Hi students and families! It’s Mr. Bahamón from the Blackstone school.
This is a video to remind you to have fun cooking with your kids because they love it, and it gets them thinking and talking in ways that they don’t do with a screen. So cook some pancakes with us…OR cook something else. It’s not always easy …but enjoy!
The video is not polished like a cooking show, but it tries to show how cooking with kids is really like, and it gives very detailed directions. Stay safe and healthy!
Please comment below let me know if you tried to cook pancakes or something else.
Gracias… por favor escribame sus commentarios o preguntas.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
comital what do you want to eat todaywash your hands first so you get them alittle wet a little soap on and scrub or20 seconds alright should we make it fun/ yepdo you know what we need yeah can you gofind where it is my[Music]salt baking powder or baking soda Icould vote but if you only have onethat’s fineanything else if you have vanilla it’sexpensive but it adds a nice flavor sodo we have everythingflour a most important piece the wet andliquid ingredientsdry or solid ingredients these are dryor solid ingredients as the milk dry now[Music]what are these[Music]every we’re gonna know right now alrightbig mixing bowl for the dry ingredientsand then meet pretty big bananas to gofor the wet ingredients[Music][Music]you’ll have a mixer like this you coulduse a mixer like this half a cup ofbutter which is four tablespoons one twothree four so we’re going to cut thisand now when the butter knife you canhave the kids cut up these fourtablespoons like thisoh well sure your muscle tension be sureyou watch the hand before this how doesthis bottle of solid or liquid how do wehow can we make it a liquid think ofputting in the microwave oh go back to[Music]3-0 30 seconds[Music]several ways everyone open librarieswith the phrase alright let’s see isthis slope to be liquid or solidsequence yeah you see how two movesaround like that that’s how we know it’sa liquid we saw like wouldn’t flow likea liquid can we pour this in the ballokay finally we’re gonna add three capsof vanilla kicks it was expensive sohave mommy or daddy for it so it’s gonnaspill now we’re going to blend this up[Music]so we’re done with wet ingredientsremember to clean up as you go hermiddle will help clean up dry pants youmay have to do thispopular kitchen this looks solid orliquid[Music]tiny little solid pieces[Music]I poured in the dry mixing bowl now I’mgoing to add some salt half a spoonfulof salt there’s really a teaspoon ofsalt sugar white sugar is easy to use wehave there’s only brown sugar so we’regonna have to mash this up let’s do aquarter cup of sugar the middle doesthat look like a quarter cup yes nowwe’re ready to do a teaspoon of bakingpowder yeah Gordon thank you decided howinvolved you want your kids to boothfins on your child and how much mess youcan tolerate a little bit drink soda youwant to stir it up a little if you wantyour pinkies really fluffyput a little more baking powderyou want to thank this a little sweeterbut less healthy and have a little moresugar they’re working on theircoordination[Music]all right we have our pancake batter nowit’s time to clean up danger the stoveis for adults only kids do you evertouch the stoveno parents are gonna be doing this thekids can watch and so now[Music][Music][Music]you see the butter is starting to brownnow you know you can pour so you’regonna let it cook and you’re looking fora lots of bubbles when it startsbubbling up a lot that’s when you knowit’s ready to flip don’t teach earlywait for it to bubble up a lot yeah Idon’t see many bubbles do you start abubble in the middle so when it startsto bubble up all around flip it overso remember if your parents are incharge if they said you can’t touchsomething don’t touch it if they wantbut you just talk about what you see outthere batter team all righttime with the family at home by Matteohow does the pancake taste[Music]