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This delicious banana sweet snack is made with ingredients which are commonly available in our kitchen. Ripe plantain/banana and bread are the main ingredients for making this sweet treat.
SUGAR is optional in all steps and can be replaced with honey to make this healthier.
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Video Transcription
hello everyone welcome to something’scooking with Alpine today I’m gonna showyou how to make this beautiful deliciousbreakfast recipe which you can even haveit as dessert and it’s called the bananabread toast or banana bread roll and nowlet’s look at the recipe or amia recipeshahrukh arose capital ml co-op nameddistrict channel kibarim a putana chajatu up subcommander many would do such anice shirokiya Hedges kaanum her at homewith alpine hindi uper Geling bakra abursa sac liquor DJ or who Jayasubscribe Mario’s Zeus rechannel Kobe orChilean shoe kurta hey a recipe Co sofor this recipe guys I have peeled 2bananas and now we are going to startchopping them and sorry about that guysmy husband is in a not b mood so oncehave done smacking him on his hand let’sstart cutting the bananas as finely aspossible and as you can see our finelyslice the bananas and again my husbandis troubling me just make sure do notlet anybody come in between you and yourrecipe and now guys let’s take a pan andadd about 1 tbsp of ghee which isclarified butter you can also add oil orbutter and now let’s add the sliced upbananas to it and let’s cook the bananason a low to medium flame for the nextthree to five minutes or until thebananas turn mushy or change a littlebit of color five minutes later thebananas are nice and mushy so let’s addone tablespoon of sugar here I’m usingpowdered sugar and then give it a goodmix once everything is nicely mixed inthen turn off the flame and let thebananas come down to room temperaturemeanwhile I have cracked one egg into alarge bowl and to this I am going to addone tablespoon of powdered sugar alongwith one tablespoon of milk and now guysit’s time for us to mix everything tooso let’s take a balloon whisk and mix itall in and guys I forgot to add thevanilla essence so let’s add about threedrops of vanilla essence and give it agood mix and now it’s time for us totake some bread slices and remove theedges of it you can take white bread orbrown bread for this recipe here I’musing the white bread and once we havedone removing the edges then use arolling pin and slot in the bread asmuch as possible and by now the bananastuffing has cooled down a bit so let’sadd a spoonful of the stuffing on top ofthe bread in the center and spread itevenly and once we’re done with thatthen let’s take the egg mixture that wehad prepared and applied on the sides ofthe bread and now guys let’s just takeone side of this bread and very gentlyroll it to the other side thus giving usa bread roll and now dip it into thategg mixture and make sure that this eggmixture is applied on all sides of thisroll and then add this roll on top of apan in which I’ve already kept some gheefor heating and your guys I’m addingabout four rolls and now we are going tofry them just for about 30 to 40 secondson each side make sure that you cookthem from all the sides and let themturn nice and golden brown in color fromall the sides and once our rolls arenicely cooked from all sides and lookingnice and golden brown in color thenlet’s remove them off the pan and dipthem into this mixture of sugar andcinnamon powder and they are all readyto be servedmake sure that he served them whilethey’re nice and hot you can alwayssprinkle a little bit of chocolate syrupif you wish on this but I just love thetaste of sugar and cinnamon powder onthis again guys cinnamon powder istotally optional so you can skip it ifyou wishmake it do let me know what you thinkabout this recipe if you like thisrecipe don’t forget to click on thesubscribe button and then click on thelinks because those are recipes whichyou don’t want to miss and also guyshelp me grow in my second channel whichis the Hindi channel at home with ALPAin Hindi by subscribing to it and I willsee you very very soon meanwhile youtake care bye bye