Gigan bakes cookies with king ghidorah but it’s not that easy.
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Video Transcription
man he’s gonna gigantic so good there’sa minute yummy yum-yumya know gonna be so good I think thesecould be they’re gonna suck and you shutthe hell upyeah he’s the boss you need to kill yourother head anyway I don’t hate anythingcyber free these cookies just watchwatchmake sure the cookies don’t get burnedyeah yes genius they still use my keysso good so goodb-but Kelly just cookies burn but I gotbeat I don’t go P you know I’m justgonna stay here and I’ll piss myself youknow run single people yes take go finefix it took a long time you even get totalk this time fine I guess you’re rightis a Tuesday I wish I could talk that’stomorrowman okay gotta go about it[Music][Music]Norm’s I’ll listenbiggest zap himimma kill him optical something sobright out here why is it so bright thatdoesn’t matter these cookies are almostunder two minutes leftthat’s so good but uh I just wentalready AJ do you Dorothy I heard saythere’s a robot that can okay KingGhidorah likes so muchthere’s no way I can take the job for ithmm you know what I’m just gonna get itI don’t get it get it and I’m gonna getget what uh-ohKing Ghidorah is a minute left right noChuck[Music]know how a school should get earlyyou’ll have gone to cookies they’regonna burn you’re gonna get it nowah yes again that’s what you get[Music]I got a way to really punish em I willdrop this on him no that’s too heavythat’s too light that she’s a waterbottle I don’t know what to do stillmake a choice now there’s no way to back[Music]punishment up and away it’s so stupidhoney no is going to leave I just needto take a pee you’re notshe’s a spire just darker oh oh who leftthese cookies out they look so organicour fresh just me and the cookies all byourselvesno soon big king ghidorah I’m a masteron the master these stupid things willleave me[Music]Hey are you going Keith Keith or I’lljust uhyou’re eating cookies huhI already know what I’m going to do youcome hereno no way are you gonna push me offbetter I’m gonna make you walk the plankwait whatno you left the cookies until they comeoh yeahnow have fun in hell yeah I’m gonna eatthese cookies by myself and no one and Iwant you everyone because God knows theonly one but just stupid selfish traitordon’t you know what your day it’s easyto deal with not trying to eat thesecookies myself I think the better putsome milk eat the cookies have a mix-upTecna me nothing so worse nothing at alluh-ho-ho check this out let’s gohey what good cookies go get my cup isit doing it or drink it nowhere elsearrived cookies why being so fathey what’s thataren’t you gonna never see you next timetear it downare you gonna let me go to Gotham cupsoh my gosh would you did what do I gotme so fast why you got me so stupidKrabs[Applause]