Bread Recipes

Easy Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Bake with Kate | Magically Katelyn


In this video, I share my favourite banana bread with you all!

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Hello! My name is Katelyn, I am a lover of dogs, Disney, and a good cozy home vlog. Join me in my little cozy corner of the internet! All are welcome here.

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oh hello everyone and welcome back to mychannel if I’m offered during this videoit’s because my mom is sitting over inthe corner and she can probably heareverything I’m saying but this is thisis the reality of getting to haveeverybody at home at the same time sotoday I’m going to be doing a cookingvideo with you guys this is a beta breadrecipe that I make pretty often actuallyI just found it on Pinterest I’ll linkit below it’s super easy and it’s superyummy so that is what we will be doingtoday if you enjoy this video pleasemake sure to give it a thumbs up andsubscribe to my channel for more andlet’s get into it okayso I have already preheated the oven to350 degrees Fahrenheit so I’m lettingthat preheat right now but now I’m justgoing to wash my hands[Music]so I just took my little bacon dish andI have already greased it so I justbasically took a paper towel and liked alittle bit of butter all around so thatit won’t stick and then in a bowlI’m using a KitchenAid mixer but youdefinitely don’t need to use one but Iam going to be mashing together thebananas sugar egg vanilla and vegetableoil so I have three bananas here so I amjust going to heat mushy bananas there’s[Music][Music]so there is three bananas in there soI’m just going to put this on the mixerand I’m just going to mix it on low forand just until they get like all mashedtogetherso I’m just going to add 1/4 a cupvegetable oiland one egg[Music]3/4 cups of sugar[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]I’m trying to put a splash so now I’mjust going to be adding the flour so put1 1 and 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour[Music]now to mix that all together[Applause]1 and 1/4 TSP of bakingand half a teaspoon of baking soda[Music]I’m just going to pull in the side[Music]and I’m just gonna mix it a little morein AD inand I don’t really measure this I justkind of along but it would probably be ateaspoon[Music][Applause]once it’s all mixed together in the poolI then just take some chocolate chips Itake a cup of chocolate chips and addthat to the bowl and then I just kind ofstir it in by handonce it’s all mixed together I just takemy dish and then I will just pour it inand then this step is optional but thenI will take some extra chocolate chipssprinkle them and then now I just takemy little tray and I put it in the ovenfor one hour so I put it in for one hourand you can test it just by like seeingnormally when there’s a crack in the topof the banana bread and it’s kind ofcrispy on the outsidetypically that will show that it’s doneor you can do the toothpick test atoothpick and then and pull it out andas long as there’s no like like batteron the toothpick then it is still but Iwill show you guys it when it’s done[Music]so the banana bread is all finished thisis what it looks like that’s what I liketo add the extra chocolate chips on topbecause it just makes it look so muchmore deliciousbut I ended up keeping it in the ovenfor about an hour and 15 minutesobviously it just kind of depends onwhat your oven is like but yeah that’severything when I eat my banana breadjust so you know I have a small slice ofit and I put butter on it because that’sthe only way you can eat banana breadbut anyways thank you guys so much forwatching I hope this gave you a littlerecipe that you can bake while you areat home and if you try it let me knowand I will see you guys in my next videobye[Music]

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