Bread Recipes

REz KIDz TV make Fry Bread – Video #9

Come join the REz KIDz TV Crew and learn how to make Fry Bread. It’s delicious and can be eaten different ways.
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Music Intro by Tayon Marquis…

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Video Transcription

[Music][Music]so fried bread and there’s manydifferent types of recipes but this isthe way I make is pretty simple and keepit basic so you have flourI measured about a cup for each of theirbowls so I used a cup of flour ateaspoon of baking powder and a pinch ofsalt that was all that I use the wholething is already in the bowls and thenof course water so I have warm waterherefor very little in there she did itcalling plan so start mixing that up[Music]mixing it up[Music][Music]it’s time though you don’t put too muchwater in there widget she’s thinkingand of course if you put too much wateryou can always add a little bit moreflour the this recipe is prettyforgiving if you put too much water ortoo much flour you can easily fix it[Music]okay we’re backand there goes on nice and mixed hey I’mready got a limo so go ahead and stepand a right and out – wait okay to taketurnsgo ahead and really get them[Music][Music][Music][Music]and they’re all there rolling this outI’ve forgotten to add that you’re gonnabe crying this in oil so I had my oilfire for about maybe 30 minutes now youwant their oil room[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]my stop and the alcohol sitting withyour finger[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]- okay so now we’re outside to have twoboys going I have a bowl gear with somenapkins to put them in there afterwardsthese are gonna carefully place it inthere a minute or two just start seeingit get brown slightly brown on the topand on the edges here[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]you

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