Ingredients and mixing bread dough
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi I had a friend who asked me to makebread and put it on YouTube and so thisis my first baking on YouTube we’ll seehow this goes before I started I want toread the first couple of verses of inPsalm 91 I’m sure you’re well aware ofthis Psalm you’ve read it probably manytimes it’s a fantastic entire song butthe first two verses say those who livein the shelter of the most high willfind rest in the shadow of the Almightythis I declare about the Lord he is myrefuge my place of safety he is my godand I trust him and that’s kind of whereI’m coming fromspiritually but today we’re going tobake bread now let me say that there’s areason why I started baking bread manyyears ago probably eight or nine yearsago I we like whole-wheat bread and itwas getting so expensive and there’s Imean there’s cheap whole-wheat bread butdid you know that a lot of that has raceand juice in it I mean I cannot I cannotthink of anything more disgusting thanputting raisin juice in bread but anywayI could taste it and so the good kindgot really expensive so I told myhusband well I think I’m just gonnastart baking it and I did well and thenonce you do you kind of get addicted soit’s hard to go back to regular breadbut anyway that’s what we’re gonna doso first hang on I have just I have justa little over three cups of warm waterthere’s only one way that I’ve evertested the water and that’s by puttingmy wrist into it and if it doesn’t burnit then it’s fineso you know you can good however youwant but I don’t use a thermometer oranything like that so what we do I userapid rise yeastand if I don’t use the other kind Idon’t I’m not patient enough so I usetwo packages of yeast and I check mywater coming just to make sure it’s nottoo hot or warm enough so anyway we’regoing to dissolve two packages of yeastof this yeast in the water and kind ofstir that we’re going to again dissolveit and then as we’re stirring it you cando this it’s not like rocket science oranything like that you can just startadding some of your ingredients which Ihave half a cup of oil and a half a cupof brown sugar I use light brown you cantest and try this isn’t hard you can doit and then I use about a tablespoon ofsalt so those are kind of theingredients that I dissolve and we’regoing to dissolve that up real good andthen I’m going to show you how to addthe other stuff well while I’m mixingthis I use right now I use Bob’sregiment Red Mill whole wheat flourmy favorite is Hodgson’s mill but Ican’t find it except to order it andthat’s super expensive so I’ve bondedthis and it’s not bad it’s pretty goodand I’m pretty picky so yeah it’s goodand I have three cups of that in thisbowl now I want to tell you right off asI stir here and try not to make a mess II don’t measure okay so for this video Ihave measured things so I’m gonna dumpit in and if it looks right then that’sthe measurement you need to use so I dothat and then I use unbleached flour sowe’ve got three cups of this so this ispretty well dissolved and again it’sgoing to be okay the rapid rise yeastmakes a whole lot of difference I thinkit’s easier so three cups of the wholewheat flour and I’m gonna see if that’senough because again I usually go bylook onwhich I know that’s gonna kill some ofyou guys but just you know that’s how itis and of course that’s not enoughso we wrapped up some more in here I’dsay another runner two-thirds cup or sowhich looks greatokay so now we’re gonna say about threeand a half to three and two-thirds cupof the whole wheat flour and it shouldlook like this you can see that I hopeif you can’t then again you want itpretty soupy okay but not too thinoh I know that’s not much help is itokay so in the unbleached flour I havefour cups I’ve been starting with fouragain I don’t measure this so I’m kindof experimenting along with all you guysand we’re gonna dump that in and there’sfour cups which is not nearly enough Ican already tell and we are going tostir that and give it to a consistencywhere you can knead it and that’s alittle little tricky um not really but Imean you want to be able to put it outon a floured board and by the way I’vecleaned all my cabinet off it’s allclean I don’t use a board or anythinglike that I just use my cabinet andthat’s pretty sticky so that was fourcups I’m thinking well we’re gonna majorhere which this just goes kind of it’swhat I do but we’re gonna do it I’mgonna do it for you guysso there’s another cup so we’re at fivecups now and that’s looking actuallypretty good so it’s looking like maybe Ican put it out on two out onto thecabinet and start kneading it which okayI’m going to try to show you thissee it’s kind of starting to get into aball and I could probably work on thatwork that and that’s what I’m going todo and I wanted to tell you – I amrepresented here by Texas I have myTexas coffee cup which I drink coffeeevery time I cook or anything like thatand I also have my little tea towel thatone of my granddaughters made I thinkthis was Lisa who made this and I wantto honestly dedicate this to this showto my grandkids who I baked with that’sJaron Elyse karlie and Claire and I loveyou all and I love all my grandkids butthose are the ones I’ve baked with sonow I also want to dedicate this to thelady who taught me how to bake bread andthat’s my Nutella Garris so okay I’mgoing to load down line cabinet withflour and then just gonna dump this onhereand this is where the fun starts thekneading and that’s one specifically onething that a friend of mine asked aboutand it’s it just takes time and if youwant to use a KitchenAid things you knowto knead itmy daughter law says that her bread cameout the smoothest she just ever had itwhen she used that which is great Idon’t have I don’t use one and so anywaypour some flour on there because youwant to be able to work it without itsticking and then we’re just gonna startkneading and we just I just kind ofstart you know like this and I have totell you one time I had my shoulder washurting me so badand I couldn’t get it fixed I couldn’twork it out and I thought you know Ijust make some bread and see what thatdoes well by the time I was donekneading and working my shoulder it felta lot better okayso you can see this is already forminginto a nice ball here of dough and whichis fun okay now this is gonna have to beneeded just like this you just in usethe heels of your hand and just knead itand you want to knead it until it’s kindof smooth and elastic so I’m gonna dothis and while I do this we’re gonnatake a little break and you guys cancome back to part two if you would liketo so I’m just kneading and it’s gonnabe turned off