About 2 cups flour(I prefer whole wheat flour), powdered sugar to your taste, pinch of salt, about 2 ml of vanilla essence, about 1 g baking powder, an egg, any vegetable oil, water (milk if you drink milk, but since I don’t so I’m using water)
Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and powdered sugar in a bowl. After properly mixing, add some water to make a thick batter which is not very runny. Then take an egg and separate the egg white in a different bowl and add the yolk to the batter and mix well. Also add some vegetable oil to the batter and mix well once again.
Now use a hand whisk or hand mixer or fork if you don’t have both to whisk the egg white. Keep doing so for about 10 minutes and stop when stiff peaks start forming.
Now slowly fold the whisked egg white into the batter so it gets properly mixed. But don’t overmix it or use vigorous force while mixing otherwise the air incorporated in the egg white will be lost.
Heat the pan and put it in medium heat.
Put some vegetable oil in the pan and when the oil is heated to some extent pour the batter and let it cook for some time until pockets strat to forming. After enough pockets are formed, flip the pancake over and cook the other side for some time too. Finally your pancake is done. Serve with some honey and enjoy!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
okay so it’s 11:30 a.m. right now I wokeup around around 11 a.m. I alreadyfinished my you know brushing cleaningeverything else now I think I would bemaking some breakfast solet’s go so to make my pancake I’ll beusing some flour some powdered sugarthis is a strawberry essence an eggunder baking powder next um I’m addingsome baking powder just a little bit ofbaking powder I should do it next I’madding some powdered sugar I didn’tmeasure it just took some full grab themalso some salt that makes it veryproperly like so as you can see it’sbeen mixed properly now I’m adding somewater I’m just little bit of it not somuch then be runny but just enough thatit would be thickand sit properly as well a little bitmore that mix it and mix it and mix itand keep on mixing game now I’m addingsome strawberry essence just for thatstrawberry flavor our fragrance slay ita bit of it let me mix it properlymeanwhile I’m gonna take an egg and I amgoing to break it like this on the bowland next I will separate the yolk fromthe albumin or the white part like thisas I’ve seen in the TV so that’s how Ido it a small and add the up to thebatter and mix the batter very well sonow the batter has been mixed add someolive oil as well any vegetable oilwould do and what’s the egg I’m using afork but because I don’t have a handmixer or I don’t also have a whisk butas you can see a fork looks just fine aswell you keep in mixing it’s been aboutfive minutes or so I’m moving and I’mwhisking it was good it was going itchicken doing so and finally after 10minutes you will see small peaks formjust like this give it a little bit ofrisk andwell you can see the pigs form stiffpeaksthat’s all good so this is what it lookslike after properly mixed and now I’mgoing to heat my pan on the flame ofcourse so I’m going to mix makes thiswhisk egg white into the batter I’mgonna fold it in gently so that I wantrelease the air which is trapped in theegg whites otherwise the whole purposeof doing so would be lost you know thepoint is to make fluffy heiress pancakesso I’m going to miss the bus bat so eggwhite as well and it makes you properlyas you can see Sutter is already lookingso fluffy oh my god now and it’s alreadyheated up put some oil on it and youknow just give it a twirl just like thisso that sprays evenly and pour thebatter onto the panwell ever figure out something elsegoing take this what do you call it thatoh I’m gonna take this tar21 justwhatever batter like this you knowbecause I think it’s much more easierinstead of doing it with a spoon andwell just doing like this so that theoil spreads evenly to the size onto theedges and Topanga gets cooked evenly asyou can see holes in the tiny bubblesare starting to form on the top and wesee a lots of pockets now this is whenyou know that it’s done and you need toflip it over those pockets are reallynice those are what the sides of a goodpancake flip it over well this sidelooks pretty nice the banding is doneand then place it on the plate and youcan see these pockets they look reallynice really beautiful now I’m addingsome more oil and making another pancakereading the same process starting fromthe center and let it flow evenly on itsownand have some patience as you can seeand pull flipping it over again and allthe good old pancake it’s beautifullooks really delicious so this is thefinal batch and I’m pouring thedefendants ball and now it’s time toflip it again and there it goes all goodlooks pretty good now I’m taking somehoney and I’m going to spread it on topof the pancake the onions not runnybecause they say that pure honey I’msuper still eyes but still walks outface might even have been better if itwas runny but this is just fine as wellit looks really goodnext I am going to take some oranges andbase them just like this you knowbecause I had oranges and also since thepancake Moscow to oil so the acid fromdoor just really helps to balance outthe oiliness this one is for me[Music][Music]I’m also making some tea because I liketo make what tea is ready[Music]finally my breakfast is readyand I’m going to enjoy[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]