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Hi I’m Hayley Morris and I’m currently living and working in Orlando Florida at Walt Disney World. It’s my second time out here doing the CRP (Cultural Representative Program) at Epcot. You can expect lots of vlogs, Disney tips and tricks and all the hotel and park tours! This channel is full of entertaining tips, tricksy and advice and the occasional comedy sketch. Hope you enjoy all the Disney Vlogs and make sure to SUBSCRIBE and turn on notifications, to be updated every time I upload! Thank you so, so much for watching, it means the world!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello good morning it is that’s my top Idon’t know my choppers it is a day todayI have no idea what day it ishowever there is my top let’s have alook at my phone to find out what day isit is Tuesday I should have known it wasTuesday um I’ve been up for a while butI’ve done absolutely nothing of my day Iliterally stepped on sins all bloodymorning I downloaded the sim so it’sreally great by the way if you wanted todownload it and yeah yesterday I didn’tvlog anything because I didn’t really domuch and then we had like a virtual hangout with some people from the UK pathand has some drinks it was really fun umand yeah just didn’t really vloganything because I just thought it’sgetting boring for you guys to whatshould we do nothing just jumping in thecar every two seconds Restless I’ve gotmy top on now so I’ll it lasts like ahillbilly was wearing a body with a pairof very short shorts sport shorts thereI was have you know and Kristin diary Iwant him at the chick-fil-a I actuallydon’t want to think the chick-fil-a Ijust needed to get out of my apartmentgoing a bit stir-crazy I won’t lie andI’m a very restless person and I’m notdoing anything and I feel all slobbery Ido the opposite of what everyone elsewould do which is not be fluffy anymoreand I get more sloppy I just lay theredoing nothing and I’m like wow so yeahI’ve been playing The Sims 4 all morningand like literally to the point where Iwas taking care of my sin but I wasn’ttaking care of myself in real life I wasI haven’t showered or eaten and thisSims been away kinda lied for a weekI showered brushed my teeth but my hairis nice and clean now and I haven’teaten anything yet I’m gonna makepancakes so I have cleaned my apartmentI need to clean my apartmentit was disgusting the amount of dust onthe floor I simply just couldn’t believeI need to do another deep claim and I doanother deep clean today I presumebecause of what nothing else today andlet’s talk about my hair my hair usuallygets greasy overnight like I’m talkinggross I think and people watching thismight be like you don’t think you’restupid and my the fact is I was this mapis now openI was drugged shampooing my hair everyday because it’s so thin just like a bitbody and and now I’m not doing thatbecause I don’t need to dry shampoo myhair my hair is not getting greasyovernight so I’m not having to wash itas much so yeahbig fan basically the fact that my hairis not as greasy all the time anymorethat’s what we’ll say about that andyeah we’re just going through thechick-fil-a track so I talk to you whenwe’re done the boys want to say my foodthat would have to come over to thedelivery zone they’re hungover that’swhy having a chick-fil-a and Ipracticing social distancing by orderingit here so brilliant social distance inmonths versus I think I judge asto a certain extent really fun actuallyJo’s it did make me feel really sadthough because I just miss everyone somuchanyway we’re gonna wait for that foodnow and then if you don’t say it up withthis air conditioning that wasn’tattracting the slightest comeback soempty in this apartment it’s so weirdright I’m so gosh darn Restless today somuch my drinking makers my laptopscholars printer oh no you know the Simsmust have crashed something’s gone ontomy laptop here because it’s on FaceTimeright nowbrilliant what’s happening lots ofmessages today from people I don’t knowwhat people are talking about what’shappening here did this woman’s crashSims are still going I’ll show you thesame as quickly and then I’m gonna goand make pancakes cuz I absolutely doneed to eat today and right so we got myroommate over there she’s been an allflirty hashtag woo woohere she is in her pajamas just cleaningup being a great gal it’s not me it’sjust a Rand I’ve just created a randomperson decided I don’t want no do sinsthat I mean anymore because otherwise Iget too frustrated if things go wrongright no so I don’t like so on Sims 4I’ve not really worked out how to use itproperly yet it didn’t judge but Istarted redecorating stuff bit by bit soobviously this room I’ve done I’ve sortof done the kitchen but I’m not really abig fan of it and I say sort of I havedone the kitchen but I’m not a huge fanI don’t like the tiling there’s on thereand he’s changed the wall and this roomI’ve not touched that’s why it’s superuglyand I’ve sorted this room out that waslike the bed but you know whatever andthen this is the bathroom that I’vechanged and this is that random girl wholives in my apartment and I have to gether to move out cuz I don’t want to livein there but she lives there right nowso she’s a bit weird she like the otherday she just got really smelly and grossand kept peeing everywhere and I waslike you need to leave and she left andnow she’s back so she asks to comearound every day and I let her comearound and now she’s made herself athome so don’t really know how to get ridof her she was there when I moved inI’ve got a hot tub and I got a cameraand I’m trying to make this go famouscuz I’ve got the famous pack and maybe aSpragg you could go and meet this teamwould that be a bit weird she caught meon the Friends of a teenager yes that’sit really it’s different to all theother sins you can get them to do morethings and yeah big fan big fan but I’mnot gonna play on it right now becauseotherwise that’s all I’ll do what iseasy to get worried Misner I’m a feelingis anyone else like that at the momentevery time you sneeze you cough and hehave like a slight tick on your throator like it’s happened it’s happeningI’ve got it yeah I felt like no oneknows what’s going on with it so we’reall just panicking every time thatsomething happens and just putting atripod on so I can take you to thekitchen it’s all one key Lockington withthis must have been on some sort ofangle yesterday because I did startvlogging out there then I didn’t in theend and but I have been vlogging myselfeating or something it wasn’t an upshothere’s the bed I didn’t finish lastnight so I can go down the sink rightnow I did clean up the kitchen quite abit yesterdayand I’m just like scrub the thingssorted out the dishwasher again yeah soI’m gonna clean up stuff in a sink Inever leave dishes in the sink but I wasin the middle of cooking last night whenwe started the live hangout and so I waslike try what I wanted to do was makelike roasted sweet potatoes somebroccoli and then like some fake chickenand make some gravy and have somethinglike meat and two veg I guess but not meand because it was just I had somebroccoli and I’ve got loads of sweetpotatoes I was like why need to usestuff that will go out of date first sothat was a very uh adventurous meal thatI was making in the end all I had wasthe sweet potato and some more broccolibecause I was too busy on the oldhangout thing that’s no yeah go cleanthis up and then we’ll make somepancakes I’m excited for pancakesheads up which means the massacre yaythat took me all of half these so muchshow yourself from frozen to to clean upcitizen even on the silk wasn’t actuallythere was two bands in there so I waspretty easy and then I just had to putaway two bands so buzzed it right so I’musing a nutribullet to my pancakesbecause just easier less stuff to washupwell it hasn’t washed up nothing yeah soI do mind in cup measurements and I kindof just like go with the flow and dowhatever I feel so I’m gonna do one cupof just plain flour and 1 cup of oatmilk so I’m just going to go grab thatand thenor ahead in front of me how exciting Ithought an image is that your enjoymentI’m gonna put the milk in first such anaughty I’m not because I’ve always thatis when a flower everywhere start it byone lane Fleur it goes and actually wantto put in a little bit more than a cupof this because I feel like if I do itone to one then it’s gonna be a littlebit too thick I make my pancakes inbetween what you would have as anAmerican pancake like bit like anAmerican pancake but a bit like crap aswell so a bit of a mixture a little bitmore in there just for good measurelet’s get back a quick rushI absolutely love sangtae like such adreamy breakfast eat brunch situationthe only annoying thing is every timeyou want to go out for pancakes someonethat’s not veganhey where does it fit our egg so it’s abit frustrating why it’s not prostratingso I don’t really have a go-to and thehusband I want to have pancakes forbreakfast but you know it’s so easy tomake it without a because that’s thefear and then baking powder make sureit’s baking powder or baking sodabecause I once made this accidentallynot looking and having like the samecontainer in the UK and was like whydoes this taste like ass answer it wasbaking soda so that it really changestaste so I’m gonna put like that much OhNo just guess cassioparty like that makes them nice andfluffy someone told me once makes niceand fluffy so fellow that’s correctI’m just gonna use I just got I don’thave any like bags of sugar just gotthese sugar packets I’m just going touse taco sugar let me get some agave andfit right in there is not just her inthe replacement of something like I feellike in these I probably put vanillaextract I don’t have any so I’ll useagave instead just to give it adifferent sweet time I guesslet’s be completely honest now I don’treally have a clue about cooking I’mjust sort of freestyling guys are goingon so in the replacement of eggs like ina place of eggs I use oil and it doesn’tmatter oil it is that wouldn’t use oliveoil thoughtwo tablespoons of oil and I just blendityou probably shouldn’t learn that butit’s not I’m wrong yet so there we goeasier than it’s again giving it alittle shake just to get my flour thrownoff the roof let’s do itlet’s make pancakes cue music andpancake situation enjoy[Music][Music][Music][Music]all right I have to put the young fan onthat pan all of the pans in housing Ilet you know if they suck so as soon asI put it on it just start getting toohot and then burning and I was like sogood a big big boy fan on and just sothat the smoke wasn’t going to set thealarm off it was all good yeah the Imade this mixture there’s a lot ofpancakes and I just put some agave ontop so fine that will completelydifferent shapes and sizes I don’t knowif any of anyone anyone not any otheranyone ever watched I think I did like acooking video of me making thesepancakes at home and they were likeperfect sizeit’s all about the equipment for surebecause at home there oh I could put onon the state is completely flat surfaceyou use my mom’s really good pad whichis like completely stick proof likenothing will stick to it because it’slike granite almost like a very heavypan and she uses it when she cookspaella yeah she’s like got one of thosewhich is amazing and it makes like aperfect circle here that stove is onekey is how it’s like this if you sawlike the pan is literally like justwobbling about on top and the pan suckbut these are delightful and I just mademust have a mushroom tea raki mushroomkind of mugs on the handles on the wrongside for this I suppose if you’releft-handed can you drink it like thatbut I might hand it so it’s on the wrongside for me right side for Chris thoughand anyway I’m going to enjoy thesepancakes and not let them get reallycold because that would be silly so I’llsee you when I finished my whoppingstack of pancakes I’m Philip and feelsick now it doesn’t help that when I eatI also drink those of water so I geteven more full I think I meant to dothat I’m surethat’s what she liked science findhydrating your body riveting stuff Iknow I watched some very interestingthings now I’m sure I watched somethingabout something and if they said on itthat you shouldn’t eat and drink at thesame time but I physically cannot eatand not drink because my body don’t likeit well I think I’m just waiting forChris now as Chris is I was justthinking earlier as I’ve it’s quitefunny that Chris and I are a couple butduring all of this we’ve still got twoapartments so we spend a lot of the daytime on our own doing our anything whichi think is very good because it meansI’m a not on top of each other andarguing absorb so it ain’t so bad andyeah I’m waiting for Chris Chris iscurrently with Dario and I Dario isgoing off some somewhere at four so Ithink for Chris and I will go and doanother walk outside if I can build itI’ll bring the camera on a walkessentially maybe we’ll see don’t holdme to it and but yeah I’m gonna play alittle bit of Sims now and then we’ll goon our walk and get some exercise in andthen I’ll come home then do it work outand Chris is cooking for me tonight sothat’s exciting so we’ll be able towatch him cook and chill out so that isalways a good time but for now it’sabout a bit of shims time it’s not likea frog[Music]right prestigious messaged me messagedmessaged me he said he is ready andraring to walk so just think somebodyspray on Oh lovely I’m not gonna takethe camera but hopefully I could filmsome of the walk on Christmas phone it’sjust I’m running pockets in climbingover my wire there so my sins gettingfamous at the moment she’s got aboyfriend now and it’s all good timesanyway Chris just messed means outsideso I’m gonna go on the walk I’ll see youon the walkwhere am i it’s very windy wanna walkright now and we’ve come down an areathat we never go down and there’s atrack down here so we’re gonna walk alittle bit into the unknownit was the Sandy track I’m Kristinsliders this isn’t a great idea Johnwalk just a little bit down here andthen we’ll walk back sure there might bethose the snakes and stuffdon’t go too far down I don’t think I’mpretty down here thoughOh son yourself it’s a super windy soI’m probably just gonna not talkingabout because you won’t be answering orany of this anyway but enjoying the walkso far hallo and we got back from ourwalk probably an hour ago I’ve just beendoing emails which I’ve not done in agesyeah we went for how high did we walktoday a similar yesterday we definitelydid more let’s have a look so I’d say wedid two miles 5711steps I think yesterday we did it waslike three miles 8000 steps wedefinitely did more yesterday but yeahit was a nice at walk sure windy thoughso it wasn’t like the best situation tobe walking in and one of my friendsmessaged and said walk across the roadfaster because they were in a bus andsaw usyeah we actually bumped into a fewpeople as well we went into two of myfriends who were driving into Vista itwas like the first bit of socialinteraction face to face I’ve had withanyone from the pavilion that isn’tChris and Dario in ages and thatobviously star was niceyeah and I’ve just done some inos whichwas interesting Chris is making dinnercurrently he’s my son and I don’t havetime to do it Jo mix back out yet butI’m either gonna do one in depending onhow long Chris takes to dinner I mightdo one now or I’ll do when I get backwell a little while afterwards oh do alittle yoga flow as well today I thinkI’ll probably do either a me or dominosyoga or one of their Instagram lightstoday maybe even both if I’m feelingfancy yeahit’s been actually quite a nice daytoday I feel like because I’m not reallysat at my very much day apart from rightnow and I’ve been out in the kitchen andI feel like I’ve done productive thingsso yeah I’m actually gonna sort out avideo that I’m doing tomorrow so don’tthink I’m gonnatomorrow I might cook tomorrow but itmight just be an extra video that I canfor another day and so I’m gonna try andplan some of that tonightwell actually an arrow actually Ohhasn’t been done lovely I stayed todayactually so it’s not been that bad interms of being inside for a lot but alittle bit chilly oh reallywe got here prepare cups they’re on aChristmas jumper so that if you can seeit properly it’s a Disney World one butI was at my jumper now cuz I wear it somuch I just love it it’s so warm andsnuggly broke my hand oh yeah that’snice and cozy as well only thing is whenI wear this now but these shorts on itliterally completely covers the shortsokay snuggly little bug glioma jumperyeah I’m gonna tell me not to do no Imight start working on why I said Iwould do for a video so never get anotepad a pen because I feel like I likedoing stuff I’m really funny I don’tknow if anyone else is the sameI’m really funny when I’m planningthings I feel like I have to physicallywrite it rather than do it one like a anote thing on my computer or without Ifell like I’m Way more productive when Iput pen to paper and I don’t know whyit’s really weird the only thing thatI’ve ever started writing a book andmaybe last year I was after London whenI’d moved time I started writing a bookI’ve not finished it at all probablywritten like 10,000 words and stoppedand but that is the only thing that Iphysically have written on there andactually I’m telling a lie so I scriptson my own computer as well like I’m sonot in that zone anymore I used tobeat like at 10,000 words it just waxout in about a month on a book I waswriting and then things got reallyhectic with this and everything wentreally quicklyI ended up here really really fast so Ididn’t finish it and now I don’t think Icould even pick it back up and continueit and like I feel like my all mycreative stuff just has stopped it’ssuch a weird feeling like I think when Ifeel Restless like I’m feeling a bitlike distracted and lots of yawning andI feel like I keep thinking about whenI’m going home what am I going to docareer-wise and it kind of stresses meout and then I’m I I don’t know I reallydon’t know because I’m interested in somany different things but I guess I’mnot experienced to the degree that Ishould be in those different things nowand I have no idea what I’m gonna dowhen I get back stressful thing to thinkabout but I should start thinking aboutit but I feel good for having done a fewthings todaythat will benefit me in the long runbecause that’s kind of what I’ve beendoing so yeah I am I’m gonna go put somepens paper and do some planning now andget productive because I feel like beingproductive is a good thing and it’smaking me feel a little bit lessstir-crazy and cabin fever so I’m goingto do that now and then we’ll head overto Chris’s and have dinner you got therecheeky little stir fry what’s somesesame seeds on this one it was not mineshe said yeah he didn’t think she helittle staff I was some vegan chicken inthere chris has got husbandsnot vegan Oh yummyI’m exciting for this and we’ve just gotDisney Plus on watch anything you’d liketo watch watch foreverDisney insideryeah done I’m still at Christmas that’sabsolutely winging it off right nowOh weird it’s not rained in foreverit smells like rain best smile everwe’re back at my now and I’ve justdecided that I don’t wanna play tip tipsdon’t pound Tim’s tomorrow I’ve decidedthat I’m not gonna play on Tim’s all daytomorrow and we’ll call it Tim’s fromnow on this lighting is super rad Idon’t really understand I also look likenecklace or no and it like Jo is allfake that’s it no probably not brushingteeth tonight yeah well you can have funyeah and yeah I’m gonna get ready forbed and just saved Chris as we werecoming in I’m gonna by face multipleteam because it’s probably easy teamtoday and just saying while we werecoming up to the apartment it’s not nicenot having a purpose it feels verystrange not having like anything to wakeup for in the morning or anything tolike be doing during the day and I alsodidn’t complete my fitness activitygoals with a was gonna do yoga and a JoeWix blackout and I didn’t like a luck wejust did our walk which is waitingwith some you lose them but just meansI’ll have to over one to do all rightskin is not feeling great todayand yeah I don’t know he’s been a littleright day it just it’s just weird isn’tit give someone else can relateeverything just feel super weird rightnow I’m just saying it’s kind of sort oflike normal life now I know they’re sucha good thing or a bad thingthe strange thing that’s for sureASAT and then normal is no more and I’mnot being inside and doing not much withour days but good night you’ve notalready been on the book today actuallyright we’re gonna go to bed now we’rejust gonna watch some tic TOCs in bedand then that’s what you can payattention to it and yeah and then we’regonna sleep because early asleep wellcan I thank you for watching and again Ihope you’re all well I hope you’restaying as busy as you can and keepingyourselves amused and I will see youtomorrow for another video[Music][Music]