#pancakes #prepper
How To Make Perfect Prepper Pancakes Using Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix with Milk and Eggs . Using this recipe and a nice frying pan, you too can make a perfect pancake for yourself or family. Uses Aunt Jemima Pancake mix with egg and milk. I hope you like this video. Thanks for watching.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
hello everyone it come to my attentionthat some people don’t know how to makepancakes even though it’s pretty simplebut some people that are made thembefore or they’ll find themselves in atough situation how do you make theperfect pancake I’ve been making aperfect pancake for years I use ancient- mix it says and nothing eggs but ifyou’re in a situation where you don’thave a map and eggs you can buy the onesays add water because he a powdered eggand powdered milk inside but I don’t usethat one because it looks like usingsome differently so what I do is takethe egg first and break it in the panbecause I break it in the breaking inthe pan first because in case there’ssome eggshell you can easily see it pickit up because I might say anything shownin my pancake okay so there’s the eggand then I put it says half lap away nowand half a cupI put probably 3/4 of a cup but that’snot important right now half a cup ofminimum I put heaping amount I’m makingjust one big pancake for in person sothere you go and it calls for half a cupof milk and the important thing is thetexture before you put it in the panhave a cup just over flour you see thatthere that’s my mixture now if you havea risk you can use the whisk to mix itup or you can use a spoon I have to usebut it wouldn’t matter because does thesame thing just mix until it’s a niceit’s a nice texture I should say it’s abit too watery for me so I haven’t donepowder makes for us it’s right texturechange so it looks a bit like that noopen here at the frying pan I haven’tset a medium heatand I put some butter in it use butterin the frying pan I don’t want to hotthat occurs above yeah I’m gonna sprintpancake batter in this thing heresee it’s us portal perfectly okay thenI’m gonna use pancake spreader to giftof the pan yeah I use that thing thereto get all the batter in the pan andthere is the pancake I’m making onegiant pancake make sure it covers thewhole pot the reason I do it this way isit’s easier to cut the pink it canpieces then to make portable apply thepancake they don’t have a griddle so Ihave to use a big frying pan it’s justas easythe hard part is flipping it and get itso it doesn’t make a messquick okay so this needs that cook for aminute I usually use the downtime whileI wait in the flip it clean up with thepan and whisk and all the stuff on thekitchen counter so I’ll put away when Ifinish painting so it’s not ready yetokay get ready to flip checkperfect almost going around the boss theedge there hurts part is the flip that’sfor sure you know don’t like lucky Dancakes here so I have to flatten it outso it’s like a piece of paper butthey’ve left it would be nice and fluffyfor a minute I usually make the tanktake before me because if anybody getsup at a bit so I always put a piece ofpaper towel over the plate so it doesn’tget too soggy far away you can see it upso that way it keeps it better okay backto the tank let’s have a look too soonyeah definitely too soon I’m sorry sitfor a minuteso this is your first time makingpancake so that you’re kind ofstruggling what to do rightit’s annoying you probably burnt somethis is a ceramic coated frying pan Ialso have a stainless frying pan I usedto use but it’s not big enough this onehere just speaking about make one giantpancake so that’s why it’s perfectgolden brown let’s wait for a minute atthe bottom gun I hope you have luckmaking yours it’s not that parent theinstructions are pretty easy but I ain’tstalking to die last night he said Inever made pancakes well how do I do itas well I’ll make a video so of theSpartans this video is helpful to youand send the comments and like I saidsome people use a school to make threeor four pancakes but I always find theystick together they kept touching andyou cut them anyway so I just say theheck with it make one big giant pancakeand deal with it later cut it in foursquares or six bears or sometimes theyused a around thing they cut outindividual doughnuts from this yearactually sometimes I used little kidscookie cutters years ago to make littletiny cookies like pancake cookies usingthemtop of the Train things and stuff theyget there for the kids anyway this isalmost done it’s how it looks 16 comingup I think that’s pretty much it thispancake is done just leave it the fivepanperfect okay it’s a frying pan andthat’s it there I hope you liked thisvideo I’m making a pancakewhat about you now is I actually coveredthis with paper towel and then put saranwrap over it for a while I keep it freshlay it strip a paper towel on each sideand cover the whole thing with saranwrap so it doesn’t it’s not expose toanything because you see I make these atsix o’clock in the morningthat brush and he’s up put the microwavefor 20 seconds or so it’s just like newlike I said comment if you can and Iwant to go right aheadI’d like to hear from you I hope thisvideo helps it’s your first time makingpancakes also let me know I what do youthink of the video I appreciate itbye-bye all the best to everyone who’swatching the video thanks very much