Cookies Recipes

Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies

Here is a fun recipe for the kiddos to do at home with their parents.

1 Cup Flour
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/8 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Cup Butter
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1/3 Cup Cocoa
2 Large Egg Whites
1/3 Cup Chocolate Chips

Preheat oven to 350
Grease baking sheets.
Mix flour, baking soda and salt together.
In another bowl mix butter and brown sugar.
To butter and sugar, add cocoa powder and egg white.
Slowly add in flour mixture.
Finally add in Chocolate Chips.
Use a spoon to drop dough onto cookie sheet(greased).
Bake for 10-12 minutes.
Cool and enjoy! 💙

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hi guys it’s mr. Wilson and I just gotdone washing my hands as you can see sowe are gonna be making some chocolatechip cookies okay so what you need to dofirst you need a cup of flourall-purpose I’m sure you could usewhatever kind okayI had a pre-measured because that’s thekind of Baker I am just kidding never amokay then I need my half a teaspoon ofbaking soda dump it in there and I needmy eighth teaspoon of salt dump it allin there get a wooden spoon mix itaround[Music]- but this is going on I alreadypreheated my oven to 350 it is on mybaking sheets parade right so I’ve mixedthat together now I have have a stick ofbutter which is 1/4 cup of butter and Ihave two egg whites in my bowl I’m goingto pour them together and then I’m goingto take my electric mixer and I’m goingto mix cream them togetherwhich letters not like completely socksbut it’s okay it’ll get the job done soyou’re gonna mix okay and you’re wantingto do this until it’s nice and creamyoh by other than egg whites to sootheoopsit was supposed to be the butter and thebrown sugar welcome to my baking lifefriends hey don’t throw in your brownsugar mix it all up I’m gonna turn alittle higher get it the more forcethen once we add in red sugar andstarting to look a little creamy we’regonna put in our cocoa powder which is1/3 cup of cocoa powder and there washalf a cup of rum sugar we have anaudience here say hello boyokay so we’re mixing then we got thischocolate looking batter here okay whatwe’re gonna do next we’re gonna add inour flour mixture okay it says a littleout of time I’m a rebel I poured all oureggs we’re gonna mix this and this isgonna be our cookie dough batter okay soonce we do this it’s gonna start lookingmore of the dough okay do we take thecookie dough which is looking at themighty delicious right nowand the last step you need to do is add1/3 cup of chocolate chips but we’re notgonna measure where that’s gonna eyeball[Music]okay we measure Denyer and hit your doit again and mix it all together okay sothis is gonna give you a dark chocolatecookie and with the semi-sweet chocolatechips if you don’t want it to be achocolate cookie like this is gonna be achocolate cookie you can just not add inthe cocoa okay so that’s our littlebatter baby okay so now so we’re gonnatake our little scooper here we’re gonnascoop and scoop and dip okay this mightget you to does it honestly not sure itsays 40 cookies but that’s a mighty finesmall scoop okayso we’re gonna scoop and dip until youget a solid sheet of cookies okay theydon’t have to be perfect as you can seemine are not perfect okayso once I do that Chang so we have ourone sheet of cookie dough all ready togo we are going to take the sheets nowthis is where you need to ask for yourparents permission they need to open theoven for you you put your cookie sheetin there and you’re gonna bake for 10minutes okay and that’s all to ourchocolate chip cookie recipe make sureyou follow along in this post becausethat’s where I’m gonna be posting ourfinal pictures because this videodoesn’t need to be 10 more minuteslonger okay I love you guys I’ll see youlater bye

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