Edibles are so easy when you have a vaporizer and save your already vaped herb, we call duff. Add your duff to your chocolate chip cookies next time and get ready for one of the best edibles you have ever had. OH, and they are super easy to make with almost no more time to make than a standard cookie.
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Video Transcription
alright guys so here this is how youelevate your cookies you ready for thisbecause there’s several different waysthat you can put up with your cookiesand so I’m gonna show you guys a coupledifferent ways to do that alright so thefirst way I’m going to show you is justyou literally roll it out give it alittle smushed teaspoon so I typicallyuse about a teaspoon per edible it’sjust whatever you or how much potencyyou want in it and number two we aregonna do where a flattened this bad boyout and I’m gonna just make a littlesandwich with two it’s gonna be a bigbig cookie so I’m gonna add a littledouble dose of the duff a little morethan a teaspoon on that one as you seeand I’m just gonna close her upand then the third version that I’mgonna do is I’m gonna make two cookiesI’m gonna cook them all the way throughand I’m gonna throw some ice cream onthere and make and then sprinkle withsome tough to be the best edible everbefore okay we’re gonna do a fun onewhere I literally take this I’m gonnaroll it and I’m gonna coat it in duffand then so as it cooks those Duffparticles are gonna meld together moldtogether and it’s not gonna break apartit’s gonna be a nice Duff coated cookieso I’m gonna I’m gonna pour it on thaton the table that’s probably about atablespoon of Duff right there and it’sgonna add that crunchy texture that’sactually it looks delicious number fiveI’m gonna fill I’m gonna have a Dufffilled on the inside cookie and then I’mgonna roll it and up and this keep inmind is for people that like the textureand the taste of Duff I love it so Iknow I’m gonna enjoy this one right hereso I rolled it up poke my hole as youcan seeand I put about half a teaspoon not toomuch I’m just gonna close her upseal her up sprinkle a little more dove[Music]you know what I’m gonna sprinkle a lotof death because it’s a double Duffdouble cookie chocolate chip chunkcrunchoh okay number six so this one is alittle special one I’m gonna add anextra ingredient some of you might haveit some of you might not just just adifferent variety and option I’m gonnaroll I’m gonna mix my Duff in and I’mjust gonna get it all in there doesn’tmatter doesn’t matter just make surethere’s about t tablespoon in there andthen I’m gonna take my coconuttake my Duff dough whoothat bad boy is gonna be good all rightlucky number sevenanother different interesting fun wantto do I have my peppermint candy caneI literally just grinded it up a littlebit broke it down now I’m gonna take mycookie dough same concept as before I’mjust gonna get it in there and mix itall around get a little more on theoutsidemix it all around my peppermint I’mgonna set it on there[Music]a peppermint top tough cookie full okayand then number eight the final cookiethat we’re gonna do it’s going to be apeanut butter and duff cookie and soDuff actually goes really well with fatsand oils and so peanut butter like thisis gonna blend really well in the ovenso I’m gonna take my Duffpoke me a little hole make sure there’sroom at the bottom so you’re not pokingall the way through a little dollop ofsome peanut butter[Music]and you know what I’m gonna solve a itupalright guys so literally after 20minutes I have my cool cookie Duffinfused full spectrum edibles it took notime at all I didn’t have to throw it inthe oven for 2 hours 2d car my first Ijust vaporized it put it in my Duff jarand sprinkle it on top of my cookies sonow I’m gonna have my favorite cookiejust some regular chocolate chip cookiesnice scoop of some ice cream and then toget the elevation that I want againtop my ice cream with some dove thanksguys for being a part of it please giveus some ideas and give us a follow upelevate glass counter calm stay elevated[Music]