I hope you’re dealing with these stressful times positively, while being safe and taking all the necessary precautions. I’m planning to share a new simple recipe with you almost every day- these are no fuss recipes that only call for a few basic ingredients.
For more recipes, visit bakewithshivesh.com & my instagram @shivesh17
Buy my book here- https://www.amazon.in/Bake-Shivesh-Bhatia/dp/9353023114/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
1/2 cup softened butter
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup castor sugar
1 egg / 1 flax egg
1 + 1/4 rolled oats
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup chocolate chips
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey everybody I know it’s a differentsetup but that’s the case my team isworking from home so I thought let’s tryvlogging let’s give it a shot and seehow it goes but you know I was reallykeen on coming to the kitchen todaymaking something vlogging and sharingthe recipe with you because honestly Iknow be anabolic which beats maybe gonnaspend a lot of time alone at home somecompanies are a we’re not meeting upfriends so suddenly my FSBO horchata inhere and we don’t know what you do withthat time but I’ve decided that I wantto try and be as productive as I caneven in this time of self isolation so Ithought let’s try and do this new thingwhere I vlog a new recipe for you asoften as I can and you know honestlythere’s so much stress so much panic allaround us and I personally believe thatbaking is the best way to take our mindsoff so these are all gonna be simple funrecipe that you can make in your ownkitchen and our key recipe is from myfirst book baked pizza base you can seehow much I’ve changed since theendlessness back in 2080and in case you’ve still not bought myfirst book I’m going to leave the linkin the description box below you couldcheck it out directly Piazza Benari hereis one of my favorite recipe it’s thechocolate chip and oat cookies and sinceI’ve already spoken a lot let’s notwaste any more time and let’s startbaking all right let’s go through theingredients I have half a cup of butterhere half the brown sugar 1/2 cup castorsugarah-ha-ha-ha or whole wheat flour 1 and1/4 cup of oats I am using quickerJoro loads of em oh you Scudder I havechocolate chips yeah I’m using Nestle’sBaker choice choc bites will also use1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and one so Idon’t appeal over boys which are a exitproblem here so in case you wanna makethese cookieseggless office Eddie juggle okay onetablespoon of ground flaxseeds motherflaxseed score powders RK was the onetablespoon Lake a which my I’d carry getthree tablespoons of water just mix bothingredients and set it aside for 5minutes and drop my recipe make egg acoma you can use the flax egg in italright so I’ll start by adding our topand my oats into the bowl and now todayI’m gonna add half a teaspoon of bakingsoda and then I use a whisk to make allof this teddy bearso my dry ingredients are done I haveset it aside and I have my half cup atAurora remember absorbances Benari Autobutter should be soft where it shouldn’tbe cold or hot otherwise cookie battertouches the bonnie bonnieit’s mmmm a corona dunno brown sugar orwhite sugar our optimist brown sugar ahair to half 1/2 cup extra olive oilsugar but I do realize the texture thatbrown sugar gives to my toes[Music]and half of white sugarnow I’ll make this really well until itall comes together[Music]it’s very important to mix this reallywell and now to this one egg and ofcourse if you don’t want to use egg youcan use the black side alright so I havepink in the egg and this is what my doorlooks like now make option addition I’malso adding than a lot of my cookiedough this is the vanilla that I amusingit’s from Indian analogue goodness it’sall about TSP darling a and I’ll mix itin it smells so good alright guys my dryingredients are in this bowl my wetingredients are rawnow I’m going to put all my dryingredients into the wet ingredients andjust mix it[Music]all right so my cookie dough is readyand it looks so goodhonestly I will up the ingredients ideamr. banana me five minutes of lava kneelup there and now what I’ll do is I’lllet it rest in the refrigerator so thatall the butter that we have added goesthere – Ajay Amara Doris are far moredrier a step to skip Makarov because ifyou put it into the oven like this inthe hot oven cookies will spread toomuch and they’ll still tastes good butLLL not be Instagram evil and closerwhen I’ll take them out I’m going topreheat my oven to 180 degree Celsiusand then I’ll show you I’ll come back toyou so mirador esto gr hair now using anice cream scoop I’ll scoop it out andplace it on this tray with a silicon matif you don’t have a silicon mat youcould also use parchment[Music][Music]alright guys so my oven is at 180 degreeCelsius and I’m gonna bake these forabout eight to ten minutes or until theedges are golden brown my cookies aredone I’m gonna leave them on the bakingtray for ten minutes[Music]I’m really happy with how these cookieshave turned out they’re soft they’rechewy they’re so delicious and the partwith the word sauce I love it and I hopeyou enjoy today’s baking session don’tforget to hit like and subscribe to mychannel so that we could do more ofthese making sessions together and ifyou are not making these cookies in yourown kitchen please do share pictureswith me tag me on instagram at chef aseventy and I’ll be back with one moreof these videos very very soon so staytuned keep watching and be safe guystake as many precautions as you can butdon’t panic because we’re all in thistogethertake care