Today we made some no bake cookies they included oats peanut butter vanilla extract sugar butter and that’s all it really easy step-by-step recipe your kids could make it I hope you enjoy have fun during quarantine and stay safe if you enjoy this please like and subscribe so I recommend this recipe ten out of ten because they were great cookies follow my TikTok and my Instagram TikTok pr3tty.luhh.felicity Instagram felicity.slagle1
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
stuff it’s Lucy and today we’re gonna bemaking a baked cookies so what you’regonna need you’re gonna need some cocoapowder some peanut butter some milkbutter oatssugar and vanilla but it’s done usingoats that I like that have no flavoringI’m gonna substitute for cinnamon andspice it because we don’t have enough ofthese notesso first you’re gonna want to turn yourstove on low heat okay tablespoons[Music]half a cup of butter[Music]half a cup raised back[Applause]and now you’re gonna make this upand now you’re gonna want to mix this upuntil it becomes a it comes to a lowboil so this has come to a boil and nowyou’re gonna want to add your oats yourpeanut butter and your vanilla so firstI’m going to use five packets of it therecipe calls for three cups of oats butsince we don’t have very many of thenormal outs we’re just going to do fivepackets of these[Applause]okay so we’re gonna add this and thenI’m gonna add 1/4 cupokay that’s good enoughright now you’re gonna want one way ofvanilla extract for a little extraflavorand now we’re just gonna stir this nextwe’re gonna let this cool for about fiveminutes then we’re gonna scoop it outwith this scooper and put it on a coolernow we’re gonna scoop them upnow that I have it all scooped I’m gonnaput it in our freezer and we’re gonnalet those wait and I’ll come back to youguys when they’re done guys so these aredone rolling and let’s try on those arereally thing so much for watching I hopeyou guys really enjoyed because Ienjoyed making it follow this recipe athome because they’re really fun to makeand they’re really easy so like yourkids can make them or you can make themand yep like subscribe