Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
next step is still the floor mixer intwo men and a mixture[Music]whether we were signing up II hid lied areal did with a skew a medium height andput some morethis make sure you let me restlet Lee rest with our five minutes orten minutes because they’re bakingpowder make the pie pieces punch[Music]I’ll meet you a spoon with you cup ofthe mixture and slow their fire with amedium high or low height and put themixercook the pancake until they both sidesto this Spanky gonna do this color orgolden brownso the packet is ready you can servethese hot some of Nutella or condensedmilkI prefer Nutella like this this is sodelicious and somehow banana slices forthe cord