CBC Seniors get together to produce hilarious promo video for The KROO’s annual Cake & Pie Auction. Special thanks to our participants Ayu Arsani, Jordan Leek, Adrian Snyder, Zach Thompson, & Curtis Wilson!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everyone out there in TV land thisis your very own crew reporter Jordanwelcome to the 2017 edition of America’sExtreme Home bake-offand here are our contestants Spring HillZone IU and here we have the roughneckof white oak Adrian and last butcertainly not least Buckeyes Zach andwithout further delay let’s get tobaking hope each of you already in threetwo one go[Music][Applause][Music]I’ll use challenge of the weekblindfolded[Music]now sex challenges in a weekno utensils[Music]and Adrienne your challenge of the weekhands up you can’t use your handsI don’t need my hands anyway no no thatcontact is a no-no you’re disqualifiedmy friend[Music]oh wowtough break Adrienne illegal use ofhands you’re disqualified[Music]well that was certainly a gold medalmoment let’s get back to the kitchenhaha that’s good well folks I believe wehave our winner it are you[Applause]oh if you think this has been greatthen don’t miss tonight’s cruise studentministry cake and pie option it willpicked off in the Sullivan hole at 5:00p.m. it’s going to be a sweet timeyou[Music]