Pancakes Recipes

How to Make a Waffles and Pancakes Episode

I did a youtube

How does this work


Music is “Fretless” by Kevin Macleod
Bleep sound effect to cover my dirty sailor mouth came from

Waffles and Pancakes is a free to read Webtoon and can be found here:

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

how to make a waffles and pancakesepisode step 1come up with an idea it’s stupid andprobably inappropriate step 2 Mattfillet out with a sketch layer it’s justthe sketch layer so who cares if itsucks up step 3 make a new layer forbetter lines you’ll probably try to drawthe same line 50 goddamn times step 4add colors this is a great time to spaceout and accidentally spend three hoursthinking about turtlesstep 5 add some shading and highlightsmaybe write mean things about Matt andEden’s hairstep 6 add backgrounds try to make themlook presentable even though yourabsolute garbage at drawing backgroundsstep 7 add the text try not to lose yourmind because you’ve probably beensitting at your desk for eight hours atthis point step 8export it and email it to webtoonhopefully you won’t get in trouble formaking too many jokes step 9stock the comments when it goes live seeall the nice people talking about howyour work makes them happystep 10 try not to cry end up cryinganyway because seeing people say yourwork makes their life better helps makeyour life feel fulfilling thanks forwatching I love you ghostexcept for you Matt youyou[Music]

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