Waking and Baking after watching some Marvel Movies! Happy 4/20!!!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
good morning it’s me again and guesswhat I’m gonna be doing for you wakingand baking with the bowl we’re only ablankets don’t worry it’s still nc-17with very lewd and sexual content butfor you I’ll tone it down just a littlebit but only for you oh I got my littleball I’m packing it just a little bit oryou can even see it it’s the morning I’mgonna need it for my dad quarantine youknow not sick but you gotta stayquarantine Koroma time all day for 20all month yes but I woke up last nightwatched the first adventure which isCaptain America and you know what I saidearlier but I hate him but I love himhe’s so wholesome so good and I askedfor days oh my god she was just one ofthose lucky white dudes that gotsuperpowers because he’s nice and moredude should get that but hopefullythey’re not as hot as them cuz you knowthe harder you are the crazier than youare and no one wants a crazy CaptainAmerica if we already don’t have thembut this one’s for you[Music]in vibe that vapor because that’s foryour ass good morning it’s such a greatmorning I love just waking up having agood ball and then making bacon makingbacon pancakes I wake up and make somebacon pancakes you just make some baconand put it in a pad cake and that’s howyou make pancakes bacon pancakes makingpancakes makin bacon pancakes I’m makingbacon then I put it in a pancake makingbacon cuz that’s what I want to make mein pancakes you remember that I missthat show that show was so good how comeanimation now is good but it’s not asgood as a show that I grew up withI remember Xiaolin Showdown and theymade another one with Omi’s littlebrother or cousin a French Oh me who hasthe ability of would make it you mightbe little but hopefully you as packingthat would if you even remember pushingon khakhathat’s an old show too honestly after ayear and a half everything just gets oldlike does anyone remember what was agood show flap shit chowderthose were the only like memorable showsthat were coming on when I was gettingadded cartoons but that’s a pieceflapjack and chowderradda radda but well Joe you don’t wantto see down there cuz it’s just megetting lighter anotherso the next movie I have to see inchronological order from the Marvelfranchise it’s Captain Marvel so becausetechnically there was not aftereverything but it’s like right beforeeverything and it’s apparently in 1995where the first offender with in 1942with Nazis oh my gosh like Red Skull Ihonestly did not know where he was fromand then in the end he gets beamed upbecause of you know he’s holding whatdoes a spark you whatever the cube iscalled a tetrahedron toe ramadhan youknow the tesseract thank inna that Tword well yeah so after that it droppedinto the ocean they found them no HowardStark who is Tony Stark’s father who isthe preacher from preacher who is Rudyfrom misfits best friend who’s a vampirenow after misfits of course what if allTV worlds were connected just like let’ssee they die or they disappear in someweird way that’s what’s happening orlike they get frozen in time or getturned into a vampire and then that’swhen the new series starts like whatwould be a good one I don’t know itbeing like if you ever seen misfit Rudyfrom misfits he does his ass boneeverything and then he goes back in timeit’s turned into a vampire and I knowsee it shit like that technically if youjust go back in time he could just usesomeone else’s power and then startedhis life there no you know but you knowwhat I’m trying to say what if likeHarry Potter just went back in timeusing the spell and met I don’t knowNewt salamander and then a new speciesis discovered but you know I’m ramblinggot that weed in youlet me give you another hit engage youin a taste just the taste though out ofall the things that can be anothercrackhead so if you see me smoking lookand you think I’m strangeI am strange but it’s not because of theweed I shall have I yell oh I’m gettingall the good again so I’m not today nobut I wanna thank you guys for wakingand baking with me I’m gonna go makethose pancakes with bacon and it cuz I’mmaking pancakes with bacon baconpancakesI know thank you for listeningNikki for watching happy 4/20 stayCorona free unless it’s the Mexican Romabut that’s gonna be gone off the shelfsoon because all this that brands aredone but have a good one thank you forwatching thank you for coming in andstay call them that’s no I am oh it’snot gonna stop it stop itayyy