I made fresh white bread and strawberry jam tarts! All cooking in quarantine videos use recipes with long-life ingredients and so are perfect for living in self-isolation among the Coronavirus pandemic! Check out my other cooking in quarantine video to see how to make chocolate brownies! If you have any suggestions for what I should cook next or any video ideas, be sure to comment down below!
Recipe Bread: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/easy-bake-bread
Recipe Tarts: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/valentines-day-jam-tarts
DONT CLICK THIS LINK: https://rb.gy/zfphk9
If you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, or want help/advice on how to self-isolate, go to the NHS coronavirus website. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Short Guitar Clip by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
frequently asked questions should Iswitch to Heineken or is Corona safe[Music]today I thought we would try cooking inquarantine I already did a video where Imade brownies in a vlog I’ll put a linkto that up here but today I thought I’dmake a more thorough cooking video wherewe’re going over a few recipes and doinga bit of quarantine cooking so I hopeyou like it let’s jump straight into itthe first thing we decided to bake wasfresh bread if you buy bread it onlylasts for a few days but if you buy theingredients they will last for monthsmaking bread is therefore perfect forquarantine cooking as it’s quick andeasy and will save you frequent trips tothe shops sightings here kinda gets theconsistency with it when I push it it’sstretching nicely but it’s not snappingtoo much it looks quite smooth on thesurface it’s quite silky smooth and if Istretch it it’s gonna stretch withoutbreaking but not stretch too much so weput the bread aside for about two hoursand put it somewhere warm so it wouldrise and then we moved on to making jamtarts just like the first recipe jamtarts use really really long lifeingredients and they’re also very quickand easy to make so first we just rolledout the pastry dough that we made andthen we move that pastry dough intolittle molds which will fill with jamand put into the ovennow we’re gonna spare a minute it’s timefor a segment I like to call infectiousjoke why didn’t the chef get thecoronavirus joke because he was in badtasteinfectious jokes so our bread dough hadrisen a lot too he probably should haveused a bigger bowl but we transferred itinto a baking tray and put that straightinto the oven and as for our jam tartsthey were busily sizzling away so hetransferred those to a plate andpresented them really nicely I’m reallypleased with how they came out and asfor the bread it looks great as wellthanks for watching today’s video guys Ihope it inspired you to use long lifeingredients to cook tasty treats to getyourself through quarantine[Music][Music]