Butter – 1 cup – 227 grams Room Teparature
Sugar – 1/2 cup – 100 grams
Brown Sugar – 1/2 cup – 100 grams
Maida – 2 cups – 450 grams
Vanilla – 1 Table spoon
Baking Soda – 1 Table spoon
Cornfloor – 1 Table spoon
Milk – 4 Table spoon
Choco Chips – 1/2 cup – 100 grams
Oven – 356F and about 15 minutes
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys today we’re going to makecookies and here are the necessaryingredients brown sugar white sugarvanilla essence flour baking soda cornflour milk and a few chocolate chipsyou’ll also need two butter sticks andI’ve already added them to makes you canuse the mixer or a spatula and thenyou’ll need a plate and a spoon so weirdso I’ve added the butter[Music]and then the white sugar[Music]onceso you’re going to add that to get theflavorwe’re going to baking soda some flourand a bit of cornstarchand then we’re going to mix itand now we’re going to add it inright ingredients with your spatula andthen you’re just going to mix it withyour spatula because we’ve got ourcutting down once you’re done mixingyou’re going to refrigerate it for aboutthirty minutes to let it cool down a bitslowly take the cookies out from therefrigerator after 30 minutes and nowwe’re going to make the cookies to makethem they’re going to take a spoonful ofdough and take it in your hand and thenyou’re going to turn it into a ballshapeonce you’re done now you’re going topress it flat lightlyand you’re just going to keep doing thatand kill the trifles if you lovechocolate chips you could add few moreto them like at the top like that butit’s like unnecessary it’s your choiceit doesn’t it’s not a must your nameyou’re gonna make sure there’s evenspace between them because when you’regoing to put them in the oven there’sgoing to be lots of heat pressure on itwhich makes them even more flat socookies turn out well so you’re going tomake sure they have lots of space inbetweenand now we’re going to bake them I’mgoing to use my mother’s help to bakethem because the oven is very hot andafter about 15 to 20 minutes the cookieswill be ready to eat I’ll be there areyour freshly baked cookies they look sodeliciousYUM so baked cookies like these freshand delicious and enjoy mmm they’rereally delicious bye