys one I havea boiling mixture okay so it’s beenabout three minutes now this is what myburner looks like and this is what mymixture is starting to look like thebutter is melting I’m just stirring itslowly every so uh okay so it’s beenabout 10 minutes and I have a rollingboil now all the ingredients seem to bepretty well mixed now that you have arolling boil you set a timer for 60seconds to let the mixture boil and thenonce the timer stops take it off theheat okay this is what my mixture islooking like right now and it’s still alittle bit hot so I am going to transferit into a mixing bowl and I’m going tolet it sit in my fridge for about 10minutes now that the mixture is cooleddown for a little while we’re going totake a spoon and then scoop out littleportions onto the wax paperyou