this week we make a panini
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]Oh walking super serious cooking this isweek three of quarantine cooking andwe’re still gonna cook inside but thisweek we’re gonna take a brick of cheesebag of meat some lettuce some bread andheroines favorite mayonnaise all rightlook at the George Foreman grill solet’s combine all this stuff and put itthere okay so we got our sliced breadout what we’re gonna do is take ourknife and we’re gonna put mayonnaise onone side of the bread not both becausewe want to make a mess our fingers sowhat that I’m gonna do the same thingwith the other one okay so we haveselected some hot copper Colo to put onour sandwich what we’re gonna do iswe’re going to take our hot capicola andwe’re only gonna put on one side of thebread very exciting why not both okay soonce we get the salami on the one sidethe bread where I take our lettuce whichthis week happens to be spinach and putthat on there now what we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna close the sandwich we’re notdone wanna go to our cheese aspect whichthis week we have marble farmer’s cheesethere’s it from a farmer probably atsome point in time it was now we’regonna take the same knife we used forthe mayonnaise and we’re gonna use it tocut the cheese but we’re gonna cut thecheese on the plate to eliminate theamount of things people have to washwell this cheese we cut well no no itwon’t will be cut well enough anywaylet’s open our sandwich up againyou can see that some up the lettuce hasgone onto that piece of bread that stuffis traders now let’s put the cheese on abread sandwich just close it up againokayI’ll actually want to do is you want toopen up the George Foreman make sure toit plug it in before or also get awayfor at eat up and then close the lidokaysandwich is all done pressed and toastedah yes I’m gonna take the same knife weuse the mayonnaise and use the cheesefor we’re gonna use it to cut thissandwich on a fancy diagonal there yougo look at that then I’ve cut most ofthis stuff that’s what you sharpen theknife doing okay alright thanks forwatchin super serious cooking this is athird week we’ve done quarantine cookingthat means we’ve cooked inside for thethird week in a row okay this next weekone who knows we’ll probably make it afourth fight