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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi today we’re gonna make some healthydoggie cookies in the past few videoswe’ve done some food for humans that’sbeen pretty scrumptious so let’sconsider our four-legged friends andmake something healthy that they reallyenjoy and I got to attest that my dogslove them so today we’re gonna start offwith some 1/4 inch dice sweet potatoeswhat I did was I seasoned it with alittle bit of herb oil just to get alittle bit of extra flavor in and I’mgonna scrape down into my bowl and getall the juice then the sweet potato isreal dogs love the flavor but it’s alsohigh in flavor fiber so it’s really goodfor their digestion next we’re gonna doseven and a half cups that’s also greatfor digestion 3 cups of whole wheatflour do whole wheat because it’s lessrefined so it’s better for the dog 1tablespoon of chicken base that’s so wehave some chicken flavor in there soit’s full AVO1 cup of apple sauce the apple serves asa few things first it’s great for flavorthen it’s good for digestion because ofthe high fiber content in it and thedogs are getting their vitamins throughthe Apple glass we’re gonna do 6 eggsand now he’s just gonna throw it on themix it for a minuteand get it all very well when it’smixingyou want to mix it until the sweetpotatoes are all mashed up andeverything you want a dry mix but youwant it also pliable not to spread itout on a bench well that’s[Music][Music][Music]and I’m gonna coat it with a little bitof whole wheat flour what this is gonnado it’s gonna dry it up enough so that Ican roll it out and hand tie itI don’t want an excess of flour on mybench but just doing this makes it niceso that it rolls out fairly quickly andwe have a nice texture here once againit’s very important that you do a reallygood job mixing in everything you wantto really incorporate the sweet potatoapple and make sure that the oatmealbloomed properly and sucked up all theliquid this is going to be importantbecause when you after you dry it in theoven you’re gonna want to store it andif you have moisture in your dog cookieand so you need to make sure that yourcooking process is exact all the time sowhat I’m going to do is I’m going to cutthis into a five by five inch square Idon’t need to rule for this because mybench scraper is five inches in lengthso I’m just gonna basically make a fiveby five inch square using my bench cutup and thenthere we go so now like I said I couldtake a traditional hand cookie scoophand cookie cutter and cut thetraditional shapes and put them on thesheet pan I’m going to choose to go astep beyond just so it separates ourproduct from somebody else’s cookiebecause everybody buys these shapes whatI like to do is do a pretzel shape soI’m just gonna cut quarter inch stripand just take the ends fold them backfold this one over the top pressing itdown and that is my pretzel okay perfectright and I’m gonna repeat that and thenI’m gonna bake these at 300 degrees forabout an hour and that’s to get all themoisture out so that you can store themfor a long period of time so they won’tmold and when they come out of the ovenI’ll introduce you to my two dogs andI’ll go through the tasting process ofselling dog cookies we got to make surethey’re good enough to sell see youlaterhi so we’re back again I already prebaked some cookies as you see I’m justgonna quickly go over one more time thatpretzel making method I’m going to takemy 5 inch wide bench scraper and cut aperfect 5 by 5 square and I’m gonna takeit loosen it up off the bench so it’snot sticking it all cut quarter-inchstrips this is actually working a littlebit better for me because the oatmealhas bloomed fully soaking up all theliquid andso it can form a little bit better thanit did just a minute ago so I’m gonnatake the two ends folding this one downto here and then overlapping the otherone so we have a nice pretzel shape likeI said anything that you can do to haveyour product a little bit more uniquethan the rest of the clan you’llprobably sell your product a little bitquicker so what we do in our businessesis actually by the way a third leadingin item that we sell we can’t keep themon the shelf a little bit of ink pressPreston and Henry approved that justgives a little bit of humor to ourproduct but really they had a lot to ourresearch and development a lot to do soI did bake these for throughout 300degrees for about an hourthat completely sucked off of liquid outof them so now they can be shelf stablefor a long time what I do is I put adouble fold and tape it and the mostimportant thing is customer informationI’m greedy unless we work through averylabeling systems and we put ouringredients in weight descending orderfor example oatmeal weighed the most sothat goes first then we had sweetpotatoes then whole wheat flour on andon all the way down to chicken basewhich was the last item in it so I’mjust gonna put this on this actuallytells our customer that everything inhere is fresh fresh fresh it is meantfor human consumption by the way I alsoeat doggie cookies because they’re verygood and healthy for us now last stepwe have to go through is the researchand development and product qualitycontrol so that being said Preston andHenry sit down do you like these cookieshuh these cookies they can’t get enoughof them and we made these cookiesbecause of them anyway does one anotherone all right here we gohere we go good boys good enough allright so that’s dog cookies um if youare chef you can market anything like Isaid at our farm stand this is a thirdleading item down at a farm stand it’sall how you monarchy did see you laterthere will be some questions along withthis video