Poppy and her mom bake super duper banana bread. It might even make you like bananas.
Banana Bread
Makes 1 large loaf
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
3 very ripe, large bananas, smashed
2 large eggs
2/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/3 cup sour cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
Turbinado sugar, for sprinkling (optional)
Position a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 350°F. Grease a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan with cooking spray or butter.
In a bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg. In a large bowl, whisk together the bananas, eggs, brown sugar, sour cream, vanilla, and butter. Add the dry ingredients and stir to combine.
Divide the batter between the prepared pans and sprinkle with turbinado sugar. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center of a loaf comes out clean, about 35 minutes. Let cool slightly in the pans, then turn the loaves out onto a wire rack to cool.
©2020 Kim Laidlaw. Adapted from a recipe in Williams Sonoma Home Baked Comfort by Kim Laidlaw.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi my name is poppy and this is my momken hi and welcome back to anotherepisodewhat are you baking today poppy bananabread yeah your favorite or is thatdaddy’s favoritedaddy’s yes but we have these bananasthat are getting kind of old so wethought would make some banana breadokay alright so what’s the first thingwe need to do set the oven to 350degrees Fahrenheit thank you and thenwhat do we do nextthen we have to grease the pan it’s a 9by 5 inch loaf pan yeah we’re greasingit with some avocado oil spray but youcan grease it with butter if you wantyeah okay doneall right so got our pan is going onlet’s get going what kind of ingredientsdo we need we need right banana 3sour cream 2 large Angus cinnamon nutmegoh this is cool toffee this is an actualnutmeg I know but you can use groundnutmeg if that’s what you yeah and youcan leave it out if you don’t have itdoesn’t matter vanilla extract bakingpowder baking soda melted butter andlast but not least Brown it’s gotta havethis sugar can I tell you somethinginteresting and scientific yeah so in alot of our recipes we’ve only usedbaking powder but this time we’re usingbaking soda and you know why because wehave an acidic ingredient going into itwhich is the sour cream and so when youput sour cream into something or likeyogurt or citrus juice like lemon juiceor something like that or buttermilkthen you put some baking soda in ithelps rise okay let’s get baking let’sget bakingokay first thing we’re gonna dois smash the bananas do you wanna do itor doing me okay how about these my faceyour fearssmash those bananas oh yeah of courseyou can there you go had an opening solong there you goopen that banana peel it and stick it inthere you’ll need three big bananas oryou could use four smaller onesmaybe maybe poppy will start likingbananas again nobody knows if anythingcan change your mind I think it’s thisbanana bread yeah I’m gonna try it whatthat’s alright oh yeahoh yes of course you gotta have a jokeevery time okay what do you call a shoemade out of the knee okay so you canjust mash the bananas with a fork or youcan smash them with a potato masher orwhatever so just smash smash smash awayuntil it’s a nice thick pureehey I rhymed you didn’t even laugh keepsmashing smashing smashing smashingsmashing alright so once it’s a nicethick puree looks good you want to addyour eggs okay this yep I’ll take thathere yeah add them to the bananas andthen we’re also going to add Ohtwo-thirds of a cup of light brown sugaryou got the other egg alright and 1/3 ofa cupdelicious sour cream if you don’t havesour cream you can use plain yogurt yeahor you can use fans or creme fraiche ifyou have not that would be good let’s gosour cream is really good okay here youwant to have that in yep scoop that inyeah you got it okay don’t perfect okaysurethe girl loves sour cream alright thenwe’re just gonna stir this upokay I’m gonna stir oh and melted butterwe need three tablespoons of meltedunsalted butter okay so write it all upuntil it’s all really really wellcombined yep okay set it aside justright there and grab a bigger bowl allright now we need to add one and a halfcups of flour that’s a half cup how manydo you need for one and a half cups ifyou’re using a half cup measure threethat’s right all right throw the bowland do it reallyand then we need here you go we need oneand a half teaspoons of baking powderbaking powder is a leavener did you knowthat it means it makes everything riselike it makes your cakes rise and itmakes your bread rise makes yourpancakes fluffy and then we need aquarter of a teaspoon of baking sodaeverything and a half a teaspoon of saltand we need a half a teaspoon of groundcinnamon and then if you have nutmeg anda fine microplane grater you can justgrate it in there how much just you knowa little pinch like an eighth of ateaspoon if you’re measuring it no keepgoingthat’s probably good doesn’t smell goodso there’s a whisk and whisk ups allyour dry ingredients until they arenicely mixed then you can mix your wetingredients with your drivers ok thisyeppour it all in and you can use thespatula to stir it up so just scrape itall up there and then stir it up youjust want to stir it just until it’s allwell combinedbut then stop stirring you don’t want tooverwork itbanana bread but you don’t want a toughbanana bread you can eat here yeah allright so let’s pour that into the panyou’re scaredshow me do it I’ll do it if you wantbread it so it’s nice and evenokay that’s enough and if you like youcan put crunchy sugar on top or you canleave it plainokay we can put crunchy sugar justsprinkle a little bit on there and tryjust alright let’s put it in the ovenlet it bake not um all right bake welllittle banana bread soon all rightnow we waitokay so our banana breads bait beenbaking for a whole hour so um the wayyou know that is done is what okay youknow it’s done like a wind skewer or atoothpick or we have this awesome rollmetal skewer you know test it and see ifit’s done yep is it clean it’s done allrightso carefully get those other knits andput it on a wire rack and then we haveto let it cool for about 10 minutes andthen we’ll turn it out and let it cool abit more and then we get to try itokay so we let it cool it smells so goodWow reallyare you excited to try it yes miss Ihate bananas Johnsonyeah let’s share apiece okay I bet daddywants some daddy you want some yespleaselet’s all share a piece just to try ityeah just okay you want to cut it intothree pieces that’s banana won’t usenone touch it okay this is me okay anddaddy gets the big oneyeah all right thank you all right[Music]that was so good well thanks for joiningus my room blue subscribes speaker onthe California[Applause]