Cookies Recipes

Making and Testing PYO Cookie Palettes Part 2

A fun tutorial on decorating sugar cookies with Royal Icing. This week we are making and testing paint your own sugar cookie palettes. Paint your own (PYO) cookies have become the hot new cookie trend and with Easter around the corner the palette buzz is in the air.

This is the second part of a two part series where I will test and review 6 palettes all together. Don’t miss part one where I make 5 different types of paint your own (PYO) cookie palettes.

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R & M International 5100 Cookie Stick Cutter, One Size, Silver

50 Pieces Lip Brushes

Wilton 1907-1351 2-Piece Dusting Brush Set

Wilton Master 24 Icing Color 1-Ounce Set

Store bought paint palette – Flour Confections

Wilton Cookie Decorating Tool Set, 3-Piece Cookie Decorating Supplies (Scribe)

LOHOME Dessert Cookie Cupcake Squeeze Bottles Icing Piping Bottle

Standard Plastic Couplers, for Use Cake Decorating Tubes and Bags

Disposable icing bags

Icing Bag Ties

Wilton Master Decorating Tip Set

Ateco Decorating Tip 1

Wilton Meringue Powder

Instagram: coolcookieshow
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NOTE: This is not a sponsored video. All products purchased by me.

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hey cookie creators and lovers alike I’mGabby now that we’ve had a chance tocreate all of our paint your own cookiepalettes it’s time to test them outdon’t worry if you miss that video I’lllink it in the details below today onthe club cookie show we’re testing outsix different types of paint your owncookie palettes[Music][Music]first up we have our skittles palette[Music][Applause][Music][Applause]not too shabby next is our M&Ms[Music][Music]I have to say I’m pleasantly surprisednow for our Smarties[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]well that was more than disappointingnext up we have our gel dots[Music][Music]Wow those are some great colors I’mimpressedhopefully our royal icing transfers willwork that well[Music][Applause][Music]looks like they do sweet and last butnot least our store-bought palate thisone is from the cookie countess andcomes in a pack of 12 I’ll be sure toprovide the link to everything I used inthe details below[Music]looking sharp but to be honest I didn’tthink this one would fail us so afterreviewing all six of my cookie palatesi’ve ranked all six either pass/fail orneutral the factors I considered whenassigning these rankings include theconvenience and time it took to make orobtain them how much color you actuallygot out of the palette and the vibranceand pigment of the colors themselves forour skittles and M&M palette I’ve giventhem a neutral as they are extremelyconvenient and there is no prep in theactual color and you just have to dropthem into flooding icing so you can havethem ready pretty quickly when it comesto the amount of color they providethey’re okay but I don’t think they makeit much past two cookies the pigment ofthe color isn’t bad considering I didn’thave to use any of my own food coloringhowever it did take me a couple tries toget the color somewhat vibrant and I canstill see a bit of light through itfirst Martis I’m giving that a flat outfail although the candy itself offersthe full color spectrum of the rainbowthere is little to no color in the candyand what is there is barely visible oncebrushed on the cookiealthough creating this palette is justas convenient as the skittles or theM&Ms it’s not worth your time then wehave our Dell gods and our royal icingtransfers that get a pass although youhave to wait two days longer for theseoptions to dry and be ready they arepretty easy to makeand the fact that I didn’t have tochange Oh to my PJs to get candy at thestore was also a plus given the optionbetween the two I would probably go withthe del Dodds to save on the extra dayof drying but my OCD does love theuniformity of the royal icing transfersin terms of pigment and vibrance I thinkthe photo speak for themselves the coloris extremely vibrant enriched whenpainting and in terms of the paint’slongevity I feel like you could probablypaint a dozen cookies with these palletsand still have color to burn and lastbut not least our store-bought palettethis option easily gets a past as it’sliterally no work other than to orderonline and there are lots of differentcolor options out there the colors arevibrant and rich and the palette hascolor to paint for days so you’re askingwith three solid passes what are yourfavorite choices after all is said anddone my top two would be the gel dotsand the store-bought palette thestore-bought palette is nice and compactdoesn’t take me any additional time toprepare and there’s such a variety ofcolors available online there’s norestrictions the del dots are easy tomake overall the color is very vibrantand since I’m the one selecting thecolors the world is my oyster I don’tnecessarily suggest eating that cookiethough because with the amount of foodcoloring it may impact its tastethis was a really fun project and I hopeyou find my results helpful now that youknow my favorite paint your own cookiepalette options what are yours do youmake your own purchase onlinedo you paint or airbrush let me know inthe comments below if you enjoyed thisvideo please give it a big thumbs up asit really helps the channel if you’dlike to see more videos like this clickthe subscribe button as well as the bellicon that shows up to be notified everytime I upload a new video in themeantime here are some other videos youmay enjoy thanks so much for watchingthe cool cookie show until next timestay sweet

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