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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys it’s Jeremy here from kitchendad today my son Grayson is going tohelp me outwe’re actually going to make waffleswithout a waffle iron today it’s prettyeasy just in a griddle pan or you canactually buy some silicone molds thatyou can make in the oven so let’s getstarted alright so the first thing thatI did was melt my butter because youdon’t want that to go into the battersuper hot so by doing that first andyou’re giving a chance to cool back downbefore you whisk it into everything andI’ve also got all of my dry ingredientsin One Bowl today I’m actually using awhole wheat flour but you could useregular all-purpose flour or almondflour if you wanted to to try to beatkitto friendly I also have my salt sugarbaking powder in there so Grayson’sgoing to go ahead and give that a stirforce the driver you okay is the dryingredients for thisall right and over here I got my wetingredients some milk one vanilla andI’m just gonna pour this butter inthat’s just cool off for a minute or twoand Grayson’s gonna go ahead and whiskback first definitely first up that edgeall right it doesn’t have to be toocorporate it because we mix it alltogether anyways so grace them all thewisp or you want to go ahead and pour itinto the dry mix all right give it a fewsirs here you don’t have to get it superfine once it’s incorporated you can goahead and relax on the whisper dodefinitely make sure you get all of thatokay that looks good okay now that wehave our waffle batter mixed we want tonot waste too much time getting it intothe pan so the pan is already heating upwe’ll add some butter to prevent thewaffle from sticking but as soon as youmix that baking powder with the wetingredients it’s going to startactivating so you don’t want to wait toolong with your batter before you startcooking it so our hands been heating upfor a few minutes I’m going to get all Ican see is already City sizzling it’sgonna try to spread that around so it’sa nice even coating and thisgreat-lookin has a sort of a circularshape so we’re going to just test outgoing for smaller waffles on eachsection so I’m just gonnascoop some batter on there so I’m justgonna scoop some batter on there it’s alittle section alright we’re gonna letthis cook for about five or six minutesuntil it gets nice and golden brown andwe’ll flip it to finish it off on theother side so this batter is a littlebit thicker than I would normally do soI’m just want to turn the heat down alittle bit so I can not get it – welldone before we need to flip all right soI think these are ready to flip if youhave it if you grease your pan well itshould be a problem so it looks likethey’re side nice and easy for me so I’mgonna try to flip it right back on onthat thing and I missed okay so as youcan see you know they’re not gonna havethe the square cutouts like you normallyused to with a waffle but it still hassome texture from the grill pan and Ithink they’re sort of it’s a it’s justas delicious all right we’re gonnafinish cooking the rest of that wafflebatter and then we’re gonna give them atry and let you know how they taste allright all of our office are done nowit’s time to check out how they taste asyou can see like as I mentioned they’renot your regular square waffles but wesaw some nice texture that’s they’ll befun for the kids and it’s pretty much aseasy as clicking a pancake so Graciealways he said waffles with butter andsyrup so I’m going to put some butterand syrup on there for and then we’regoing to give them a tasteso Sarah got real maple syrup going heyyeah let’s do itgoodall right we hope you enjoyed the videoI’ll be linking to all the products thatwe use to make this in case you didn’thave them in your kitchen laying aroundbut give this a try and let us know whatyou think in the comments below and besure to subscribe so kitchen dad willhave several more videos coming out soontake care