Cookies Recipes

Making Soft Peanut Butter Cookies at Home with Jenine!

1/2 cup flour..1 1/4 peanut butter..2 small eggs…25 chocolate kisses…2/3 light brown sugar…1 ts vanilla extract..and all those ingredients are in Jenine’s baking video!

Original of the video here

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hello my name is Jimmy your right now inyour house having nothing to do and youcan’t go outside so you can have funmaking these yummy delicious cookies soand before you start with the cookiesyou have to set your oven to 350Fahrenheit so now let’s start let’s juststart with the ingredients so firstthings first you’re gonna need 2/3 oflight brown sugar then you’re going toneed 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract andthen you’re going to need 25 kissykisses chocolate kisses well you don’teven need to have 20 front if you wantto make more or less these how are theseare how the cookie kissies chocolatekisses look like suma we’re gettingmoving on to these so this is half a cupof flour you’re gonna need that thenthey’re going to meet up look what a 1 1in quarter cup of peanut butteryeah yeah so then and then let’s move onto the mixture mixture for the mixeryou’re going to need to put flour andflour flour light brown sugar in themixer and then mix it up you beat it upuntil it’s blended and then after thatyou’re going to need the eggs and thevanilla extract sugar and then you’regonna mix it up so then after thatyou’re gonna mix everything up alltogether and then you’re gonna make thecookies I’m just gonna teach how to makethem it can sometimes be hard to make sohere you have the dough you’re gonna mixthe dough up here it is ma’am you’regonna make it you have to make it like agood circle like a good bowl and thenit’s easy then put it put it up put itall the ones that you make in the ovenand then but before you do that put itin the tray you know so then what areyou get over here yeahthat’s an example so then when you dothat put it in the oven forleaves 10 to 12 minutes so then afterthat you can taste your yummy deliciouscookies wise em day basically YUM hmmthank you for watching my video in thefuture can you please please subscribeto my youtube channel my cookies willlove you you can have one if yousubscribe to my youtube channel bye

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