Independent kids in the kitchen; is it tsp or tbs?; the best cookies ever; dad ate them all!; chocolate chip cookies; how to wait;
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey I’m a cannot today I’m going toteach you guys how to make chocolatechip cookies so step 1 wash your handsstep 2 turn the oven to 375 I’m usingthe recipe from the five drawers iscooked step 3put your dry ingredients in One Bowlthat’s your flour baking soda and saltone cup then get your get your bakingsoda get 1/2 a teaspoon of baking sodathen grab salt but a half a teaspoon ofsalt tablespoon of salt in put a halftablespoon deep teaspoon of salt andwe’re gonna cut that outnow put your dry ingredients asidestep 4 get up 1/2 a cup of margarine orbutter next step is to crack an egg isthat all video dump it in therenext step is yet 1/2 a table teeth[Music]your next step is to get 1/2 a teaspoonof vanillaget some sugaryeah cup of sugaroh so you say what the recipe calls forwhat I call for huh what do you want meto say cookies just keep going get all[Music][Music]righty thennow that we’ve got everything in thisbowl it’s time to mix mess cuz I am yougot to put these in first so that if youhave it plugged in and you put them inyou don’t accidentally turn it on inyour fingersMixmaster tell cream so this is what itshould like when when it’s done but it’snot actually done you still need to addall them dry ingredients so when you’rein mix mastering you gotta slowly addthem[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music]okay now that we’re done mix my stringit’s time to add the chocolate chipsyou’ll need 1 cup of chocolate chips[Applause]once you finish putting in the chocolatechips it’s time to meet my friend lickelixir stir it up till the chocolatechips are nice and mixed in all rightythennow once you finish mixing up thechocolate chips into it it’s time to putthem on the pangrab some parchment paper spread outover the pan that you’re usingdoing a few spoonsnice little fallputting your cookies on a trip lookslike your cookies already time to takethem out cookie hooraymake sure to LIKE and subscribe if youwant to learn how to do more awesomethings dad