In my continuing search for healthy recipes which are bariatric surgery friendly, Bradley & I will be trying a dish from – “2 Ingredient Breakfast Cookies”. This recipe is helping me use what is in the cupboard, and was filmed before the UK officially went into lockdown. With the ways are for me, my family, and potential unemployment, cupboard and basic meals look to become a regular feature in our future.
We will show you how to make these cookies, how they taste, and if they are easy to eat for those who have had weight loss surgery (particularly gastric bypass/sleeve).
I will also tell you my fussy family’s reaction to them!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi everyone today I am going to bekeeping up with my theme ever trying touse our port food we have in houseobviously because we don’t know how muchwe can get when we can get at the momentthe shelves becoming increasingly barewhere silly people panic buying and Ithink their supermarkets they’re gonnabe putting in restrictions soon on howmuch we can get because people are stillbeing stupid so I’m going to be doing arecipe today that I’ve wanted to bedoing for a little while becausehealthier alternatives to biscuits arealways good and always welcome these aretwo ingredient breakfast cookies but Ifound on cafe delight calm it appealedto me because you can use aging bananasand my kids will not eat bananas thathave even the tiniest speck of brown onthem so I’ve actually got some bananasthat are very very very very Brown butsaw that you would almost use in abanana cake or a banana loaf if you’regoing to make them and I’ve kept theseback specifically to make these cookiesjust because as they get more Brownthey’re sweeter and they’re easier tomash so today I’m going to be doing thiswith Bradley as something to help keephim entertained and to try and get himinto the kitchen more so he’s trying tocook learning more about foods how wemake things just giving him really goodlife skills really and I don’t want himto be scared of the kitchen and thinkit’s only a place that your mom goes tocook and I want him to be able to bemore involved in being able to lookafter himself so really simple recipe Iwill go through the ingredients with youand then I will take you to the kitchenand me and Bradley will show you how tomake them so fingers crossed I see howthey turn outokay the ingredients that you need forthis recipe are two bananas whichpreferably can be as right as possibleI used ones that were really reallybrown and you also need one and threequarter cups of instant oats some of theoptional extras that they suggest whichI’m going to be using today are fourtablespoonsof peanut powder 1/4 of a cup ofchocolate chips and 2 teaspoons of honeyother optional extras that they suggestcould be a quarter of a cup of Nutellapeanut butter chips or shredded coconut1/3 of a cup of crushed nuts or driedfruit or 1 to 2 teaspoons of vanillaextract okay the first thing you need todo is pre-heat your oven to 175 degreesCelsius which is 350 degrees Fahrenheitfrom then you need to peel your bananasput them into a bowl and mush it reallyreally well until it’s a smooth paste[Music]Bradley was struggling to get thembanana mash down really well so Istepped in to help is request[Music]the next thing to do is to add in theoats one thing we found is that mixingdidn’t combine the ingredients very wellso what we recommend is actuallypressing the oats into the banana thatway you get it all mixed up togethermuch better[Music][Music]we decided to add in two teaspoons ofhoney because the recipe said that thiswould make the cookies chuyia make surethat you stir the honey in really wellknow what mix it all up now I did thepeanut powder[Music]the peanut powder was really hard to mixin because the mixture was really dry asit was at one point I did add a littlebit of water just so I could really getthe peanut powder in I have done thisrecipe since and I will say that I don’tthink you do need the extra water Ithink what you need to do is continuepressing the mixture together and notmixing pressing in with the back of aspoon it smells nicevery good of Boerne smells really nice Ideliberately wanted to add in thispeanut powder because it gave additionalprotein without adding in the fat peanutbutter like I said it was really hard toget that peanut powder into that mixtureline a baking tray with baking paper andthen you need to get some of your cookiedough about a tablespoon per cookie androll it around then you’re gonna have toflatten it down with your fingersbecause these cookies won’t spread outlike normal ones how you shape them ishow they’re going to cook in the ovenI’m certain get some of your cookiedough bit more than that I see[Music][Music][Music]bake the cookies for about 15 to 20minutes in the oven you want to belooking at a cookie that’s golden brownon top make sure you let them coolbefore you eat them otherwise you’regonna burn your mouth okay there’s meand Bradley the cookies are made whichones you want to try first the peanutswanna try the peanut one I can taste alittle bit peanut butter now uni what doyou thinkthumbs upnow quit chewy and that’s why we put thehoney inthey’re not too bad for me okay with mystomach three nights whoops are thecrunchy those ones but I think maybewhat made them a bit thick I just soyummy mom making me one my tummy I thinkyou need to try your chocolate chip onesokay okay so go charlie chocolate chipones hmm quite banana REE what do youthink because noisy its noisy generationmachine that’s why hereso what do you think badly do you thinkthey’re as good as ordinary biscuitsyeah do you they’re not very crunchy arethey I think it’s cuz they’re smallerbecause they’ve been in the oven longerso I think we’re gonna try Hammersonwith one yeah see what he thinks I don’tthink they will be left by Tom daddygets home to you Hanlin do you think youmight eat more hmm do you think you’dmake him again yeah we don’t like thisone they’re not the chocolate it Spivakthe middle but the peanut butter one wasbettermmm-hmm there we go peanut butter onesare better but I think fallen over Idon’t think the peanut butter tasted asmuch as peanut butter as it could haveyeah nothing it could’ve been morepeanut it needs a little bit more a bitmore peanut the problem is I think themix was quite dry so I’m gonna see howwell I feel after that and then we’llget Harrison’s ideas see what he thinkshave to say I preferred the chocolateones more than the peanut ones thepeanut I didn’t really it wasn’t heavypeanut flavor and I was expecting almostlike a peanut butterI think and even those I’ve used thosepeanut powders before in other thingsand I do really like it I think thebanana almost overpowered them in thisum but I really did enjoy the chocolatechips because obviously chocolate butobviously chocolate banana go reallywell together anyway and obviouslythey’re heavy tasting off bananas if youdon’t like themthese aren’t cookies for you I can’t eatmany of these a two is my limit and theydo feel quite sickly to me I think so Imean that’s more than enough for me tobe honest with you I think if you cookthem longer there might be firmer we’vespecifically used honey in our recipebecause it said it would make themchuyia I’m not too sure about that to behonest with you um I mean we left themin the oven until they were started togo golden brown as the recipe said butthey weren’t as firm as I wanted I meanBradley’s enjoying his with a cup of teabut these are my sort of biscuits youcould dunk in a cup of tea they’rereally PleasantHarrison however was not a big fan thefirst couple of bites he was like yeahlike this and after that was no no so Idon’t know whether it was the texturethat got to him I think he just prefersvery crispy biscuits and these these arequite moist I think they’re almost thenthat weird middle ground between abiscuit and a cake you know sodefinitely give them a try Bradley wantsto do this again I’m not convinced theyare all going to be left for my husbandto try when he comes home so I thinkhe’ll probably think they’re okay butHarrison we’d have to probably win roundwith other things to tempt him to trythem Bradley would definitely make theseagain and I think he liked that he couldactually get involved and they arereally simple no funny recipes to followI think next time what would I think I’dlike to try some dried cranberries maybesome chopped nuts in there I think thatwould be quite nice some cashew nutsperhaps so I’m just grabbing a look atthe different variations cuz I thinkthese would be good for like a breakfasttreaton the weekend I mean they were reallyquick to make I’ve got to saybut for the rush going to school andthings like that don’t think appropriatebut for the weekend retreat I think thiswould be quite nice to have forbreakfast and the ingredients are reallyhealthy obviously this could be a veganoption if you’re vegan because there’sno egg so there’s no eggs you can pickyour add-on so you know whatever youlike really um vegetarian friendly veganfriendly this can be a gluten-freeoption if you get gluten-free rolledoats or quick oats I can’t used so areally good all-round and I think theysaid it’s around 48 calories per cookieso it’s not too bad to be honest withyou and I feel quite full after havingthose iced I think because the oatsexpand as well so yeah very happy Ithink we’ve got a success there and it’sanother emergency rations sort of recipeso you don’t have to have lots of in thecupboard you don’t have lots of eggs andflowers you know there’s things you canmake with there so really happy reallyhappy there’s a bit of a scrimping andsaving success not bad for our firststore cupboard recipe so I will see youguys later please like subscribe leave acomment down below there’s anything elseyou’d like me to try and find a healthyalternative for or even if it’s the caseof these are the tins I’ve got mycupboard can you help me find a recipewell have a go okay so see you soon I[Music]