Here’s the playback from my live bread baking class! I picked this recipe because it’s easy to make and it DOESN’T include milk/eggs/butter so it’s very pantry item friendly. It’s my mom’s recipe and one I’ve been making for years. Find the full post with pictures and details here:
I HALVED this recipe in the video, I’d recommend doing that, especially if kneading my hand. It’s a lot of dough to work with a full batch. The half batch will make 2 loaves, full batch (this recipe as written) will make FOUR loaves, share or freezer for later as needed.
4 cups warm water
2 tablespoons instant yeast
1/2 cup honey or 3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup oil
1 1/2 tablespoons salt
11 cups flour (a mix of 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 all-purpose is best)
Dissolve the yeast and honey in the warm water. Add the oil and salt and stir to combine.
Add 5 cups of the whole wheat flour to the bowl and stir to combine. Stir for 3 to 5 minutes.
Stir in the white flour, a cup at a time, until a smooth dough starts to form. You can use a stand mixer or your hands.
Knead the dough on a well-floured surface until the dough becomes soft and elastic and doesn’t stick to your hands.
Let the dough rise in the bowl until doubled, covered with a heavy towel or plastic wrap.
Once the dough has risen, divide it into four pieces. Shape the dough into loaves and place them in 4 greased loaf pans.
Let the dough rise in the pans until it is an inch above the rim.
Bake the bread at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. The crust will be golden brown and you’ll hear a hollow sound when you tap the bread with your fingernail.
Remove the bread from the oven, then remove the bread from the pans and place the hot loaves on wire racks to cool. Rub a stick of butter on the top of the hot loaves.
Allow the loaves to cool slightly or to room temperature before slicing and serving. Store cooled loaves in an air-tight container and use within 5 days.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
thank everybody you have come to whatyeah my husband is helping me todayThomas is in the background we have fivekids at home more like you guys we’remaking the best of a crazy situation andI hope that this helped I know that youstay stuck my friends other people a lotof people are wondering about a fewbasic things and bread is definitely oneof thembread is a staff of life and it has beenfor always so knowing how to make reallysimple homemade bread it just adds a lotof depth to your day it adds great youknow it’s a great thing to add to a mealit’s easy to use you can make sandwichesyou can serve it hot with butter and jamyou can serve it on the side with soupor other things and one of our favoritethings to do with homemade bread is tomake french toast it’s an easy thing todo in the morning so this is my mom’srecipe I don’t know if you grew up inthe Midwest we made family or churchcookbooks so this recipe it’s on my siteyou can find it at blesses mess pleasecalm and if you search through mom’swhole wheat bread or moms for loaf wheatbread it’s gonna be on there the wholething tips tricks everything but I justuse it right out of money out of thebook me and my sister redid this one myaunt’s had one in the eighties weupdated it in 2008 so I love this recipethis recipe can make four loaves ofbread at one time that’s a lot of breadit freezes really well and I’ll tell yousome about that but if you want to cutit in half it’s super easy to do too soI’m doing a half recipe D because I’vealready made it a few times so that youcan see the stages so I’m gonna haveabout six list looks of bread when I’mdone today you just start with two cupsof warm water I pick this recipe toshare because it does not have milkit doesn’t have butters this is reallyreally staple things and have a lot offlexibility so the two cups of warmwater you’re just gonna want warm tapwater that isn’t it super hot because ifit’s too hot it can actually kill theorganisms that are part of the yeast andthen I do one tablespoon of yeast and ifyou bought the yeast in little packetsjust use one packet they’re similar it’sa hair less and a packet but for thisrecipe it doesn’t matter and then I do aquarter cup of oil and a quarter cup ofsugar we’re not thinking to come buy itfrom you I have six now I figured I’ddoorbell ditch some of my neighbors Ithink talking about the yeast oh theyeast yes please I’ll mail it to you sofor the quarter cup of oil you can domelted butter you can do canolavegetable you can do grape seed you cando avocado you can even use olive oileven though it has quite a bit of flavorbecause it doesn’t have tons in therecipe so you have tons of flexibilitywhen it comes to the fat in this recipeI added the sugar you can also use honeyif you have it and then salt it’s a fulltwo teaspoons it’s all really adds a lotof bread so be there so those are themain things we have water sugar yeastsalt oil and then it comes when it comesto the fire we have a lot of flexibilityto if you have bread flour it will workif you have all-purpose flour it willwork if you have whole wheat flour itwill work if you have whole wheat pastryflour they will all work and I am gonnashow you how so if you’re I like to dohave to eat and half-white the best andI just have these giant buckets this isnot me prepping this is how I cook Icook enough that I have toso that you need about six cups of flourbut we’re not I’m not measuring itspecifically because I want you to get afeel for the dough so I’m gonna add mywhole wheat flour first because itabsorbs the most water so I drew in likeabout two cups of whole wheat flour stirit so my mom calls this the cake batterstage and we’re just gonna stir it quitea bit with the whole wheat flour untilit’s really really soupy and this isgiving the whole wheat flour time toabsorb the water you see how it’sthicker alreadyyou guys this is our first line can yousee okay so we’re at the cake batterstage and I would stir it here for aminute this is great thing get your kidsinvolved in this one my kids help memake bread very often okayand now that that’s my whole wheat andthat so I did if you need five to sixcups I did two cups of whole wheat is areally good rope ratio if you’re doingmore whole wheat you’re going to addless flour than the full six cupsbecause it absorbs more the moisture soI’m going to add some ones that’s whatare you making oh I’m making my mom’swheat bread and it’s super simple and Iwill put the recipe link in just a bitdo you see how it’s starting to cometogether you don’t need a mixer justneed a little elbow grease so it’s stillvery thin if you were to dump this onyour counter it’s still a bit of a messI’m just gonna add maybe half of mywhole thing of flourcan you come over more yeah okay do yousee how it’s starting to form a ball andcome away from the edges this is whenit’s more manageable okay so it’s kindof coming out I’m gonna deal with thaton my counter now I’m going to flowerthis very well because I still have alot I probably only added four cupsmaybe only three and a half cups of theflowers so I have a lot of flower thatI’m still going to add I just scrape outmy bowl see how it kind of sticks tothis done a lot on my spoon so just getyour hands flowery and use that toscrape it off see how it’s not too muchon my hands like it’s it’s there alittle bit but not crazy so we just keepthe flower coming and then we’re gonnawork on meeting see how it’s alreadysticking you have a lot of flower youcan add so I’m gonna add all thisbecause I know that I’m gonna need it sohere’s how my mom taught me to knead youfold he smashquarter turn oh you smash you quarterturn you see it and all the while I’madding my flower back in because it’sgonna stick to that and then it’sgetting folded inside of it we’reincorporating a lot of flour during thisprocess and this is why you don’t need astand mixer if you are willing to kneadso if you had a stand mixer this is whenyou would be gradually adding the flourwhile it was mixing waiting for it tocome away from the edge and this I getit to about this like it still needsmore flour this is a great time to handit off to your kids if it’s too stickyit’s a train wreck I normally ended offabout this stage and if you have a bunchof kids break it into chunks and letthem each need a chunk and you can putit all back together or you can makeright so you can need you’re not gonnaover need this bread because it has thewheat flour in it this develops thegluten and makes it more chewy softertexture so if you could do this for afull six to eight minutes you’re gonnahave a really tender bread okay I willmake sure you get the recipe and if youdon’t see it DM me and I’ll send it toyou it’s already on my site it’s readyfor youand again this recipe I’m making a halfa batch the one that my mom makes makesfor loafs and this will make – okay yousee I’ve used up my counter is prettyclean I incorporated all of that flourand how I know if it’s done do you seethat it kind of keeps it but it’s notsticking to my hands but I’m gonna do alittle bit more if you can do six toeight minutes like I said you’re gonnaget a really tender product and I’musing my heels a lot so if it startssticking to the heels of my hand I’mgonna just sprinkle on a little bit morelike it’s feeling too sticky that’sprobably only a tablespoon but this isthe perk of doing it by hand is you canget a feel you see how it’s stuck to myhand a lot I’m gonna that’s a little bittoo much stickyyoudo you guys have any questions becauseyou can do this for a long timequarter turn and do it was sticking I’mgonna do another tablespoon this is justto help aid the process and again ifyou’re using a stand mixer this is whenyou would just be adding that flour andletting it mix you are the mixer or yourkids are the mixer okay I’m gonna stopthere you see how it’s not sticking yousee the bread pretty good mm-hmm okayyou see how it’s a nice it’ll stay tightbut it’s a little bit soft you wish thatyou could touch it this is like a reallyreally nice dough it’s not too stiff youcan see my fingers in it put it also youcan make it into a really nice ball yousee how it kind of keeps itself tightthat’s when you know that it’s ready sowhat else did you use the East yes thisis a nice bread recipe this is not mysourdough bread we’re saran wrap and youwant it to rise until about double andpeople are questions about that so Iworked ahead so double is not as huge asyou think that it should be especiallyif you used whole wheat flour so this isabout a third whole-wheat two-thirds ofwhite that’s about my favorite ratio sothis bread has been done this one isabout 45 minutes out I made it a littlebit though so I’m gonna cover this guyand show you how to form the lopes withthis finishedokay you have some options when it comesto pants these are my favorite there arenine by five traditional bread pans andI got them for my friend Lisa a troveand the swig she’s a small businessowner if you were supporting people sheso and this one is slightly smaller thisone is even smalleruse what you have it’s glass if it’smetal if it’s a enamel you can use itand the size of the loaf will just beslightly different shaped based on thepan that you use so this little guy it’sgonna swell a lot and then even moreit’s gonna look like a traditional loafof bread with that fun top in the bottomlike you think of and this one will havea nice dome and this one will be theshortest because it’s the lightest doesthat make sense okayI’m going to use these two because I canmost of the time I use my enamel onesbecause I like that I just like themhe’s gonna spray on this with you springyou have to do a paper towel with theoil on it to grease the edges you can doa stick of butter just get it greased soit comes out okay and then when you’reready to shape my counter is still alittle bit dirty if yours was not Iwould just super lightly dust you don’tneed a lot of flour and then put it onyour hands you’re gonna take it out andI put it upside down it doesn’t matterthis is just nuances of how a pendantwhen I get all of it out no point inleaving bread behind and then I kind ofI’m really not trying to smash itbecause it’s already worked hard to riseonce and I don’t want to deflate all theair I’m gonna grab a knife so this iskind of a uniform shape it’s a littlebit square so that I can get a nice hatyou want to be very particular you canweigh in their daily pieces you don’tcare that much so when I shape it I foldin the ends fold in the middleand then I kind of rock it like do yousee how I use the counter to pull itagainst itself does that make sense alittle bit and then you pat it too likea little baby that’s what I do to shapemy little you can reap at it this onethis thing they took my hands a littlebit I kind of use the counter to pull itand then it has a seam and I roll itonto the scene this just takes somepracticeI made mini ugly low before I madepretty much so bees are in the pans andagain you can pick a time you can pickan amount of rising doesn’t reallymatter how my other ones I’m just stillsix minutes away but I might pull andI’ll show you but they do have some ofmy oven even so these it’ll fill up thepan nicely a general rule of thumb is tobake it when it’s an inch over the edgebut this one it doesn’t fill up all theway so I would say when this one is evenwith the top and when this one isslightly above the top and when thesmaller pan is an inch above the topthat’s when you can not to bake it oryou can just say I’m gonna let them sitfor 45 minutes or one hour or one hourand 15 minutes and then you can bake upyou bake them at 350 for about 35minutes and the trick to know when breadhas done is my mom always tacked it andif it sounds Hollow that’s when you knowit’s not baking okay do you want to moveall the dirty parts that I hid from youhere’s the real life okaythese so have you see how pretty theyare and they don’t sound hollow theysound like they still got somethingthere and they’re not very dark butthey’re gonna be beautiful