here’s a nice peaceful video with jokes inbetween.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]youyou want some of that it’s gonna smile abityou could squeeze a a jelly doughnut andmake the same noise at my[Music]scoff see a black couch some otherexperience no I don’t want to be anotherstatistic I’m chubby ingress channel youknow I do it surprises me that you don’thave diabetes it really does[Music][Music]how long do they put the cookies inthere why didn’t we time it[Music][Music]what do you mean it’s 105 I thought itwas going to be 1015 when it worked Ithought it was gonna we bought wetransported in 9 hoursOh spaghetti is five points what I goingin[Music]do still have them on[Music]I don’t really want cookies right nowwhat[Music]don’t get to move your Bell