Hema’s 3 Tea Time Snacks | Onion Bonda | Butter Cookies | Vazhakkai Vada
#OnionBonda #ButterCookies #VazhakkaiVada #Snacks #TeaTimeSnacks #HomeCooking
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Video Transcription
[Music]a sliced full medium sized onions forthis recipe so now I have 2 slicedonions to this I’m gonna add finelychopped green chilli 1 finely choppedcurry leaves a few finely choppedcoriander leaves a few to this I’m gonnaadd one and a half teaspoons of salt oneteaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon gingergarlic paste after adding all theseingredients mix the onions along withthe masalas so by mixing the onions youcan see all the onion slices areseparated beautifully and the masala iscoating these slices very nicely so youneed all the flavors in while makingthese bundlesnow that you’ve done this next time goto add the gram flour on the rice flourso next I’ve added 1 cup of gram flourand 3/4 cup of rice flour mix everythingtogether[Music]next I’m gonna add two tablespoons ofhot oil[Music]after adding the oil gently mix it thengradually pour water and mix everythingtogether next I’m gonna add quarterteaspoon of baking soda now this isoptional if you don’t want you don’thave to add this[Music][Music]take a little bit of the onion mixtureroller in your palm make into a niceeven ball size so you can see how bigthis is a cooker I pour enough oil fordeep frying heat the oil once the oil ishot bring the flame to a medium low makesure to maintain the temperaturethroughout gently start dropping theprepared Bandhu mixture deep fry themtill they get a nice golden brown coloronce they come to a nice golden browncolor to remove them from the oil andserve it hot put some nice chutney orasses[Music]for the butter cookies have takenhundred grams of unsalted butter so asyou can see the butter is very soft makesure it’s at room temperature before youstart whisking it simple to beat thebutter so that it becomes nice light andcreamy[Music]next thing would add 50 grams ofgranulated sugar so this is roughlyabout quarter cup beat the butter andsugar together for about 2 minutes onmedium speed[Music]to this I’m going to add 150 grams ofmaida or all-purpose flour next add 1/2teaspoon of baking powder quarterteaspoon baking soda so now beat theflour and the butter mixture together soinitially if you see when you mixing theflour and the butter it becomes verycrumbly[Music]but later as you keep mixing it it allcombines together[Music]so you can see the flan the bottles allwell combined and it’s formed a nicesoft dough consistency[Music]take a little bit of the cookie doughjust roll it into even sized ballsplace the divided cookie dough ballsonto the baking tray this has been linedwith butter paper preheat the oven to180 degrees for about 10 minutes justgrease the folk with a little butterso gently press the cookie dough ballthe folk[Music]bake the cookies at 180 degrees for 15minutes so you can see the buttercookies look absolutely fantasticthey’ve got a lovely golden color to itdon’t leave the cookies in the oven fortoo long because they can become tooBrown cool the cookies completely tillthey’re at room temperature[Music]for the barakah vada that is theplantain but I have taken three wholeplanten’s current three along with theskin next I’m going to pressure-cook Pplantain pieces take a little water intothe pressure cooker pressure goes alongwith the skinpressure cook for about three to fourwhistles on medium flame[Music]the plant was cooked beautifully removethem from the pressure cooker and coolthem completely the planter has cooledon completely just remove the skin soonce it’s cooked it kind of peels offvery easily so just remove it[Music]match the cooked plantains so I’m justusing a mashup can also use your handsto just mash them to this entire 1/2teaspoon of saltnext add one large onion finely choppeda few curry leaves finely chopped 2green chilies finely chopped a piece ofginger finely chopped 1/2 tsp cuminseeds quarter teaspoon of turmericpowder 1 teaspoon of chili powder tothis add 2 tablespoons of rice flour mixeverything togetherjust check for seizing if we need to adda little salt you can add at this pointthe four makings of others take a smallportion of the vada mixture roll it outand make it into small patties[Music]we got deep-fried even asked for thistake a kadai pour enough oil once theoil is heated reduce a flame to a mediumgently drop the vadas into the hot oil[Music]deep fry them till they’re a nice goldenbrown color the pandas are a nicegolden-brown color remove them from theoil and serve them hot[Music]you can get a copy of first edition ofthe home cooking book on 21-3[Music]