Kids making pancakes 👩🍳👨🍳
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Video Transcription
by today we’re gonna show you how tomake homemade pancakes I’m going to dothis with my brother hi ingredients youwill need is built an egg and you willneed the mix and you will need a littlebit of oil so let’s get started firstyou will need next you will need milk[Music]nowThanksnext you’ll need one egg egg three hourslater okaylooks like blood I will see you tomorrowbye now you need to mix it[Music][Music]fast-fast[Music][Music]so guys now you need to be careful youneed to put some oil that’s too much andthat is here to fill now you guys guyscouldn’t do many pinkies oh I’m going toshow you two different painting[Music]remember all this is cavalry all this istimemucho Caliente you need to leave it fora few seconds and then you could start[Music]putting it and flipping it to the otherslidewhat is your look like it looks like thefirst[Music]this one is not good so if it’s not[Music]okay guys now the ping max I’m ready andnow I recommend you honey honey ishealthy and you can eat it with some dayso with some of the[Music]mucho Caliente