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PB + Banana Cookie Recipe!
⟡ 1 Cup of Oats + 1 Ripe Bananas + 2 Tbsp of Peanut Butter + 1/2 Cup of Choco Chips + 1 Tsp of Cinnamon + 2 Tsp of Nuts (optional)
⟡ Oven @ 350 Degrees for 12 Min!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
baby we used to love me with ratchetlashes no good morning guys and happylook is isolation day I don’t even knowand I’ve lost countI was watching backblast vlog and I waslike ok today we’re deciding that’s day9 so tomorrow is day 10 and then thenext day I picked up the camera was likehappy day 12 we’re happy – I don’t evenknow it’s been about a week and a halfor something like that I just finishedfilming the DIY for this Sunday Iattempted to arm knit another blanketand it went it went so you’ll see onSunday what I’m talking about but yeahit’s it is I don’t even know there’s asolid representation of just like howeverything is going right now in theworld anyways I am gonna turn the DIYroom into an office as well I can’t getover the fact that like I need to sit ona couch when I’m working so I’ve got mylaptop here I’ve got my phone I’ve gotmy thermos I told you guys this but likehere’s my tactic as I go to thedrive-through Starbucks that still openin my neighborhood once a week and getlike two or three ventis and thentypically I only drink at all or like agrande everyday so I just like ration itout for five to six days I don’t know ifthat’s like crazy I just like I don’tknow and how like I mentioned in thelast vlog I want to be able to supportbusinesses that are staying open andworking in like safe environment becauseyou want to be able to stimulate theeconomy where you can don’t I don’t knowthe whole thing I’m just still soconflicted so anyways I’ve decided thatthe middle ground is going to Starbuckslike once or twice a week and justgetting bulk coffee for the week anywaysI’ve got a few more things to shoottoday like random things for othersocial media companies and stuff likethat today I don’t know what else we’regonna get up to oh I think I have somebeige sweatpants coming in the mailtoday I ordered them last week I knowAmazon is just focusing on deliveringall of their essential stuff right nowso random other things take like a weekor so to get here which honestly inCanada I feel like it’s pretty normalthat’s what I used to be used to facialappearance coming today and I saw thispair of target sweatpants that are beigewith like white tie-dye and I’ve nevertie-dyed beige before with bleach but inmyrain I’m hoping that I can make a beigein white tie-dye with just regularbleach so we may try that later on inthe vlog we’ll see what time they gethere I think it’s supposed to be comingby 2:45 maybe I should watch some videosand see if this is like actually a thingor just like if my brain has decidedthis thing I don’t know we’ll see we’llchat soonokay so this doesn’t look thatappetizing it’s just some sourdoughbread with a mashed avocado but I needto give a shout out to everything butthe bagel sesame seasoning blend thisstuff slaps and if I could put it onevery single thing possible I would andI do about to do some voiceover and I’mtrying to minimize the echo in here soactually doing voiceover for craft topiaepisodes right now and normally I wouldhave gone into their studio to be in asound booth and have all theprofessional things watching everythingthat’s happening I’m at home and I’mbasically just gonna like have themicrophone underneath here and have mylaptop here oh yes you got alreadysounds a little better and then I justrecorded my voiceover right here I’veactually got two different microphonesto test as well this is self isolationand voiceover work at home we are bakingsession honestly like I’m about to gainthe corona 15 I don’t know anything witha freshman 15 but I do know about thecorona 15 so my mom sent me this recipefor these healthy ish banana basedcookies and so I have the recipe righthere yields 8 to 10 cookies and curbsthe hangar I’m gonna start with rolledoats but same thing is the banana breadsituation I was going to leave therecipe and I promise I will not forgetthis time I caught myself after readingthe comments after the first hour thevideo was live wouldn’t even a bananabread but I promise I’ll leave the wholerecipe in the description box twobananas again these bananas yall alreadyknow if there’s no pores going insidethis is potentially off this is theperfect banana honestly I was surprisedat how little hate I got over that therewas a lot of you who shared love for abrown spotted banana oh my god not asingle bruise on it we love that okaytwo tablespoons of peanut butta so Idon’t know if you guys know this aboutme but I am not only lactose intolerantwhich is like not too too bad like it’snot really severe but I am severelyallergic to almonds I think I’m justgonna use a regularYolo so yeah I’m severely allergic toalmonds like throat closing face puffingtongue swelling full-body hives type ofallergic so I could not participate ineveryone’s love for almond butter whichis really sad because I used to reallylike almonds before I ain’t on my veryfirst allergic reaction which wasn’ttill my first year of college which isso randomwe got that Skippy low sodium and that’sit I don’t have nutmeg so I just alittle bit of extra cinnamon becauseonly one teaspoon that I asked for andthen also you can put nuts in it but Ijust like stay away from nuts to be goodWow this just seems like it’s not gonnaactually make a full cookie you’ll belike what she thing in here I guess isthe banana and the peanut butter thisfeels like it’s gonna be a lot ofstirring oh well I didn’t work out thismorning so okay so these kinda look likejust little oak piles so we’ll see howthey turn out I mean honestly my momsaid they were good so I trust her wehave pretty similar tastes when it comesto like healthy baking into the oventhey go update we are cooked I may haveeaten two them off the pan these someagain with the whole like dark chocolatechips I feel like I should have justgone for the semi-sweet or the milkchocolate because the dark chocolatesalways a little bit bitter but they dotaste really good but rats Miahi guys just finished dinner I did achicken fried rice basically just likethrough whatever I could find in thefridge into a wok to make a stir frybecause I am hurtin on food right now wehave no fresh vegetables and okay onfruit but like no bananas obviouslybecause I’ve been cooking with themnon-stop so anyways I have actually afull day of shooting tomorrow I havedifferent DIYs for craft topia socialscoming out so I’ll be vlogging a littlebit tomorrow but at some point I have togo to the grocery store so maybe that’llbe like a Friday night thing like oohturn up gotta go out into the dangerousworld can’t wait for that definitelyneed to get some more actual perishablesbecause pantry stopped produce drawersnot stocked anyways that is it prettymuch for tonight I’m gonna keep bloggingtomorrow morning when I wake up I have awhole sink full of dishes to do from thebanana cookies and the stir fries so I’mgonna continue my night with that andthen I think we’re gonna start watchingthat tiger show Tiger king king tigerlike no it’s Tiger something for surenot lion everyone’s talking about it andnow I’m really curious and I’ve heardit’s a really bizarre and resetted todive into it that’s the plan for tonightI will see you guys tomorrowgood morning guys it is Friday today andI washed my hair honestly for the firsttime in a very little big time here isclean today and I’m about to shoot someof the crab that are soon going to beliving on the HBO Mac social channels toprep for cruft topia we’re just coming Ithink may ish any beginning of May iskind of what I’ve heard so faranyways look out for more announcementsfor that but I’m super excited to getcrafting today this is kind of what I’mlooking at right now again just me doingit by myself I’ve got like my craft setup I’ve got my laptop ready for thecamera some string wattage I stayhydrated my phone I’ve got my maincamera my monitor my close-up shotcamera my Clorox wipes so about to getstirred and I think that’s gonna be likea full day’s shoot for how much stuffI’m crafting today I know my lashesright now I’m really struggling likepandemic lashes not thrive obviouslyworth it for the sake of our health butthis eye has a whole strip of a falsieon it because all my extensions havefallen out of this sidestill thriving with extensions so then Ijust filled in with individuals on thisside either way it’s very complicatedand way more work than I would like itto be I almost want to just like takeall my lash extensions off and just beable to use the strip lash every daythat I need to get ready because it’sdriving me crazy I’m spending more timeon my lashes then I definitely should beprobably more time eyelashes in myentire makeup routine itself and I amnot here for itI mean I do have lots of free timetypically so maybe I am here for it butnot today I was not here for it helloupdate I’m on our five and elfin five ofshooting yes oh my gosh everything isjust been so much more difficult than itnormally is because I’m playing producerand playing tatlin or whatever like theperson in the video talking and I’m alsoplaying camera woman right now and I’mso exhausted I’m having a really hardtime keeping my energy up – I had aventi coffee earlier so I feel like it’sstarting to kick in but oh my god I’m sothankful to be working and have work andhave things to do and be able to likekeep doing my job trust me don’t get mewrong I’m so thankful I just get likereally stressed out when I’m racing thelight because I shoot with natural lightand the Sun definitely sets way laterand prior to daylight savings time butyeah racing the light oops there’s asneak peek of what I’m DIY a littlestressful I’ve got one last onehopefully wrap this up by our six Iguess and oh god I’m doing a terriblejob okay I gotta go I gotta go I gottagohow is your social distancing going Davewhatever 13:12 how’s it going boais it good is it good yes okay good I amso exhausted so I’m gonna continue thisvlog tomorrow because I really want tobleach tie-dye those beige sweat pantsoh I just got in the mail so we’ll dothat tomorrow I’m gonna go get myself atbay bros a and potentially or some PandaExpress your breeding Panda Expresstonight bone apple tea okay guys it isSaturday and we went to the grocerystore did a whole type of deep cleaningof the produce especially I bought someTupperware to put all of the freshproduce in so it didn’t have to stay inthe original bag i Clorox wipe down allthe boxes I felt a little bit crazy butI feel like better to be safe than to besorry andI just need a confirmation from everyonethat no one’s gonna come for me for howratchet my lashes aren’t this eye haslike I don’t know if you can see and I’mnot trying to get too close on thecamera right now but this eyeball hasabout six lashes hanging on and this oneis still pretty full so if we’re aboutto go through a rough transition periodhere of the lash situation until theyjust all fall off I honestly am so closeto getting to the point of just takingsome baby oil to my lashes and takingthem all off myself because it’s roughout here anyways let me show you howgood the fringe looks Jeremy organizedit and it looks amazing Wow babe thislooks so good I may be a little bit of asauce hoarder a sauces and seasoningsand dressings and stuff so there wassmall handful of sauces that may havebeen expired anyways the fridge islooking great stocked up on yogurt alittle hardcore Nora last groceryshopping trip not realizing how much Istill had but we’ve got our producewe’ve got our other produce we’ve gotour meat our eggs one rogue egg righthere our yogurts oh my gosh this is justlike a freaking massive thing of berriesthe grocery stores brand Emily so stocktoday it was crazy nothing like lastweek hi guys wow what a familiar settingon the vlog all except I look likelike I mentioned a couple days ago whenI was supposed to be doing this DIY andinstead I was napping or no actuallythink I was filming I think I had anactual reason why this didn’t end uphappening in the vlog but I have thesereally cute and really great fitting Hannude-colored sweatpants and I wannableach dye them I haven’t found anythingonline for what happens when you addbleach to this color and I can’t see itturning any other color but white like Iunderstand that like black plus bleachequals orange and blue plus bleachequals like a lighter blue and or whiteI haven’t done a test of this but Ithink you should just go through ittogether might be entertaining if itgoes wrong but it’s finally time andalso I’m just like having a tidemoment right now I think in light Iordered three large white zip up Hoodiebecause I have a bunch of crew necks andhoodies but now I want zip up so Iordered a bunch more DIY kit and a bunchfor white bling so that’ll be foranother day I like don’t know if Ishould be like walking through thetutorial of what I’m doing like Inormally would but I feel like if youguys are watching the vlog channelyou’ve probably seen all the DIYs andare probably pros at this by now I’mjust doing the little crumple techniqueand then I’m gonna add bleach and thebest part about this is that like youdon’t have to worry about dye and likecolors mixing and stuff I feel likehow’d I get so stressed or is that justme okay we’re crumpled there’s like alittle mini squirrel on one side of itbut it’s mostly just like no rhyme noreason no technique I’m nervous I thinkthis truly just feels like we’reshooting like a regular DIY video butjust like with a much smaller camera andless makeup all right let’s begin dothis I probably should be wearing a lessnice sweater OhYolo okay what it doesn’t do anythingand even think about that outcome ohit’s not doing anything maybe I needmore bleach it’s doing nothing likeliteral nothing huh so interstate thetowels changing color though don’treally forget to put plastic down wowit’s actually doing nothing I don’t knowif I’ve ever seen bleach do nothingnothing interesting hmm okay so now wegot like an 88 20 bleach to water ratiolet’s see what happensoh my god is this actually doing nothingI’m so confused literally nothinghow very interesting do we leave it fora little bit and just see what happensthis is so weird like I can’t even seewhere I put bleach on these because it’sso just fully the same color okay well Iguess I’ll just leave in just like wordstill they chopped up oh my god this isthe mess okay we’re gonna leave this fora little bit and come back to it and seewhat happened cuz right now a lot ofnuttin is happening okay so it’s been anhour and this thing has done absolutelynothing like literal nothing and youknow what flashback to the video where Iwas trying to bleach that one blueUniversity of Kentucky shirt and I wasdoing the same thing I’m a big dummy andI realized this wasn’t really cottonthis is a polyester blendso to dye polyester you have to heat itso that the fibers open up to receivewhatever you’re trying to do to it Ithink the polyester content of thismight just be a little too high or it’sgot some kind of coating on it I don’treally know if I want to go through thewhole process of boiling the fabric andthen doing it again I don’t know we’llsee how bored I get today I don’t know Idon’t know you guys moose what am Igonna do about these eyelashes they’reso okay also what’s the planwhat’s the blimp of us oh my gosh hairnot good eyelashes not good likehonestly look how much darker likearound my eye looks on this side versusthis side it’s not good Mabel you stilllove me with ratchet lashes oh it’s sobad I don’t we’re gonna take drasticmeasures soon I don’t know what they’regonna be anyways I am going to end thevlog here that DOI was such a fail andI’m not even alive i off-camera went anddumped boiling water onto thosesweatpants to see if it would do thething that that UK shirt did and thatother DIY video to make it work for thebleaching and it didn’t work so I don’tknow what those sweatpants are made ofbut it’s not a regular fabric I don’tknow what it is this stuff is bleach andhot waterproof and you know what we’rejust gonna embrace having basedsweatpants the way they are hope youguys enjoyed this vlog thanks for makingit this far if you did this vlog waskind of all over the placebut I hope you enjoyed it jerem and Ijust spend like a solid half hourcleaning the backyard and washing all ofthe cushions down so we can enjoy ourbackyards also be really nice this weekI have kind of a busy week coming up buton my off days I want to be able to usethe backyard I think this is going up ona Sunday so check out the new son DIY aswell and I will see you guys next oneokay[Music]