What’s up EFNation! I hope that you are staying positive and focusing on what you can control to make sure that you and your family and friends get through this insanely difficult time for everyone.
Today I wanted to make sure that I brought you another recipe that requires minimal effort, time and ingredients! So today we are making whole wheat cookies!
Stay healthy everyone!
You will need:
1/2 cup – unsalted butter
1/2 cup – powdered sugar
1 tsp – vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups – whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp – baking soda
1/4 tsp – nutmeg
1/4 cup – almond milk
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#ediblefitness #coronacooking #cookierecipes
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
what’s up everybody I’m monitoring andthis is edible fitness the fitness youguessed it you can eat alright so youknow the whole world is going crazyeverybody’s stuck insidebut it doesn’t mean that we have to eatfoods and if you click here or there Ican never remember but you’re going tobe sent to my playlist of recipes thatrequire minimal time effort and greens[Music][Music]so this recipe has quickly become afavorite of mine you know thosedigestive cookies I’ll put a picture upso you can see what I’m talking aboutthese taste very similar to those and Ilove digestive cookies so I’m happy tohave my own sort of version of them athome anytime I wantso we’re gonna start with this is one ofthose recipes you know probably lovethem they’re just really easy puttogether type the recipes the butter nowI’m using vegans but you can useanything you have in the fridge in termsof butter and then the icing sugar trynot to make a mess as you blend thesetwo together[Music]all right so there you go that is doneyou just want to incorporate the twothen you’re gonna add in your mix nowonce this is all fully incorporatedwhich is rid of us now we’re gonna moveon to the drench okay so with the driveyou’re gonna put in the whole wheatflourof course cuz they’re cookies nutmeg andthe baking so that I’m just going towhisk these up really quickly[Music]that’s that so we are back with both thedry and the wet ingredients we’re goingto add the dry all love it into thebutter and sugar and vanilla mixture nowwhat’s going to happen is this is goingto become really crumbly don’t worrybecause we haven’t added the milk yet soyou’re probably not going to need aentire amount of milk so just add alittle bit at a time because we’relooking for the kind of dough[Music]so add a little bit at a time becauseonce it all comes together you don’twant to add any more flour see themixtureall right so I’m gonna switch to my handwhat am i doing just having fun let’smove on to the next part all right sowe’re almost done with the first part ofthe cookies but now we’ve got to freezethem so I’m going to create a shapeprobably a rectangle and then put theminto the freezer for about ten powerdepending on the butter that you use youmay only need take a half hour right soif it’s softer you’re gonna need longerall right so[Music]instead of probably going to make arectangle try to you’re not looking forperfect shape so whatever wrap it up putit in the freezer for an hour all rightso let’s get these out of the freezerthere they areit’s been just over an hour and they areready to go I take a knife and cut youwant to do maybe a quarter of an inchthey’re not gonna rise a lot and theseare gonna go straight into the ovenwhich is at 325 degrees and they’regonna stay in there for about half anhour 30 minutes[Music][Applause]we’re just going to lay them out they’renot gonna spread so don’t worry abouthaving them too close to each otherthat’s alright alright that’s it so likeI said 30 minutes in the oven for at 325degrees so you gotta wait a little bitbut go read a bookplay video game there’s something to doI’m sure and they’re done see I’ve letthem cool for about 10 minutes now andthey’ve got that great little snap tothem oh they’re so good mm-hmmI have to be careful not to eat like30,000 of them dangerous if you enjoyedthis video please remember to hit thatlike button that really helps me out abunch don’t forget to leave a commentbelow and subscribe if you haven’talready also don’t forget to hit thatnotification bell so you always knowwhen I upload new videos just like thisone and most importantly remember tostay home stay safe stay positive andstay healthy I’ll see you next timeright back here on edible fitness bye