Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey friends what’s up it’s mrs. norguard I’m streaming from my kitchen andlook who it is mr. no guard and Cleo norguard say ayeall right you guys can go now thankstoday I’m gonna be baking some cookiesusing the get ready do da approach Iknow some of you guys have used this inyour classroom but I wanted to show youguys a fun way that you can use at homefor things other than learning we’realso going to be working on sequencingor putting things in the right stuff orright in the right order because if wedon’t do the right order I don’t thinkour cookies are gonna come out verybeautiful so let’s get startedyouokay guys here’s step 1add your flour and baking soda I alreadyadded some in there but I’ll put alittle pitch into a bowl ok guys forstep 2 we’re going to be adding somebutter and our sugars we have brownsugar and white sugar into the bowl nextwe’re going to be mixing the butter andthe sugar together you can use a handmixer like this or just a regular spoonyour butter and sugar should look kindof fluffy at the end you want to makesure all of the clumps are out if yourslooks just like minethen you’re ready to go to the next stepnext you’re going to crack an egg intothe butter and sugar mixture after youadd the egg you’re going to use yourhand mixer or your spoon to mix the egginto all of the butter and sugarall right after you mix your egg in withyour butter and sugar you’re going toput a little bit of vanilla in Oh can’treally see it here we go so I’m gonnaput that in and then just mix it I’mgonna use my mixer but you can just usea spoon awesome okay we just added thevanilla and mix it in the next step isto add the flour and baking powdermixture that we put together and step 1so you’re gonna add that in and thenyou’re gonna give it a little mix aroundokay oh my goodness guys this smells andlooks amazing our next step is to add inthe oatmeal and the chocolate chipswithout the best part all right guysyou’re going to take a regular spoon ora spatula and just mix that togetheralright guys I’m just gonna give this alittle bit more of a stir oh my goodnessmy spatula just broke ah and I droppedit okay pause okay guys I need some helphere I’m having a little bit of troubleif you just saw my spatula broke the topcame right off what am I gonna do firstI think I need to figure out what sizeproblem this is is it a little problemmedium problem or a big problem anemergency hmm what do you guys think nowit’s not not a medium oh this is a smallproblem all right I think you’re right Ican handle thisremember you can solve a small problemlet me go get something so that I canfix this problemall right guys crisis averted I gotanother wooden spoon whoo I thought thatwas gonna be the end of making cookiesbut we figured it out thanks for yourhelp all right guys for our next upneed you guys to make sure that you arewith an adult and adults is going to dothe next step they’re going to preheatthe oven for 350 degrees all right ifyou don’t know what that means that’sgood you probably shouldn’t be touchingthe ovenso let an adult do that and I will checkin for our next stepall right guys our next step is to putthe mixture on the cookie sheet so youneed to get out of cookie sheet you caneither spray it with some pick’em or ifyou have one of these little mats like Ido you can use thatalright guys all of my cookie dough ison the cookie sheet it’s ready to go inthe oven my oven just had a little timerto tell me that it was at 350 degrees soI’m ready to put mine in now make sureyou’re having an adult help you put yourcookies in the oven okay alright guys mycookies are in the oven and I set mytimer for 10 minutes now this would be agreat time to start helping clean thekitchen while your cookies are in theovenalright guys happy cleaning alright guysmy timer just went off I think mycookies are readyfingers crossed hope they turned outhey guys my cookies are all cooled andI’m about to enjoy Bon Appetit