Cookies Recipes

Making and Testing PYO Cookie Palettes Part 1

A fun tutorial on decorating sugar cookies with Royal Icing. This week we are making and testing paint your own sugar cookie palettes. Paint your own (PYO) cookies have become the hot new cookie trend and with Easter around the corner the palette buzz is in the air.

This is the first part of a two part series where I will make 5 different types of paint your own (PYO) cookie palettes. Don’t miss part two where I test and review 6 palettes all together.

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NELPLA Two Side Round Cookie Cutters

50 Pieces Lip Brushes

Wilton 1907-1351 2-Piece Dusting Brush Set

Wilton Master 24 Icing Color 1-Ounce Set

Store bought paint palette – Flour Confections

Wilton Cookie Decorating Tool Set, 3-Piece Cookie Decorating Supplies (Scribe)

LOHOME Dessert Cookie Cupcake Squeeze Bottles Icing Piping Bottle

Standard Plastic Couplers, for Use Cake Decorating Tubes and Bags

Disposable icing bags

Icing Bag Ties

Wilton Master Decorating Tip Set

Ateco Decorating Tip 1

Wilton Meringue Powder

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NOTE: This is not a sponsored video. All products purchased by me.

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hey cookie creators and lovers alike I’mGabby st. Patrick’s Day is over and thebuzz of Easter is in the air what’s themost popular cookie trend for the seasonpaint your own cookies with so manyoptions on how to make the paint paletteit’s hard to know which one to go withso in this two-part series I thought Iwould show you how to make the palettesas well as test them out to see whichone is worth your time I’ll make sure tolink part two to this video in thedetails below today on the cool cookieshow we’re making paint your own cookiepalettes[Music][Music]I’ll start my skittles palette byflooding the base of the cookie for allthese palettes I’ll be using a numberone at Ecco tip for my soft pipingconsistency icing and for my 15-secondconsistency flooding icing I’ll be usinga number three Wilton tip once fullyflooded we’ll drop in our skittles[Music]this pallets all done now to dry for 24hours next up we have our M&Ms for moreinformation on icing consistency checkout my video three types of icingconsistencies I’ll link it now in thetop right hand corner as well as in thedetails below all done in 24 hours we’llbe ready to go our last candy isSmarties by which I mean CanadianSmarties Smarties no longer usesartificial flavors or colorings whichseems to be why they lack the vibrancethey did when I was a child but we’llsee how they turn out our Smarties areall set to set[Music]for this pallid we’re going to bepainting the colors onto the cookieusing gel food coloring[Music]well let this flooding fully dry for 24hours before we color the palette firstwe’ll pick our colors we’ll take a smallamount of gel food coloring and mix itwith a tiny amount of high-proof vodkadon’t worry the alcohol will evaporateas it dries you can also use a drop ofpure lemon extract in place of vodkanow with the food safe brush we’ll addthe color to our palette[Music]we’ll let the pallet drive for another24 hours after sufficient drawing timeyou can sprinkle some corn starts onyour color spas if they’re still alittle tacky to the touch make sure youbrush it away as soon as all moistureevaporates to ensure you don’t dry outyour cookie this pallets all done andready to paint[Music]for our final pallet we’re going to makesome colorful royal icing transfers todrop into our flooded icing you can juststick with dots but with Easter comingup I thought I would go at the bunnyface to get my pattern I traced thecookie cutter and drew my palette colorsections then I photocopied it ratherthan trying to duplicate it by handI then covered the image with parchmentpaper to ensure our royal icingtransfers don’t stick[Music]we’ll let our royal icing transfersdrive for a full 24 hours before wepaint them using the same gel coloringmixture as before we’ll go in and paintour transfers don’t be afraid to be verygenerous with the color but do avoidgetting it on your hands as the gel willstain them for a day or sowell let the gel set for 24 hours beforewe dust them with some cornstarch[Music]now our palette transfers are ready tobe added to our cookie[Music]this icing transfer palette is all done[Music]now that we’ve made all these palletsdon’t forget to click part 2 of thisvideo where I test them all out and seewhich ones are worth the worth you canalso find the link to that part 2 videoin the details below if you enjoyed thisvideo please give it a big thumbs up asit really helps the channel if you’dlike to see more videos like this clickthe subscribe button as well as the bellicon that shows up to be notified everytime I upload a new video in themeantime here are some other videos youmay enjoy thanks so much for watchingthe cool cookie show until next timestay sweet

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