Cookies Recipes

Baking oat cookies!

Time for some more cooking with Meesh! Don’t forget to ask your grown up to help you and wash your hands before you begin.

You will need: 100g butter, 100g sugar, 100g flour, 100g porridge oats, 1 tablespoon of honey or syrup and chocolate chips are optional!

Oven; 180C or gas mark 4. Bake for 15 minutes.

Cook safely with your grown up and enjoy!!

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Video Transcription

good morningoh so it’s morning and I normally do myvideos in the afternoon but I thoughttoday because I’m doing a cooking onebut if I do it in the morning gives youa bit more opportunity to do itthroughout the day if you want to soexcuse me did you all have a lovelyweekend wasn’t it beautiful I hope thatyou all got to do some fun things and Imade a little I did some coloring in andI did it for my postman so I’ve put itout on my little post box to say thankyou for all that you’re doing and and Ihope that it makes him smile so todaywe’re going to do some cooking it’sgoing to be a very simple recipe andhopefully lots of little bits and piecesthat you’ve got at home now I know a lotof you are fans of sweet cooking sothings like cookies and biscuits sotoday thanks to Becky and everybody inthe resource base I have a recipe forsome oat cookies which are absolutelydelicious and all the children in theresource base makes them and they areabsolutely amazing so I thought I wouldshow you the ingredients I’m gonna seeif I can get it the right way roundtoday because last week I did it thewrong way around didn’t I who knowswe’ll give it a go so here are theingredients and you need a hundred gramsof porridge oats and grams of flourhundred grams of sugar hundred grams ofbutter and a tablespoon of honey or ifyou wanted to you could use golden syrupmmm I’ve used honey today and because Iquite like how that tastesnow what you’ll also see is that I’vegot found lots and lots of differentbits and pieces and I’ve just put themall together so I’ve done 50 grams ofgranulated sugar I haven’t got castersugar so I can’t use that 50 grams ofgranulated sugar and 50 grams ofDemerara sugar which is like brown sugarum and I’ve done 50 grams of plain flourand 50 grams of self-raising flour tomix it up a little bit what I’m going toremember to tell you today which is whatI forgot last time make sure you’veasked a grown-up for permission hmm andif you have make sure that when you’redoing all the things that includegoing to the microwave today I’m goingto use the cooker so when you’re usingthings that are involved in heats makesure you’ve got your grown-up with youto keep you safe so what I forgot totell you last week before I startedcooking was that the oven needs to be onat 180 degrees which i think is gas mark4 so put the oven on and it’ll be heatedup by the time your cookies amend we aregoing to use a microwave today but ifyou haven’t got a microwave it doesn’tmatter you can just use a saucepan onthe hob but again that’s somethingyou’re growing up will need to help youwith to make sure you eat yourself safeso I’ve changed it a little bit I’vealready weighed some of the ingredientsthere and I’ve put them in the bowlsalready to save us a bit of time becauselast week I know I didn’t show you whatmy hands were doing so I’ve been askedthis week and by one of the people who’swatched the video if I could please showwhat I’m doing in the bowl and not myface which makes complete sense sothat’s what we’re going to do so if youhave a little look I’ve already weighedout some of my ingredients so in thisbowl here but all the things that we’regoing to heat up they need to be hotbefore you start cooking so I’ve added atablespoon of honey the doer and becauseit’s going to be melted it doesn’tmatter if it’s got a bit hard becauseit’s going to be melted I’ve also addedsugar and I’ve added butter and all ofthose things are already in my bowl andthat’s what I’m going to heat up in amoment I’ve got the milk chocolate chipswhich I’ve got to add at the ends I’mgoing to make some wisp and some withouttoo milk chocolate chips and I’ve madeout my porridge oats a hundred grams andI’ve weighed out my flour a hundredgrams and that goes in in a minute putthe things that need heating up into themicrowave now they only go on for veryshort little bursts before I do that Iam them’s auntie back my hands I’vewashed them twice but we’ll make surejust to be on the safe side and they doneed to go any short little bursts cuzthey heat up quite quickly so I’m justgoing to put them in for 20 seconds andthen take them out give them a stir andput it back in for 20 seconds and takeit out and give it a stir so that wedon’t make it too hotso all the things in the bowl which arethe batter the sugar and the honey aregoing in the microwave 20 seconds itcould be interesting to see what happenswith this because my microwave heats upquite quickly so we’ll see if 20 secondsis enough we might be lucky but 20seconds is all that we needso let’s look look listen it looks likeafter 20 seconds so this is what itlooks like so we’re going to give it alittle bit of a mix now we can see thehoney has melted but the butter has notthe butter still a little bit hard soI’m going to put it back in themicrowave for another 20 secondsthat’s the what happens next and I thinkthere should be more than enough to dosmack a finger dancing while waiting myplan for today is to go out and do alittle bit of gardening now I am NOT avery good gardener at all but I’m hopingI can dig up some of the weeds that I’vegot and make it look a little bitprettier than it currently looks did youall hear that rain last night goodnessme wasn’t there a lot of there righthere we go so this is it after another20 seconds I have 40 seconds in totaland this is what it looks like andthat’s definitely melted enough so we’regonna give it a stir make sure all theingredients are mixed right in and whatyou want to do is get rid of all thebits of butter that you can see so someof the butter still in slight clumpswe’re just gonna mix into the wallmixture now because it hasn’t gone onthe heat it’s not too hot it’s meltedyou know but it’s not too hot you mustsee that the butters started to separateout and all of that is absolutely finenow the next thing we’re gonna do it’sjust adding our dry ingredients so we’regoing to add in the porridge oats andwe’re going to give that a bit oflet’s see what that looks like and thenwe’re gonna add in flour this will justhelp it form into the cookie mixture itdoesn’t look as if it’s going to all mixin but it will a little bit of patientit’s a little bit of stirring and youwill be amazed at what happens so we’realmost there my plan is I’m going tomake some without the chocolate chipcookies so I’m going to do that first Ithink the one is without the chocolatechip cookies because then I can add thechocolate chips into the baldest alreadydirty saves on the washing up how do youlike a bit watch that one right there wego so there’s our mixture all mixed inyou can see it’s not meant to do like wedid last week and that’s absolutely finethat’s exactly right so what’s somethingto do now is I’m going to get my littlebaking tray I put some tin foil on italreadyagain if you want to spray it you canjust rub the butter on that’ll help themfrom not to not stick so I am going touse the spoon and I’ve been using Iprobably my fingers to be honest becausethey’re nice and clean and I’m notworried about getting them dirty so I’mgoing to take a small little bit of themixture I’m going to make it into a ballput it on a tray and pop it down nowwhat you’ll find is because the mixtureis quite gooey when you put it on thetray the cookies are going to spreadthat means they’re going to geta little bit bigger wider than you’vemade them so don’t put them to placewould be my tip and then if they spreadthey won’t get stuck to each other sothere’s two this is number three let’sgive that a bit of a pat there and thenwe’re gonna make number or now I think Ican probably make tenbiscuits tank up using total and I’mgoing to do five with chocolate chipsand five without so this one I’m justgoing to pop in the middle there now Ihave put mine a little bit close so theymay join together but that doesn’tbother me so the next thing we’re gonnado is I’m gonna take the chocolate chipsnow I haven’t weighed these I’m justgonna put in as many of my life now I amchocolate chip fan so I’m just gonna putin as many as I write and I’m just gonnaadd them into the mixture and what wefind is these will also melt and makeyour cookies like gooey and they cookthoroughly delicious thing okay sothey’re gonna try and see if we can makefive cookies now what I might have doneto be honest is I might have been a bitexcited with the chocolate chips andadded a few too many because I don’tthink they’re all going to actually fitin the mixture but that is not a problembecause we like to just go over to flowhere and sometimes in my life we have tobecause I do things like this like alittle bit greedy and I add for you toomany chocolate chips but that’s becausethey’re deliciousright next onemake this spit now you don’t need toseem you make all of these it’s going tobe very very boring so what I’m going todo is once I’ve made this one I’m goingto pause the video I’m going to verygently pop these into the cooker they’regoing to cook now let me justdouble-check this to make sure I’ve gotit right I think it’s about 15 minuteslet me see yeah between 15 and 20minutes depends whether you want themgooey when they come out or whether youwant them hard when they come out of theoven they are still going to cook just alittle bit so you do need to rememberthat so I’m going to finish these offput them on the tray and then if youhave a grown-up with you they need tohelp you put them in the oven so we’regoing to put them in the oven cook themfor between 15 and 20 minutes and thenhopefully this time I’ll get it rightand I’ll come back to you with thefinished article okay have fun enjoystations see you in a minuteso the beepers going off Wow look atthese so they’re going to be very hotthe brunette needs to help you get thatin the oven and then somewhere nice andsafe the back of the unit make sure youuse something to help you I hope youenjoy the cookies have a delicious daysee you later bye

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